SigV4 v1.0.0
SigV4 Library for AWS Authentication
sigv4_config_defaults.h File Reference

The default values for configuration macros used by the SigV4 Utility Library. More...

Go to the source code of this file.


 Define this macro to build the AWS IoT SigV4 Library without the custom config file sigv4_config.h. More...
 Macro defining the size of the internal buffer used for incremental canonicalization and hashing. More...
 Macro defining the maximum number of headers in the request, used to assist the library in sorting header fields during canonicalization. More...
 Macro defining the maximum number of query key/value pairs, used to assist the library in sorting query keys during canonicalization. More...
 Macro used to compute the worst-case stack size when sorting elements associated with SIGV4_MAX_QUERY_PAIR_COUNT or SIGV4_MAX_HTTP_HEADER_COUNT. Suppose the max of the two aforementioned macros is X, then the macro below must be set to 2 * ceiling(log(X)/log(2)) where ceiling rounds up the ones digit if the decimal is greater than 0. More...
 Macro indicating the largest block size of any hashing algorithm used for SigV4 authentication i.e. the maximum of all values specified for the hashBlockLen in SigV4CryptoInterface_t. For example, using SHA-512 would require this value to be at least 128. More...
 Macro defining the maximum digest length of the specified hash function, used to determine the length of the output buffer. More...
 Macro to statically enable support for canonicalizing the URI, headers, and query in this utility. More...
#define LogError(message)
 Macro called by the SigV4 Utility library for logging "Error" level messages. More...
#define LogWarn(message)
 Macro called by the the SigV4 Utility library for logging "Warning" level messages. More...
#define LogInfo(message)
 Macro called by the the SigV4 Utility library for logging "Info" level messages. More...
#define LogDebug(message)
 Macro called by the the SigV4 Utility library for logging "Debug" level messages. More...

Detailed Description

The default values for configuration macros used by the SigV4 Utility Library.

This file should NOT be modified. If custom values are needed for any configuration macros, a sigv4_config.h file should be provided to the SigV4 Utility Library to override the default values defined in this file. To use the custom config file, the preprocessor macro SIGV4_DO_NOT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG must NOT be set.

Macro Definition Documentation



Define this macro to build the AWS IoT SigV4 Library without the custom config file sigv4_config.h.

Without the custom config, the the AWS IoT SigV4 Library builds with default values of config macros defined in the sigv4_config_defaults.h file.

If a custom config file is provided, then SIGV4_DO_NOT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG must not be defined.

Default value: SIGV4_DO_NOT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG is not defined by default and the library expects a sigv4_config.h file.



Macro defining the size of the internal buffer used for incremental canonicalization and hashing.

A buffer of this size in bytes is declared on the stack. It should be be large enough for the digest output of the specified hash function.

Possible values: Any positive 32 bit integer.
Default value: 1024



Macro defining the maximum number of headers in the request, used to assist the library in sorting header fields during canonicalization.

This macro should be updated if the number of request headers the application wishes to sign is higher or lower than the default value (100).

Possible values: Any positive 32 bit integer.
Default value: 100



Macro defining the maximum number of query key/value pairs, used to assist the library in sorting query keys during canonicalization.

This macro should be updated if the number of query key/value pairs the application wishes to sign is higher or lower than the default value (100).

Possible values: Any positive 32 bit integer.
Default value: 100



Macro used to compute the worst-case stack size when sorting elements associated with SIGV4_MAX_QUERY_PAIR_COUNT or SIGV4_MAX_HTTP_HEADER_COUNT. Suppose the max of the two aforementioned macros is X, then the macro below must be set to 2 * ceiling(log(X)/log(2)) where ceiling rounds up the ones digit if the decimal is greater than 0.

If updating SIGV4_MAX_QUERY_PAIR_COUNT or SIGV4_MAX_HTTP_HEADER_COUNT, be sure to update this value based on the formula above.



Macro indicating the largest block size of any hashing algorithm used for SigV4 authentication i.e. the maximum of all values specified for the hashBlockLen in SigV4CryptoInterface_t. For example, using SHA-512 would require this value to be at least 128.

Possible values: Any positive 32 bit integer.
Default value: 64



Macro defining the maximum digest length of the specified hash function, used to determine the length of the output buffer.

This macro should be updated if using a hashing algorithm other than SHA256 (32 byte digest length). For example, using SHA512 would require this value to be at least 64.

Possible values: Any positive 32 bit integer.
Default value: 32



Macro to statically enable support for canonicalizing the URI, headers, and query in this utility.

Set this to one to enable the encoding functions used to create the canonical request.

Possible values: 0 or 1
Default value: 1

◆ LogError

#define LogError (   message)

Macro called by the SigV4 Utility library for logging "Error" level messages.

To enable error level logging in the SigV4 Utility library, this macro should be mapped to the application-specific logging implementation that supports error logging.

This logging macro is called in the SigV4 Utility library with parameters wrapped in double parentheses to be ISO C89/C90 standard compliant. For a reference POSIX implementation of the logging macros, refer to sigv4_config.h files, and the logging-stack in demos folder of the [AWS IoT Embedded C SDK repository](

Default value: Error logging is turned off, and no code is generated for calls to the macro in the SigV4 Utility library on compilation.

◆ LogWarn

#define LogWarn (   message)

Macro called by the the SigV4 Utility library for logging "Warning" level messages.

To enable warning level logging in the SigV4 Utility library, this macro should be mapped to the application-specific logging implementation that supports warning logging.

This logging macro is called in the SigV4 Utility library with parameters wrapped in double parentheses to be ISO C89/C90 standard compliant. For a reference POSIX implementation of the logging macros, refer to sigv4_config.h files, and the logging-stack in demos folder of the [AWS IoT Embedded C SDK repository](

Default value: Warning logs are turned off, and no code is generated for calls to the macro in the SigV4 Utility library on compilation.

◆ LogInfo

#define LogInfo (   message)

Macro called by the the SigV4 Utility library for logging "Info" level messages.

To enable info level logging in the SigV4 Utility library, this macro should be mapped to the application-specific logging implementation that supports info logging.

This logging macro is called in the SigV4 Utility library with parameters wrapped in double parentheses to be ISO C89/C90 standard compliant. For a reference POSIX implementation of the logging macros, refer to sigv4_config.h files, and the logging-stack in demos folder of the [AWS IoT Embedded C SDK repository](

Default value: Info logging is turned off, and no code is generated for calls to the macro in the SigV4 Utility library on compilation.

◆ LogDebug

#define LogDebug (   message)

Macro called by the the SigV4 Utility library for logging "Debug" level messages.

To enable debug level logging from SigV4 Utility library, this macro should be mapped to the application-specific logging implementation that supports debug logging.

This logging macro is called in the SigV4 Utility library with parameters wrapped in double parentheses to be ISO C89/C90 standard compliant. For a reference POSIX implementation of the logging macros, refer to sigv4_config.h files, and the logging-stack in demos folder of the [AWS IoT Embedded C SDK repository](

Default value: Debug logging is turned off, and no code is generated for calls to the macro in the SigV4 Utility library on compilation.