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QueueListElement_t Struct Reference

Data structure of an mq. More...

Data Fields

Link_t xLink
QueueHandle_t xQueue
size_t xOpenDescriptors
char * pcName
struct mq_attr xAttr
BaseType_t xPendingUnlink

Detailed Description

Data structure of an mq.

FreeRTOS isn't guaranteed to have a file-like abstraction, so message queues in this implementation are stored as a linked list (in RAM).

Field Documentation

◆ xLink

Link_t QueueListElement_t::xLink

Pointer to the next element in the list.

◆ xQueue

QueueHandle_t QueueListElement_t::xQueue

FreeRTOS queue handle.

◆ xOpenDescriptors

size_t QueueListElement_t::xOpenDescriptors

Number of threads that have opened this queue.

◆ pcName

char* QueueListElement_t::pcName

Null-terminated queue name.

◆ xAttr

struct mq_attr QueueListElement_t::xAttr

Queue attibutes.

◆ xPendingUnlink

BaseType_t QueueListElement_t::xPendingUnlink

If pdTRUE, this queue will be unlinked once all descriptors close.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: