
Add, update, or remove subscriptions to remote video sources provided via remoteVideoSourcesDidBecomeAvailable.

This function requires using the RemoteVideoSource provided by OnRemoteVideoSourcesAvailable, otherwise it will not update properly. This is what allows to use the RemoteVideoSource objects as keys in a map.

Including a RemoteVideoSource in addedOrUpdated which was not previously provided will result in the negotiation of media flow for that source. After negotiation has completed,videoTileDidAdd on the tile controller will be called with the TileState of the source, and applications can render the video via 'bindVideoTile'. Reincluding a RemoteVideoSource can be done to update the provided VideoSubscriptionConfiguration, but it is not necessary to continue receiving frames.

Including a RemoteVideoSource in removed will stop the flow video from that source, and lead to a videoTileDidRemove call on the tile controller to indicate to the application that the tile should be unbound. To restart the flow of media, the source should be re-added by including in addedOrUpdated. Note that videos no longer available in a meeting (i.e. listed in remoteVideoSourcesDidBecomeUnavailable) do not need to be removed, as they will be automatically unsubscribed from.

Note that before this function is called for the first time, the client will automatically subscribe to all video sources. However this behavior will cease upon first call (e.g. if there are 10 videos in the meeting, the controller will subscribe to all 10, however if updateVideoSourceSubscriptions is called with a single video in addedOrUpdated, the client will unsubscribe from the other 9. This automatic subscription behavior may be removed in future major version updates, builders should avoid relying on the logic and instead explicitly call updateVideoSourceSubscriptions with the sources they want to receive.



: Map - updated or added video source configurations.


: Array - video sources to remove.