FreeRTOS: HTTPS Client
HTTPS Client v1.0.0 library
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_httpsRequest_t Struct Reference

Represents and HTTP request. More...

#include <iot_https_internal.h>

Data Fields

IotLink_t link
 The link to insert the job in the connection's reqQ.
uint8_t * pHeaders
 Pointer to the start of the headers buffer.
uint8_t * pHeadersEnd
 Pointer to the end of the headers buffer.
uint8_t * pHeadersCur
 Pointer to the next location to write in the headers buffer.
uint8_t * pBody
 Pointer to the start of the body buffer.
uint32_t bodyLength
 Length of request body buffer.
IotHttpsMethod_t method
 The method of the originating request.
 Connection info associated with this request. For an implicit connection.
struct _httpsResponse * pHttpsResponse
 Response associated with request. This is initialized during IotHttpsClient_InitializeRequest(), then returned to the application in IotHttpsClient_SendAsync() and IotHttpsClient_SendSync().
struct _httpsConnection * pHttpsConnection
 Connection associated with request. This is set during IotHttpsClient_SendAsync(). It is needed for the asynchronous workflow to use to send data given the reqHandle only in the callback.
bool isNonPersistent
 Non-persistent flag to indicate closing the connection immediately after receiving the response.
bool isAsync
 This is set to true if this request is to be sent asynchronously. Set to false otherwise.
void * pUserPrivData
 User private data to hand back in the asynchronous callbacks for context.
 Pointer to the asynchronous request callbacks.
bool cancelled
 Set this to true to stop the response processing in the asynchronous workflow.
IotHttpsReturnCode_t bodyTxStatus
 The status of network sending the HTTPS body to be returned during the IotHttpsClientCallbacks_t.writeCallback.
bool scheduled
 Set to true when this request has already been scheduled to the task pool.

Detailed Description

Represents and HTTP request.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: