class DefaultEglCore(releaseCallback: Runnable? = null, sharedContext: EGLContext = EGL14.EGL_NO_CONTEXT) : EglCore
DefaultEglCore is an implementation of EglCore which uses EGL14 and OpenGLES2. OpenGLES3 has incompatibilities with AmazonChimeSDKMedia library.
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A EGLContext which was created with eglDisplay and eglConfig, may or may not be the current context on the thread, users must call EGL14.eglMakeCurrent after creating a valid current surface. This may be passed to other components to share the context.
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Current initialized EGLDisplay
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Current EGLSurface. Will likely be EGL14.EGL_NO_SURFACE on init. As EglCore does not include helper functions users must create this value themselves, which is why it is defined as var