Package-level declarations
The credentials needed for TURN. Obtained by making a turn request with TURNRequestParams.
Data needed to make a request for TURNCredentials.
VideoClientController uses the Video Client for video related functionality such as starting local or remote video, switching camera, or pausing a remote video.
Allows a component to respond to lifecycle events from VideoClientStateController.
VideoClientObserver handles all callbacks related to the Video Client and allows higher level components to observe the lower level Video Client events.
The current state of the Video Client. Used by VideoClientStateController for lifecycle methods and to determine if VideoClientController actions are allowed based on current state.
VideoClientStateController holds the current VideoClientState of the Video Client and handles lifecycle (start, initialize, stop, destroy) for the Video Client. VideoClientController should also ask VideoClientStateController if an action is allowed based on the current Video Client state.
VideoSourceAdapter provides two classes to adapt VideoSource to