
This observer callback will only be called for attendees in Replica meetings that have been promoted to the Primary meeting via AudioVideoFacade.promoteToPrimaryMeeting.

Indicates that the client is no longer authenticated to the Primary meeting and can no longer share media. status will contain a MeetingSessionStatusCode of the following:

  • MeetingSessionStatusCode.OK: AudioVideoFacade.demoteFromPrimaryMeeting was used to remove the attendee.

  • MeetingSessionStatusCode.AudioAuthenticationRejected: chime::DeleteAttendee was called on the Primary meeting attendee used in AudioVideoFacade.promoteToPrimaryMeeting.

  • MeetingSessionStatusCode.AudioInternalServerError: Other failure, possibly due to disconnect or timeout. These failures are likely retryable. Any disconnection will trigger an automatic demotion to avoid unexpected or unwanted promotion state on reconnection.



: MeetingSessionStatus - Reason for demotion, see notes above