VideoClientController uses the Video Client for video related functionality such as starting local or remote video, switching camera, or pausing a remote video.
See AudioVideoFacade.demoteFromPrimaryMeeting
Get the currently active camera, if any. This will return null if using a custom source, e.g. one passed in via startLocalVideo
Get the meeting session configuration
See AudioVideoFacade.promoteToPrimaryMeeting
Send message via data channel
Set max bitrate in kbps for mobile video client
Pause or resume a remote video tile.
Start local video and begin transmitting frames from an internally held DefaultCameraCaptureSource. stopLocalVideo will stop the internal capture source if being used.
Start local video with configuration and begin transmitting frames from an internally held DefaultCameraCaptureSource. stopLocalVideo will stop the internal capture source if being used.
Start local video with a provided custom VideoSource which can be used to provide custom VideoFrames to be transmitted to remote clients. This will call VideoSource.addVideoSink on the provided source.
Start local video with with configuration and a provided custom VideoSource which can be used to provide custom VideoFrame objects to be transmitted to remote clients
Starts receiving video from remote attendee(s).
Stop and destroy the video client.
Stops sending video for local attendee. This will additionally stop the internal capture source if being used. If using a custom video source, this will call VideoSource.removeVideoSink on the previously provided source.
Stops receiving video from remote attendee(s).
Switches the currently active camera. This will no-op if using a custom source, e.g. one passed in via startLocalVideo
Update remote video source subscription configurations, perform internal conversions.