Package-level declarations


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VideoFrameBuffer is a buffer which contains a single video buffer's raw data. Typically owned by a VideoFrame which includes additional metadata.

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class VideoFrameI420Buffer(val width: Int, val height: Int, val dataY: ByteBuffer, val dataU: ByteBuffer, val dataV: ByteBuffer, val strideY: Int, val strideU: Int, val strideV: Int, releaseCallback: Runnable) : VideoFrameBuffer

VideoFrameI420Buffer provides an reference counted wrapper of a YUV where planes are natively (i.e. in JNI) allocated direct byte buffers.

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class VideoFrameRGBABuffer(val width: Int, val height: Int, val data: ByteBuffer, val stride: Int, releaseCallback: Runnable) : VideoFrameBuffer

VideoFrameRGBABuffer provides an reference counted wrapper of an RGBA natively (i.e. in JNI) allocated direct byte buffer.

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class VideoFrameTextureBuffer(val width: Int, val height: Int, val textureId: Int, val transformMatrix: Matrix?, val type: VideoFrameTextureBuffer.Type, releaseCallback: Runnable) : VideoFrameBuffer

VideoFrameTextureBuffer provides an reference counted wrapper of an OpenGLES texture and related metadata