AWS IoT Jobs v2.0.0
Client library for AWS IoT Jobs
No Matches
jobs.h File Reference

Client library APIs for the AWS IoT Jobs service. More...

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

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Data Structures

struct  JobsUpdateRequest_t
 Structure for Jobs_UpdateMsg request parameters. More...


#define TOPIC_BUFFER_SIZE   256U
 Size of Topic Buffer.
 Size of Jobs Start Next Message Buffer.
 Size of Jobs Update Message Buffer.
#define JOBS_THINGNAME_MAX_LENGTH   128U /* per AWS IoT API Reference */
 Maximum length of a thing name for the AWS IoT Jobs Service.
#define JOBS_JOBID_MAX_LENGTH   64U /* per AWS IoT API Reference */
 Maximum length of a job ID for the AWS IoT Jobs Service.
 User defined maximum length of a thing name for the application.
 User defined maximum length of a job ID for the application.
 Topic string for subscribing to the NextJobExecutionChanged API.
 Topic string for subscribing to the JobExecutionsChanged API.
 Topic string for publishing to the StartNextPendingJobExecution API.
 Topic string for publishing to the GetPendingJobExecutions API.
 Topic string for querying the next pending job from the DescribeJobExecution API.
#define JOBS_API_MAX_LENGTH(thingNameLength)
 The size needed to hold the longest topic for a given thing name length.


enum  JobsStatus_t {
  JobsError = 0 , JobsSuccess , JobsNoMatch , JobsBadParameter ,
 Return codes from jobs functions. More...
enum  JobCurrentStatus_t {
  Queued , InProgress , Failed , Succeeded ,
 Status codes for jobs.
enum  JobUpdateStatus_t { JobUpdateStatus_Accepted , JobUpdateStatus_Rejected }
 Status codes for job update status.
enum  JobsTopic_t {
  JobsInvalidTopic = -1 , JobsJobsChanged , JobsNextJobChanged , JobsGetPendingSuccess ,
  JobsGetPendingFailed , JobsStartNextSuccess , JobsStartNextFailed , JobsDescribeSuccess ,
  JobsDescribeFailed , JobsUpdateSuccess , JobsUpdateFailed , JobsMaxTopic
 Topic values for subscription requests. More...


JobsStatus_t Jobs_GetTopic (char *buffer, size_t length, const char *thingName, uint16_t thingNameLength, JobsTopic_t api, size_t *outLength)
 Populate a topic string for a subscription request.
JobsStatus_t Jobs_MatchTopic (char *topic, size_t length, const char *thingName, uint16_t thingNameLength, JobsTopic_t *outApi, char **outJobId, uint16_t *outJobIdLength)
 Output a topic value if a Jobs API topic string is present. Optionally, output a pointer to a jobID within the topic and its length.
JobsStatus_t Jobs_GetPending (char *buffer, size_t length, const char *thingName, uint16_t thingNameLength, size_t *outLength)
 Populate a topic string for a GetPendingJobExecutions request.
JobsStatus_t Jobs_StartNext (char *buffer, size_t length, const char *thingName, uint16_t thingNameLength, size_t *outLength)
 Populate a topic string for a StartNextPendingJobExecution request.
size_t Jobs_StartNextMsg (const char *clientToken, size_t clientTokenLength, char *buffer, size_t bufferSize)
 Populate a message string for a StartNextPendingJobExecution request.
JobsStatus_t Jobs_Describe (char *buffer, size_t length, const char *thingName, uint16_t thingNameLength, const char *jobId, uint16_t jobIdLength, size_t *outLength)
 Populate a topic string for a DescribeJobExecution request.
JobsStatus_t Jobs_Update (char *buffer, size_t length, const char *thingName, uint16_t thingNameLength, const char *jobId, uint16_t jobIdLength, size_t *outLength)
 Populate a topic string for an UpdateJobExecution request.
size_t Jobs_UpdateMsg (JobsUpdateRequest_t request, char *buffer, size_t bufferSize)
 Populate a message string for an UpdateJobExecution request.
size_t Jobs_GetJobId (const char *message, size_t messageLength, const char **jobId)
 Retrieves the job ID from a given message (if applicable)
size_t Jobs_GetJobDocument (const char *message, size_t messageLength, const char **jobDoc)
 Retrieves the job document from a given message (if applicable)
bool Jobs_IsStartNextAccepted (const char *topic, const size_t topicLength, const char *thingName, const size_t thingNameLength)
 Checks if a message comes from the start-next/accepted reserved topic.
bool Jobs_IsJobUpdateStatus (const char *topic, const size_t topicLength, const char *jobId, const size_t jobIdLength, const char *thingName, const size_t thingNameLength, JobUpdateStatus_t expectedStatus)
 Checks if a message comes from the update/accepted reserved topic.

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation



User defined maximum length of a thing name for the application.




User defined maximum length of a job ID for the application.


Function Documentation

◆ Jobs_GetTopic()

JobsStatus_t Jobs_GetTopic ( char *  buffer,
size_t  length,
const char *  thingName,
uint16_t  thingNameLength,
JobsTopic_t  api,
size_t *  outLength 

Populate a topic string for a subscription request.

[in]bufferThe buffer to contain the topic string.
[in]lengthThe size of the buffer.
[in]thingNameThe device's thingName as registered with AWS IoT.
[in]thingNameLengthThe length of the thingName.
[in]apiThe desired Jobs API, e.g., JobsNextJobChanged.
[out]outLengthThe length of the topic string written to the buffer.
JobsSuccess if the topic was written to the buffer; JobsBadParameter if invalid parameters are passed; JobsBufferTooSmall if the buffer cannot hold the full topic string.

When all parameters are valid, the topic string is written to the buffer up to one less than the buffer size. The topic is ended with a NUL character.

The thingName parameter does not need a NUL terminator.
The AWS IoT Jobs service does not require clients to subscribe to the "/accepted" and "/rejected" response topics for the APIs that accept requests on PUBLISH topics. The Jobs service will send responses to requests from clients irrespective of whether they have subscribed to response topics or not. For more information, refer to the AWS docs here:


// The following example shows usage of the Jobs_GetTopic API to
// generate topic string for the NextJobExecutionChanged API
// of AWS IoT Jobs service.
// Every device should have a unique thing name registered with AWS IoT Core.
// This example uses a dummy serial number for the thing name.
#define THING_NAME "11223445566"
#define THING_NAME_LENGTH ( sizeof( THING_NAME ) - 1U )
// This example allocates a buffer of maximum length for a Jobs topic
// possible for the thing name using the JOBS_API_MAX_LENGTH macro.
char topicBuffer[ JOBS_API_MAX_LENGTH( THING_NAME_LENGTH ) ] = { 0 };
uint16_t topicLength = 0U;
status = Jobs_GetTopic( topicBuffer,
sizeof( topicBuffer ),
&( topicLength ) );
if( status == JobsSuccess )
// The topic string of length, topicLength, has been
// generated in the buffer, topicBuffer, for the NextJobExecutionChanged API.
// Subscribe to this topic using an MQTT client of your choice.
#define JOBS_API_MAX_LENGTH(thingNameLength)
The size needed to hold the longest topic for a given thing name length.
Definition: jobs.h:248
Return codes from jobs functions.
Definition: jobs.h:258
@ JobsSuccess
The buffer was properly written or a match was found.
Definition: jobs.h:260
JobsStatus_t Jobs_GetTopic(char *buffer, size_t length, const char *thingName, uint16_t thingNameLength, JobsTopic_t api, size_t *outLength)
Populate a topic string for a subscription request.
Definition: jobs.c:285

See jobs.h for docs.

◆ Jobs_MatchTopic()

JobsStatus_t Jobs_MatchTopic ( char *  topic,
size_t  length,
const char *  thingName,
uint16_t  thingNameLength,
JobsTopic_t outApi,
char **  outJobId,
uint16_t *  outJobIdLength 

Output a topic value if a Jobs API topic string is present. Optionally, output a pointer to a jobID within the topic and its length.

[in]topicThe topic string to check.
[in]lengthThe length of the topic string.
[in]thingNameThe device's thingName as registered with AWS IoT.
[in]thingNameLengthThe length of the thingName.
[out]outApiThe jobs topic API value if present, e.g., JobsUpdateSuccess.
[out]outJobIdThe beginning of the jobID in the topic string.
[out]outJobIdLengthThe length of the jobID in the topic string.
JobsSuccess if a matching topic was found; JobsNoMatch if a matching topic was NOT found (parameter outApi gets JobsInvalidTopic ); JobsBadParameter if invalid parameters are passed.
The topic and thingName parameters do not need a NUL terminator.
Not all Jobs APIs have jobIDs within the topic string. NULL and 0 are output when no jobID is present. The parameters jobId and jobIdLength may be NULL.


// The following example shows how to use the Jobs_MatchTopic API to
// check if an incoming MQTT publish message is from the AWS IoT Jobs
// service.
// Assuming that these variables contain incoming topic data received
// from the MQTT client used.
char * pIncomingTopic;
size_t topicLength;
// Every device should have a unique thing name registered with AWS IoT Core.
// This example uses a dummy serial number for the thing name.
// The Jobs_MatchTopic API will check that the incoming message topic contains
// this thing name.
#define THING_NAME "11223445566"
#define THING_NAME_LENGTH ( sizeof( THING_NAME ) - 1U )
char * pJobId = NULL;
uint16_t jobIdLength;
status = Jobs_MatchTopic( pIncomingTopic,
&jobIdLength );
if( status == JobsSuccess )
// The Jobs_MatchTopic API has determined that the incoming topic is from
// AWS IoT Jobs service for the expected thing name.
// If the topic contains a jobID, then the pJobId and jobIdLength parameters
// populated by the API.
if( api == JobsJobsChanged )
{ // Message from JobExecutionsChanged API.
else if( api == JobsNextJobChanged )
{ // Message from NextJobExecutionChanged API.
else if( api == JobsGetPendingSuccess )
{ // Received accepted response for request to GetPendingJobExecutions API.
else if( api == JobsGetPendingFailed )
{ // Received rejected response for request to GetPendingJobExecutions API.
else if( api == JobsStartNextSuccess )
{ // Received accepted response for request to StartNextPendingJobExecution API.
else if( api == JobsStartNextFailed )
{ // Received rejected response for request to StartNextPendingJobExecution API.
else if( api == JobsDescribeSuccess )
{ // Received accepted response for request to DescribeJobExecution API.
else if( api == JobsDescribeFailed )
{ // Received rejected response for request to DescribeJobExecution API.
else if( api == JobsUpdateSuccess )
{ // Received accepted response for request to UpdateJobExecution API.
else if( api == JobsUpdateFailed )
{ // Received rejected response for request to UpdateJobExecution API.
// Unexpected response.
Topic values for subscription requests.
Definition: jobs.h:304
JobsStatus_t Jobs_MatchTopic(char *topic, size_t length, const char *thingName, uint16_t thingNameLength, JobsTopic_t *outApi, char **outJobId, uint16_t *outJobIdLength)
Output a topic value if a Jobs API topic string is present. Optionally, output a pointer to a jobID w...
Definition: jobs.c:606

Output a topic value if a Jobs API topic string is present. Optionally, output a pointer to a jobID within the topic and its length.

See jobs.h for docs.

◆ Jobs_GetPending()

JobsStatus_t Jobs_GetPending ( char *  buffer,
size_t  length,
const char *  thingName,
uint16_t  thingNameLength,
size_t *  outLength 

Populate a topic string for a GetPendingJobExecutions request.

[in]bufferThe buffer to contain the topic string.
[in]lengthThe size of the buffer.
[in]thingNameThe device's thingName as registered with AWS IoT.
[in]thingNameLengthThe length of the thingName.
[out]outLengthThe length of the topic string written to the buffer.
JobsSuccess if the topic was written to the buffer; JobsBadParameter if invalid parameters are passed; JobsBufferTooSmall if the buffer cannot hold the full topic string.

When all parameters are valid, the topic string is written to the buffer up to one less than the buffer size. The topic is ended with a NUL character.

The thingName parameter does not need a NUL terminator.
The AWS IoT Jobs service does not require clients to subscribe to the "/accepted" and "/rejected" response topics of the GetPendingJobExecutions API. The Jobs service will send responses to requests published to the API from clients irrespective of whether they have subscribed to response topics or not. For more information, refer to the AWS docs here:


// The following example shows usage of the Jobs_GetPending API to
// generate topic string for the GetPendingJobExecutions API
// of the AWS IoT Jobs service.
// Every device should have a unique thing name registered with AWS IoT Core.
// This example uses a dummy serial number for the thing name.
#define THING_NAME "11223445566"
#define THING_NAME_LENGTH ( sizeof( THING_NAME ) - 1U )
// This example allocates a buffer of maximum length for a Jobs topic
// possible for the thing name using the JOBS_API_MAX_LENGTH macro.
char topicBuffer[ JOBS_API_MAX_LENGTH( THING_NAME_LENGTH ) ] = { 0 };
uint16_t topicLength = 0U;
status = Jobs_GetPending( topicBuffer,
sizeof( topicBuffer ),
&( topicLength ) );
if( status == JobsSuccess )
// The topic string of length, topicLength, has been
// generated in the buffer, topicBuffer, for the GetPendingJobExecutions API.
// Publish to this topic using an MQTT client of your choice.
JobsStatus_t Jobs_GetPending(char *buffer, size_t length, const char *thingName, uint16_t thingNameLength, size_t *outLength)
Populate a topic string for a GetPendingJobExecutions request.
Definition: jobs.c:666

See jobs.h for docs.

◆ Jobs_StartNext()

JobsStatus_t Jobs_StartNext ( char *  buffer,
size_t  length,
const char *  thingName,
uint16_t  thingNameLength,
size_t *  outLength 

Populate a topic string for a StartNextPendingJobExecution request.

[in]bufferThe buffer to contain the topic string.
[in]lengthThe size of the buffer.
[in]thingNameThe device's thingName as registered with AWS IoT.
[in]thingNameLengthThe length of the thingName.
[out]outLengthThe length of the topic string written to the buffer.
JobsSuccess if the topic was written to the buffer; JobsBadParameter if invalid parameters are passed; JobsBufferTooSmall if the buffer cannot hold the full topic string.

When all parameters are valid, the topic string is written to the buffer up to one less than the buffer size. The topic is ended with a NUL character.

The thingName parameter does not need a NUL terminator.
The AWS IoT Jobs service does not require clients to subscribe to the "/accepted" and "/rejected" response topics of the StartNextPendingJobExecution API. The Jobs service will send responses to requests published to the API from clients irrespective of whether they have subscribed to response topics or not. For more information, refer to the AWS docs here:


// The following example shows usage of the Jobs_StartNext API to
// generate topic string for the StartNextPendingJobExecution API
// of the AWS IoT Jobs service.
// Every device should have a unique thing name registered with AWS IoT Core.
// This example uses a dummy serial number for the thing name.
#define THING_NAME "11223445566"
#define THING_NAME_LENGTH ( sizeof( THING_NAME ) - 1U )
// This example allocates a buffer of maximum length for a Jobs topic
// possible for the thing name using the JOBS_API_MAX_LENGTH macro.
char topicBuffer[ JOBS_API_MAX_LENGTH( THING_NAME_LENGTH ) ] = { 0 };
uint16_t topicLength = 0U;
status = Jobs_StartNext( topicBuffer,
sizeof( topicBuffer ),
&( topicLength ) );
if( status == JobsSuccess )
// The topic string of length, topicLength, has been generated in
// the buffer, topicBuffer, for the StartNextPendingJobExecution API.
// Publish to this topic using an MQTT client of your choice.
JobsStatus_t Jobs_StartNext(char *buffer, size_t length, const char *thingName, uint16_t thingNameLength, size_t *outLength)
Populate a topic string for a StartNextPendingJobExecution request.
Definition: jobs.c:699

See jobs.h for docs.

◆ Jobs_StartNextMsg()

size_t Jobs_StartNextMsg ( const char *  clientToken,
size_t  clientTokenLength,
char *  buffer,
size_t  bufferSize 

Populate a message string for a StartNextPendingJobExecution request.

clientTokenThe device's token
clientTokenLengthThe expected length of the clientToken
bufferThe buffer to be written to
bufferSizeThe size of the buffer
0 if write to buffer fails
The message length if the write is successful


// The Following Example shows usage of the Jobs_StartNextMsg API
// to generate a message string for a StartNextPendingJobExecution request.
const char clientToken[] = "test";
size_t clientTokenLength = ( sizeof( clientToken ) - 1U );
char messageBuffer[ START_JOB_MSG_LENGTH ] = {0};
size_t messageLength = 0U;
messageLength = Jobs_StartNextMsg( clientToken,
if ( messageLength > 0 )
// The message string of the clientToken has been generated in
// the buffer, messageBuffer, for the StartNextPendingJobExecution request
// Publish to the topic string generated by Jobs_StartNext() using an
// MQTT client of your choice.
Size of Jobs Start Next Message Buffer.
Definition: jobs.h:55
size_t Jobs_StartNextMsg(const char *clientToken, size_t clientTokenLength, char *buffer, size_t bufferSize)
Populate a message string for a StartNextPendingJobExecution request.
Definition: jobs.c:727

◆ Jobs_Describe()

JobsStatus_t Jobs_Describe ( char *  buffer,
size_t  length,
const char *  thingName,
uint16_t  thingNameLength,
const char *  jobId,
uint16_t  jobIdLength,
size_t *  outLength 

Populate a topic string for a DescribeJobExecution request.

[in]bufferThe buffer to contain the topic string.
[in]lengthThe size of the buffer.
[in]thingNameThe device's thingName as registered with AWS IoT.
[in]thingNameLengthThe length of the thingName.
[out]jobIdThe ID of the job to describe.
[out]jobIdLengthThe length of the job ID.
[out]outLengthThe length of the topic string written to the buffer.
JobsSuccess if the topic was written to the buffer; JobsBadParameter if invalid parameters are passed; JobsBufferTooSmall if the buffer cannot hold the full topic string.

When all parameters are valid, the topic string is written to the buffer up to one less than the buffer size. The topic is ended with a NUL character.

A jobId consisting of the string, "$next", is supported to generate a topic string to request the next pending job.
The thingName and jobId parameters do not need a NUL terminator.
The AWS IoT Jobs service does not require clients to subscribe to the "/accepted" and "/rejected" response topics of the DescribeJobExecution API. The Jobs service will send responses to requests published to the API from clients irrespective of whether they have subscribed to response topics or not. For more information, refer to the AWS docs here:


// The following example shows usage of the Jobs_Describe API to
// generate topic string for the DescribeJobExecution API
// of the AWS IoT Jobs service.
// Every device should have a unique thing name registered with AWS IoT Core.
// This example uses a dummy serial number for the thing name.
#define THING_NAME "11223445566"
#define THING_NAME_LENGTH ( sizeof( THING_NAME ) - 1U )
// The job ID is required to send a status update for a job to the AWS IoT
// Jobs service.
#define JOB_ID "My_Job"
#define JOB_ID_LENGTH ( sizeof( JOB_ID ) - 1U )
// This example allocates a buffer of maximum length for a Jobs topic
// possible for the thing name using the JOBS_API_MAX_LENGTH macro.
char topicBuffer[ JOBS_API_MAX_LENGTH( THING_NAME_LENGTH ) ] = { 0 };
uint16_t topicLength = 0U;
status = Jobs_Describe( topicBuffer,
sizeof( topicBuffer ),
&( topicLength ) );
if( status == JobsSuccess )
// The topic string of length, topicLength, has been generated in
// the buffer, topicBuffer, for the DescribeJobExecution API.
// Publish to this topic using an MQTT client of your choice.
JobsStatus_t Jobs_Describe(char *buffer, size_t length, const char *thingName, uint16_t thingNameLength, const char *jobId, uint16_t jobIdLength, size_t *outLength)
Populate a topic string for a DescribeJobExecution request.
Definition: jobs.c:749

See jobs.h for docs.

◆ Jobs_Update()

JobsStatus_t Jobs_Update ( char *  buffer,
size_t  length,
const char *  thingName,
uint16_t  thingNameLength,
const char *  jobId,
uint16_t  jobIdLength,
size_t *  outLength 

Populate a topic string for an UpdateJobExecution request.

[in]bufferThe buffer to contain the topic string.
[in]lengthThe size of the buffer.
[in]thingNameThe device's thingName as registered with AWS IoT.
[in]thingNameLengthThe length of the thingName.
[out]jobIdThe ID of the job to describe.
[out]jobIdLengthThe length of the job ID.
[out]outLengthThe length of the topic string written to the buffer.
JobsSuccess if the topic was written to the buffer; JobsBadParameter if invalid parameters are passed; JobsBufferTooSmall if the buffer cannot hold the full topic string.

When all parameters are valid, the topic string is written to the buffer up to one less than the buffer size. The topic is ended with a NUL character.

The thingName and jobId parameters do not need a NUL terminator.
The AWS IoT Jobs service does not require clients to subscribe to the "/accepted" and "/rejected" response topics of the UpdateJobExecution API. The Jobs service will send responses to requests published to the API from clients irrespective of whether they have subscribed to response topics or not. For more information, refer to the AWS docs here:


// The following example shows usage of the Jobs_Update API to
// generate topic string for the UpdateJobExecution API
// of the AWS IoT Jobs service.
// Every device should have a unique thing name registered with AWS IoT Core.
// This example uses a dummy serial number for the thing name.
#define THING_NAME "11223445566"
#define THING_NAME_LENGTH ( sizeof( THING_NAME ) - 1U )
// The job ID is required to send a status update for a job to the AWS IoT
// Jobs service.
#define JOB_ID "My_Job"
#define JOB_ID_LENGTH ( sizeof( JOB_ID ) - 1U )
// This example allocates a buffer of maximum length for a Jobs topic
// possible for the thing name using the JOBS_API_MAX_LENGTH macro.
char topicBuffer[ JOBS_API_MAX_LENGTH( THING_NAME_LENGTH ) ] = { 0 };
uint16_t topicLength = 0U;
status = Jobs_Update( topicBuffer,
sizeof( topicBuffer ),
&( topicLength ) );
if( status == JobsSuccess )
// The topic string of length, topicLength, has been
// generated in the buffer, topicBuffer, for the UpdateJobExecution API.
// Publish to this topic using an MQTT client of your choice.
JobsStatus_t Jobs_Update(char *buffer, size_t length, const char *thingName, uint16_t thingNameLength, const char *jobId, uint16_t jobIdLength, size_t *outLength)
Populate a topic string for an UpdateJobExecution request.
Definition: jobs.c:790

See jobs.h for docs.

◆ Jobs_UpdateMsg()

size_t Jobs_UpdateMsg ( JobsUpdateRequest_t  request,
char *  buffer,
size_t  bufferSize 

Populate a message string for an UpdateJobExecution request.

requestA jobs update request structure.
bufferThe buffer to be written to.
bufferSizethe size of the buffer.
0 if write to buffer fails.
messageLength if the write is successful.


// The Following Example shows usage of the Jobs_UpdateMsg API to
// generate a message string for the UpdateJobExecution API
// of the AWS IoT Jobs Service.
const char expectedVersion[] = "2";
const char statusDetails[] = "{\"key\":\"value\"}";
char messageBuffer[ UPDATE_JOB_MSG_LENGTH ] = {0};
size_t messageLength = 0U;
request.status = Succeeded;
request.expectedVersion = expectedVersion;
request.expectedVersionLength = ( sizeof( expectedVersion ) - 1U );
request.statusDetails = statusDetails;
request.statusDetailsLength = ( sizeof( statusDetails ) - 1U );
messageLength = Jobs_UpdateMsg( request
if (messageLength > 0 )
// The message string of length, messageLength, has been
// generated in the buffer, messageBuffer, for the UpdateJobExecution API
// Publish this message to the topic generated by Jobs_Update using an
// MQTT client of your choice.
Size of Jobs Update Message Buffer.
Definition: jobs.h:61
size_t Jobs_UpdateMsg(JobsUpdateRequest_t request, char *buffer, size_t bufferSize)
Populate a message string for an UpdateJobExecution request.
Definition: jobs.c:882
Structure for Jobs_UpdateMsg request parameters.
Definition: jobs.h:338
size_t expectedVersionLength
Definition: jobs.h:341
size_t statusDetailsLength
Definition: jobs.h:343
const char * statusDetails
Definition: jobs.h:342
JobCurrentStatus_t status
Definition: jobs.h:339
const char * expectedVersion
Definition: jobs.h:340

◆ Jobs_GetJobId()

size_t Jobs_GetJobId ( const char *  message,
size_t  messageLength,
const char **  jobId 

Retrieves the job ID from a given message (if applicable)

message[In] A JSON formatted message
messageLength[In] The length of the message
jobId[Out] The job ID
size_t The job ID length


// The following example shows the usage of the Jobs_GetJobId API to
// extract the jobId and its length from a message, if present.
const char * message; // A JSON formatted message from the IoT core
size_t messageLength; // Length of the JSON formatted message
const char * jobId; // variable to hold jobId
size_t jobIdLength = 0U; // Holds length of the jobId
jobIdLength = Jobs_GetJobId( message,
if ( jobIdLength > 0 )
// Job ID was successfully extracted from the message
// Store the Job ID so that it can be used as needed by other functions.
// For example, as an input to Jobs_Update.
size_t Jobs_GetJobId(const char *message, size_t messageLength, const char **jobId)
Retrieves the job ID from a given message (if applicable)
Definition: jobs.c:963

◆ Jobs_GetJobDocument()

size_t Jobs_GetJobDocument ( const char *  message,
size_t  messageLength,
const char **  jobDoc 

Retrieves the job document from a given message (if applicable)

message[In] A JSON formatted message which
messageLength[In] The length of the message
jobDoc[Out] The job document
size_t The length of the job document


// The following example shows the usage of the Jobs_GetJobId API to
// extract the jobId and its length from a message, if present.
const char * message; // A JSON formatted message from the IoT core
size_t messageLength; // Length of the JSON formatted message
const char * jobDoc; // variable to hold the job doc
size_t jobDocLength = 0U; // Holds length of the job doc
jobDocLength = Jobs_GetJobDocument( message,
if ( jobDocLength > 0 )
// JobDoc was successfully extracted from the message.
// Pass JobDoc as input to otaParser_parseJobDocFile to
// extract the fields from the job document and store them
// in a AfrOtaJobDocumentFields_t stuct.
size_t Jobs_GetJobDocument(const char *message, size_t messageLength, const char **jobDoc)
Retrieves the job document from a given message (if applicable)
Definition: jobs.c:986

◆ Jobs_IsStartNextAccepted()

bool Jobs_IsStartNextAccepted ( const char *  topic,
const size_t  topicLength,
const char *  thingName,
const size_t  thingNameLength 

Checks if a message comes from the start-next/accepted reserved topic.

topicThe topic to check against
topicLengthThe expected topic length
thingNameThe device's thingName as registered with AWS IoT.
thingNameLengthThe length of the thingName.
true If the topic is the start-next/accepted topic
false If the topic is not the start-next/accepted topic

◆ Jobs_IsJobUpdateStatus()

bool Jobs_IsJobUpdateStatus ( const char *  topic,
const size_t  topicLength,
const char *  jobId,
const size_t  jobIdLength,
const char *  thingName,
const size_t  thingNameLength,
JobUpdateStatus_t  expectedStatus 

Checks if a message comes from the update/accepted reserved topic.

topicThe topic to check against
topicLengthThe expected topic length
jobIdCorresponding Job ID which the update was accepted for
jobIdLengthThe Job ID length
thingNameThe device's thingName as registered with AWS IoT.
thingNameLengthThe length of the thingName.
expectedStatusThe job update status reported by AWS IoT Jobs
true If the topic is the update/<expectedStatus> topic
false If the topic is not the update/<expectedStatus> topic