Over the Air Update library
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OTA_FileContext_t Struct Reference

OTA File Context Information. More...

#include <aws_iot_ota_agent.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t * pucFilePath
union {
   int32_t   lFileHandle
   uint8_t *   pucFile
uint32_t ulFileSize
uint32_t ulBlocksRemaining
uint32_t ulFileAttributes
uint32_t ulServerFileID
uint8_t * pucJobName
uint8_t * pucStreamName
uint8_t * pucRxBlockBitmap
uint8_t * pucCertFilepath
uint8_t * pucUpdateUrlPath
uint8_t * pucAuthScheme
uint32_t ulUpdaterVersion
bool bIsInSelfTest
uint8_t * pucProtocols

Detailed Description

OTA File Context Information.

Information about an OTA Update file that is to be streamed. This structure is filled in from a job notification MQTT message. Currently only one file context can be streamed at time.

Field Documentation

◆ pucFilePath

uint8_t* OTA_FileContext_t::pucFilePath

Local file pathname.

◆ lFileHandle

int32_t OTA_FileContext_t::lFileHandle

Device internal file pointer or handle. File type is handle after file is open for write.

◆ pucFile

uint8_t* OTA_FileContext_t::pucFile

File type is RAM/Flash image pointer after file is open for write.

◆ ulFileSize

uint32_t OTA_FileContext_t::ulFileSize

The size of the file in bytes.

◆ ulBlocksRemaining

uint32_t OTA_FileContext_t::ulBlocksRemaining

How many blocks remain to be received (a code optimization).

◆ ulFileAttributes

uint32_t OTA_FileContext_t::ulFileAttributes

Flags specific to the file being received (e.g. secure, bundle, archive).

◆ ulServerFileID

uint32_t OTA_FileContext_t::ulServerFileID

The file is referenced by this numeric ID in the OTA job.

◆ pucJobName

uint8_t* OTA_FileContext_t::pucJobName

The job name associated with this file from the job service.

◆ pucStreamName

uint8_t* OTA_FileContext_t::pucStreamName

The stream associated with this file from the OTA service.

◆ pxSignature

Sig256_t* OTA_FileContext_t::pxSignature

Pointer to the file's signature structure.

◆ pucRxBlockBitmap

uint8_t* OTA_FileContext_t::pucRxBlockBitmap

Bitmap of blocks received (for de-duping and missing block request).

◆ pucCertFilepath

uint8_t* OTA_FileContext_t::pucCertFilepath

Pathname of the certificate file used to validate the receive file.

◆ pucUpdateUrlPath

uint8_t* OTA_FileContext_t::pucUpdateUrlPath

Url for the file.

◆ pucAuthScheme

uint8_t* OTA_FileContext_t::pucAuthScheme

Authorization scheme.

◆ ulUpdaterVersion

uint32_t OTA_FileContext_t::ulUpdaterVersion

Used by OTA self-test detection, the version of FW that did the update.

◆ bIsInSelfTest

bool OTA_FileContext_t::bIsInSelfTest

True if the job is in self test mode.

◆ pucProtocols

uint8_t* OTA_FileContext_t::pucProtocols

Authorization scheme.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: