PKCS11 Cryptoki Library
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mbedTLS-based PKCS#11 implementation for software keys. This file deviates from the FreeRTOS style standard for some function names and data types in order to maintain compliance with the PKCS #11 standard. More...
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "iot_pkcs11_config.h"
#include "iot_crypto.h"
#include "iot_pkcs11.h"
#include "iot_pkcs11_pal.h"
#include "iot_pki_utils.h"
#include "mbedtls/pk.h"
#include "mbedtls/pk_internal.h"
#include "mbedtls/x509_crt.h"
#include "mbedtls/ctr_drbg.h"
#include "mbedtls/entropy.h"
#include "mbedtls/sha256.h"
#include "mbedtls/base64.h"
#include "threading_alt.h"
#include "mbedtls_error.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
Data Structures | |
struct | P11Object_t |
PKCS #11 object container. More... | |
struct | P11ObjectList_t |
PKCS #11 object container list. More... | |
struct | P11Struct_t |
PKCS #11 Module Object. More... | |
struct | P11Session_t |
Session structure. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | pkcs11configSUPPRESS_ECDSA_MECHANISM 0 |
Default EC operations to ON. | |
#define | mbedtlsHighLevelCodeOrDefault(mbedTlsCode) |
Utility for converting the high-level code in an mbedTLS error to string, if the code-contains a high-level code; otherwise, using a default string. More... | |
#define | mbedtlsLowLevelCodeOrDefault(mbedTlsCode) |
Utility for converting the level-level code in an mbedTLS error to string, if the code-contains a level-level code; otherwise, using a default string. More... | |
#define | PKCS11_PRINT(X) configPRINTF( X ) |
Macro for logging in PKCS #11. | |
#define | PKCS11_WARNING_PRINT(X) /* configPRINTF( X ) */ |
Macro for logging warnings in PKCS #11. | |
#define | pkcs11NO_OPERATION ( ( CK_MECHANISM_TYPE ) -1 ) |
Indicates that no PKCS #11 operation is underway for given session. | |
#define | MAX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE 3000 |
Max size of a public key. TODO: How long is a typical RSA key anyhow? | |
#define | MAX_LENGTH_KEY 3000 |
Max key length of a key. TODO: How long is a typical RSA key anyhow? | |
#define | pkcs11KEY_GEN_MAX_DER_SIZE 200 |
The size of the buffer malloc'ed for the exported public key in C_GenerateKeyPair. | |
#define | pkcs11SLOT_ID 1 |
The slot ID to be returned by this PKCS #11 implementation. More... | |
#define | LABEL_IN_TEMPLATE ( 1U ) |
Private defines for checking that attribute templates are complete. More... | |
#define | PRIVATE_IN_TEMPLATE ( 1U << 1 ) |
#define | SIGN_IN_TEMPLATE ( 1U << 2 ) |
#define | EC_PARAMS_IN_TEMPLATE ( 1U << 3 ) |
#define | VERIFY_IN_TEMPLATE ( 1U << 4 ) |
Macro to signify an invalid PKCS #11 key type. | |
Functions | |
static CK_RV | prvCheckValidSessionAndModule (const P11Session_t *pxSession) |
Helper to check if the current session is initialized and valid. More... | |
static P11Session_t * | prvSessionPointerFromHandle (CK_SESSION_HANDLE xSession) |
Maps an opaque caller session handle into its internal state structure. | |
static CK_BBOOL | prvOperationActive (const P11Session_t *pxSession) |
Determines if an operation is in progress. | |
static CK_RV | prvMbedTLS_Initialize (void) |
Initialize mbedTLS. More... | |
static CK_RV | prvGetObjectClass (const CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount, CK_OBJECT_CLASS *pxClass) |
Searches a template for the CKA_CLASS attribute. | |
static CK_RV | prvCertAttParse (CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxAttribute, CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE *pxCertificateType, CK_BYTE_PTR *ppxCertificateValue, CK_ULONG *pxCertificateLength, CK_ATTRIBUTE **ppxLabel) |
Parses attribute values for a certificate. | |
static CK_RV | prvRsaKeyAttParse (const CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxAttribute, const mbedtls_pk_context *pxMbedContext) |
Parses attribute values for a RSA Key. | |
static CK_RV | prvEcPrivKeyAttParse (const CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxAttribute, const mbedtls_pk_context *pxMbedContext) |
Parses attribute values for a private EC Key. | |
static CK_RV | prvEcPubKeyAttParse (const CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxAttribute, const mbedtls_pk_context *pxMbedContext) |
Parses attribute values for a public EC Key. | |
static CK_RV | prvEcKeyAttParse (const CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxAttribute, const mbedtls_pk_context *pxMbedContext, CK_BBOOL xIsPrivate) |
Parses attribute values for an EC Key. | |
static void | prvFindObjectInListByLabel (const CK_BYTE_PTR pcLabel, CK_ULONG xLabelLength, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR pxPalHandle, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR pxAppHandle) |
Searches the PKCS #11 module's object list for label and provides handle. More... | |
static void | prvFindObjectInListByHandle (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE xAppHandle, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR pxPalHandle, CK_BYTE_PTR *ppcLabel, CK_ULONG_PTR pxLabelLength) |
Looks up a PKCS #11 object's label and PAL handle given an application handle. More... | |
static CK_RV | prvDeleteObjectFromList (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE xAppHandle) |
Removes an object from the module object list (xP11Context.xObjectList) More... | |
static CK_RV | prvAddObjectToList (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE xPalHandle, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR pxAppHandle, const CK_BYTE_PTR pcLabel, CK_ULONG xLabelLength) |
Add an object that exists in NVM to the application object array. More... | |
static CK_RV | prvSaveDerKeyToPal (mbedtls_pk_context *pxMbedContext, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR pxObject, CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxLabel, CK_KEY_TYPE xKeyType, CK_BBOOL xIsPrivate) |
Save a DER formatted key in the PKCS #11 PAL. | |
CK_RV | PKCS11_PAL_DestroyObject (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE xHandle) |
Delete an object from NVM. More... | |
CK_RV | C_Initialize (CK_VOID_PTR pInitArgs) |
Initializes Cryptoki. More... | |
CK_RV | C_Finalize (CK_VOID_PTR pReserved) |
Clean up miscellaneous Cryptoki-associated resources. | |
CK_RV | C_GetFunctionList (CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR_PTR ppFunctionList) |
Obtains entry points of Cryptoki library functions. More... | |
CK_RV | C_GetSlotList (CK_BBOOL tokenPresent, CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlotList, CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount) |
Obtains a list of slots in the system. More... | |
CK_RV | C_GetTokenInfo (CK_SLOT_ID slotID, CK_TOKEN_INFO_PTR pInfo) |
Obtains information about a particular token. More... | |
Obtains information about a particular mechanism. More... | |
CK_RV | C_InitToken (CK_SLOT_ID slotID, CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR pPin, CK_ULONG ulPinLen, CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR pLabel) |
Initializes a token. This function is not implemented for this port. More... | |
CK_RV | C_OpenSession (CK_SLOT_ID slotID, CK_FLAGS flags, CK_VOID_PTR pApplication, CK_NOTIFY Notify, CK_SESSION_HANDLE_PTR phSession) |
Opens a connection between an application and a particular token or sets up an application callback for token insertion. More... | |
CK_RV | C_CloseSession (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) |
Closes a session. More... | |
CK_RV | C_Login (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_USER_TYPE userType, CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR pPin, CK_ULONG ulPinLen) |
Logs into a token. This function is not implemented for this port. More... | |
static CK_RV | prvCreateCertificate (CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR pxObject) |
Helper function for parsing the templates of device certificates for C_CreateObject. More... | |
static void | prvGetKeyType (CK_KEY_TYPE *pxKeyType, const CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount) |
Helper to search an attribute for the key type attribute. More... | |
static void | prvGetLabel (CK_ATTRIBUTE **ppxLabel, CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount) |
Helper to search a template for the label attribute. More... | |
static CK_RV | prvGetExistingKeyComponent (CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR pxPalHandle, mbedtls_pk_context *pxMbedContext, const CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxLabel) |
Helper to search a template for the label attribute. More... | |
static CK_RV | prvCreateECKey (CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR pxObject, CK_BBOOL xIsPrivate) |
Helper function for importing elliptic curve keys from template using C_CreateObject. More... | |
static CK_RV | prvCreateRsaPrivateKey (CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR pxObject) |
Helper function for parsing RSA Private Key attribute templates for C_CreateObject. More... | |
static CK_RV | prvCreatePrivateKey (CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR pxObject) |
Helper function for importing private keys using template C_CreateObject. More... | |
static CK_RV | prvCreatePublicKey (CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR pxObject) |
Helper function for importing public keys using C_CreateObject. More... | |
CK_RV | C_CreateObject (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phObject) |
Creates an object. More... | |
CK_RV | C_DestroyObject (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject) |
Destroys an object. More... | |
CK_RV | C_GetAttributeValue (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount) |
Obtains an attribute value of an object. More... | |
CK_RV | C_FindObjectsInit (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount) |
Initializes an object search operation. More... | |
CK_RV | C_FindObjects (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phObject, CK_ULONG ulMaxObjectCount, CK_ULONG_PTR pulObjectCount) |
Initializes an object search operation. More... | |
CK_RV | C_FindObjectsFinal (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) |
Finishes an object search operation. More... | |
CK_RV | C_DigestInit (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism) |
Initializes a message-digesting operation. More... | |
CK_RV | C_DigestUpdate (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR pPart, CK_ULONG ulPartLen) |
Continues a multiple-part digesting operation. More... | |
CK_RV | C_DigestFinal (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR pDigest, CK_ULONG_PTR pulDigestLen) |
Finishes a multiple-part digesting operation. More... | |
Initializes a signature operation. More... | |
CK_RV | C_Sign (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR pData, CK_ULONG ulDataLen, CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature, CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen) |
Signs single-part data. More... | |
Initializes a verification operation. More... | |
CK_RV | C_Verify (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR pData, CK_ULONG ulDataLen, CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature, CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen) |
Verifies a signature on single-part data. More... | |
static CK_RV | prvCheckGenerateKeyPairPrivateTemplate (CK_ATTRIBUTE **ppxLabel, CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxAttribute, uint32_t *pulAttributeMap) |
Checks that the private key template provided for C_GenerateKeyPair contains all necessary attributes, and does not contain any invalid attributes. More... | |
static CK_RV | prvCheckGenerateKeyPairPublicTemplate (CK_ATTRIBUTE **ppxLabel, CK_ATTRIBUTE *pxAttribute, uint32_t *pulAttributeMap) |
Checks that the public key template provided for C_GenerateKeyPair contains all necessary attributes, and does not contain any invalid attributes. More... | |
CK_RV | C_GenerateKeyPair (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPublicKeyTemplate, CK_ULONG ulPublicKeyAttributeCount, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPrivateKeyTemplate, CK_ULONG ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPublicKey, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPrivateKey) |
Generates a public-key/private-key pair. More... | |
CK_RV | C_GenerateRandom (CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR RandomData, CK_ULONG ulRandomLen) |
Generates random data. More... | |
Variables | |
static const char * | pNoHighLevelMbedTlsCodeStr = "<No-High-Level-Code>" |
Represents string to be logged when mbedTLS returned error does not contain a high-level code. | |
static const char * | pNoLowLevelMbedTlsCodeStr = "<No-Low-Level-Code>" |
Represents string to be logged when mbedTLS returned error does not contain a low-level code. | |
static P11Struct_t | xP11Context |
The global PKCS #11 module object. Entropy/randomness and object lists are shared across PKCS #11 sessions. | |
static P11Session_t | pxP11Sessions [pkcs11configMAX_SESSIONS] = { 0 } |
The global PKCS #11 session list. | |
mbedTLS-based PKCS#11 implementation for software keys. This file deviates from the FreeRTOS style standard for some function names and data types in order to maintain compliance with the PKCS #11 standard.
#define mbedtlsHighLevelCodeOrDefault | ( | mbedTlsCode | ) |
Utility for converting the high-level code in an mbedTLS error to string, if the code-contains a high-level code; otherwise, using a default string.
#define mbedtlsLowLevelCodeOrDefault | ( | mbedTlsCode | ) |
Utility for converting the level-level code in an mbedTLS error to string, if the code-contains a level-level code; otherwise, using a default string.
#define pkcs11SLOT_ID 1 |
The slot ID to be returned by this PKCS #11 implementation.
#define LABEL_IN_TEMPLATE ( 1U ) |
Private defines for checking that attribute templates are complete.
Bit set for label in template.
#define PRIVATE_IN_TEMPLATE ( 1U << 1 ) |
Bit set for private key in in template.
#define SIGN_IN_TEMPLATE ( 1U << 2 ) |
Bit set for sign in template.
#define EC_PARAMS_IN_TEMPLATE ( 1U << 3 ) |
Bit set for EC params in template.
#define VERIFY_IN_TEMPLATE ( 1U << 4 ) |
Bit set for verify in template.
static |
Helper to check if the current session is initialized and valid.
MISRA Rule 10.5 - Cannot cast from unsigned to signed. The rule 10.5 is violated because type of the boolean macros defined by PKCS #11 are 0 and 1, which results in a signed integer, meanwhile the underlying type of CK_BBOOL is an unsigned char.
This means that our implementation conforms to the exception provided by MISRA To quote MISRA: "An integer constant expression with the value 0 or 1 of either signedness may be cast to a type which is defined as essentially Boolean. This allows the implementation of non-C99 Boolean models."
static |
Initialize mbedTLS.
static |
Searches the PKCS #11 module's object list for label and provides handle.
[in] | pcLabel | Array containing label. |
[in] | xLabelLength | Length of the label, in bytes. |
[out] | pxPalHandle | Pointer to the PAL handle to be provided. CK_INVALID_HANDLE if no object found. |
[out] | pxAppHandle | Pointer to the application handle to be provided. CK_INVALID_HANDLE if no object found. |
static |
Looks up a PKCS #11 object's label and PAL handle given an application handle.
[in] | xAppHandle | The handle of the object being lookedup for, used by the application. |
[out] | pxPalHandle | Pointer to the handle corresponding to xPalHandle being used by the PAL. |
[out] | ppcLabel | Pointer to an array containing label. NULL if object not found. |
[out] | pxLabelLength | Pointer to label length (includes a string null terminator). 0 if no object found. |
static |
Removes an object from the module object list (xP11Context.xObjectList)
[in] | xAppHandle | Application handle of the object to be deleted. |
static |
Add an object that exists in NVM to the application object array.
[in] | xPalHandle | The handle used by the PKCS #11 PAL for object. |
[out] | pxAppHandle | Updated to contain the application handle corresponding to xPalHandle. |
[in] | pcLabel | Pointer to object label. |
[in] | xLabelLength | Length of the PKCS #11 label. |
CK_RV PKCS11_PAL_DestroyObject | ( | CK_OBJECT_HANDLE | xHandle | ) |
Delete an object from NVM.
[in] | xHandle | Handle to a PKCS #11 object. |
CK_RV C_Initialize | ( | CK_VOID_PTR | pInitArgs | ) |
Initializes Cryptoki.
C_Initialize should be called (and allowed to return) before any additional PKCS #11 operations are invoked.
In this implementation, all arguments are ignored. Thread protection for the rest of PKCS #11 functions default to FreeRTOS primitives.
[in] | pInitArgs | This parameter is ignored. |
CK_RV C_GetFunctionList | ( | CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR_PTR | ppFunctionList | ) |
Obtains entry points of Cryptoki library functions.
All other PKCS #11 functions should be invoked using the returned function list.
[in] | ppFunctionList | Pointer to the location where pointer to function list will be placed. |
CK_RV C_GetSlotList | ( | CK_BBOOL | tokenPresent, |
CK_SLOT_ID_PTR | pSlotList, | ||
CK_ULONG_PTR | pulCount | ||
) |
Obtains a list of slots in the system.
This port does not implement the concept of separate slots/tokens.
[in] | tokenPresent | This parameter is unused by this port. |
[in] | pSlotList | Pointer to an array of slot IDs. At this time, only 1 slot is implemented. |
[in,out] | pulCount | Length of the slot list pxSlotList. Updated to contain the actual number of slots written to the list. |
CK_RV C_GetTokenInfo | ( | CK_SLOT_ID | slotID, |
CK_TOKEN_INFO_PTR | pInfo | ||
) |
Obtains information about a particular token.
[in] | slotID | This parameter is unused in this port. |
[out] | pInfo | This parameter is unused in this port. |
C_GetTokenInfo() is only implemented for compatibility with other ports. All inputs to this function are ignored, and calling this function on this port does provide any information about the PKCS #11 token.
CK_RV C_GetMechanismInfo | ( | CK_SLOT_ID | slotID, |
CK_MECHANISM_TYPE | type, | ||
) |
Obtains information about a particular mechanism.
[in] | slotID | This parameter is unused in this port. |
[in] | type | The cryptographic capability for which support information is being queried. |
[out] | pInfo | Algorithm sizes and flags for the requested mechanism, if supported. |
CK_RV C_InitToken | ( | CK_SLOT_ID | slotID, |
CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR | pPin, | ||
CK_ULONG | ulPinLen, | ||
CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR | pLabel | ||
) |
Initializes a token. This function is not implemented for this port.
C_InitToken() is only implemented for compatibility with other ports. All inputs to this function are ignored, and calling this function on this port does not add any security.
CK_RV C_OpenSession | ( | CK_SLOT_ID | slotID, |
CK_FLAGS | flags, | ||
CK_VOID_PTR | pApplication, | ||
CK_NOTIFY | Notify, | ||
CK_SESSION_HANDLE_PTR | phSession | ||
) |
Opens a connection between an application and a particular token or sets up an application callback for token insertion.
[in] | slotID | This parameter is unused in this port. |
[in] | flags | Session flags - CKF_SERIAL_SESSION is a mandatory flag. |
[in] | pApplication | This parameter is unused in this port. |
[in] | Notify | This parameter is unused in this port. |
[in] | phSession | Pointer to the location that the created session's handle will be placed. |
CK_RV C_CloseSession | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession | ) |
Closes a session.
[in] | hSession | The session handle to be terminated. |
CK_RV C_Login | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession, |
CK_USER_TYPE | userType, | ||
CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR | pPin, | ||
CK_ULONG | ulPinLen | ||
) |
Logs into a token. This function is not implemented for this port.
C_Login() is only implemented for compatibility with other ports. All inputs to this function are ignored, and calling this function on this port does not add any security.
static |
Helper function for parsing the templates of device certificates for C_CreateObject.
[in] | pxTemplate | Pointer to PKCS #11 attribute template. |
[in] | ulCount | length of templates array. |
[in] | pxObject | Pointer to PKCS #11 object. |
static |
Helper to search an attribute for the key type attribute.
[out] | pxKeyType | pointer to key type. |
[in] | pxTemplate | templates to search for a key in. |
[in] | ulCount | length of templates array. |
static |
Helper to search a template for the label attribute.
[out] | ppxLabel | pointer to label. |
[in] | pxTemplate | templates to search for a key in. |
[in] | ulCount | length of templates array. |
static |
Helper to search a template for the label attribute.
[in] | pxPalHandle | opaque handle to PKCS #11 object. |
[in] | pxMbedContext | mbedTLS pk context for parsing. |
[in] | pxLabel | label of PKCS #11 object. |
static |
Helper function for importing elliptic curve keys from template using C_CreateObject.
[in] | pxTemplate | templates to search for a key in. |
[in] | ulCount | length of templates array. |
[in] | pxObject | PKCS #11 object handle. |
[in] | xIsPrivate | boolean indicating whether the key is private or public. |
static |
Helper function for parsing RSA Private Key attribute templates for C_CreateObject.
[in] | pxTemplate | templates to search for a key in. |
[in] | ulCount | length of templates array. |
[in] | pxObject | PKCS #11 object handle. |
static |
Helper function for importing private keys using template C_CreateObject.
[in] | pxTemplate | templates to search for a key in. |
[in] | ulCount | length of templates array. |
[in] | pxObject | PKCS #11 object handle. |
static |
Helper function for importing public keys using C_CreateObject.
[in] | pxTemplate | templates to search for a key in. |
[in] | ulCount | length of templates array. |
[in] | pxObject | PKCS #11 object handle. |
CK_RV C_CreateObject | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession, |
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR | pTemplate, | ||
CK_ULONG | ulCount, | ||
CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR | phObject | ||
) |
Creates an object.
[in] | hSession | Handle of a valid PKCS #11 session. |
[in] | pTemplate | List of attributes of the object to be created. |
[in] | ulCount | Number of attributes in pTemplate. |
[out] | phObject | Pointer to the location where the created object's handle will be placed. |
Object Type | Template Attributes |
Certificate | CKA_CLASS |
EC Private Key | CKA_CLASS |
EC Public Key | CKA_CLASS |
RSA Private Key | CKA_CLASS |
CK_RV C_DestroyObject | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession, |
CK_OBJECT_HANDLE | hObject | ||
) |
Destroys an object.
[in] | hSession | Handle of a valid PKCS #11 session. |
[in] | hObject | Handle of the object to be destroyed. |
CK_RV C_GetAttributeValue | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession, |
CK_OBJECT_HANDLE | hObject, | ||
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR | pTemplate, | ||
CK_ULONG | ulCount | ||
) |
Obtains an attribute value of an object.
[in] | hSession | Handle of a valid PKCS #11 session. |
[in] | hObject | PKCS #11 object handle to be queried. |
[in,out] | pTemplate | Attribute template. pxTemplate.pValue should be set to the attribute to be queried. pxTemplate.ulValueLen should be set to the length of the buffer allocated at pxTemplate.pValue, and will be updated to contain the actual length of the data copied. pxTemplate.pValue should be set to point to a buffer to receive the attribute value data. If parameter length is unknown, pxTemplate.pValue may be set to NULL, and this function will set the required buffer length in pxTemplate.ulValueLen. |
[in] | ulCount | The number of attributes in the template. |
Object Type | Queryable Attributes |
Certificate | CKA_CLASS |
EC Private Key | CKA_CLASS |
EC Public Key | CKA_CLASS |
RSA Private Key | CKA_CLASS |
RSA Public Key | CKA_CLASS |
CK_RV C_FindObjectsInit | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession, |
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR | pTemplate, | ||
CK_ULONG | ulCount | ||
) |
Initializes an object search operation.
[in] | hSession | Handle of a valid PKCS #11 session. |
[in] | pTemplate | Pointer to a template which specifies the object attributes to match. In this port, the only searchable attribute is object label. All other attributes will be ignored. |
[in] | ulCount | The number of attributes in pTemplate. |
CK_RV C_FindObjects | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession, |
CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR | phObject, | ||
CK_ULONG | ulMaxObjectCount, | ||
CK_ULONG_PTR | pulObjectCount | ||
) |
Initializes an object search operation.
[in] | hSession | Handle of a valid PKCS #11 session. |
[out] | phObject | Points to the handle of the object to be found. |
[in] | ulMaxObjectCount | The size of the phObject object handle array. In this port, this value should always be set to 1, as searching for multiple objects is not supported. |
[out] | pulObjectCount | The actual number of objects that are found. In this port, if an object is found this value will be 1, otherwise if the object is not found, it will be set to 0. |
CK_RV C_FindObjectsFinal | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession | ) |
Finishes an object search operation.
[in] | hSession | Handle of a valid PKCS #11 session. |
CK_RV C_DigestInit | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession, |
CK_MECHANISM_PTR | pMechanism | ||
) |
Initializes a message-digesting operation.
[in] | hSession | Handle of a valid PKCS #11 session. |
[in] | pMechanism | Digesting mechanism. This port only supports the mechanism CKM_SHA256. |
CK_RV C_DigestUpdate | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession, |
CK_BYTE_PTR | pPart, | ||
CK_ULONG | ulPartLen | ||
) |
Continues a multiple-part digesting operation.
[in] | hSession | Handle of a valid PKCS #11 session. |
[in] | pPart | Pointer to the data to be added to the digest. |
[in] | ulPartLen | Length of the data located at pPart. |
CK_RV C_DigestFinal | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession, |
CK_BYTE_PTR | pDigest, | ||
CK_ULONG_PTR | pulDigestLen | ||
) |
Finishes a multiple-part digesting operation.
[in] | hSession | Handle of a valid PKCS #11 session. |
[out] | pDigest | Pointer to the location that receives the message digest. Memory must be allocated by the caller. Caller is responsible for allocating memory. Providing NULL for this input will cause pulDigestLen to be updated for length of buffer required. |
[in,out] | pulDigestLen | Points to the location that holds the length of the message digest. If pDigest is NULL, this value is updated to contain the length of the buffer needed to hold the digest. Else it is updated to contain the actual length of the digest placed in pDigest. |
CK_RV C_SignInit | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession, |
CK_MECHANISM_PTR | pMechanism, | ||
) |
Initializes a signature operation.
[in] | hSession | Handle of a valid PKCS #11 session. |
[in] | pMechanism | Mechanism used to sign. This port supports the following mechanisms:
[in] | hKey | The handle of the private key to be used for signature. Key must be compatible with the mechanism chosen by pMechanism. |
CK_RV C_Sign | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession, |
CK_BYTE_PTR | pData, | ||
CK_ULONG | ulDataLen, | ||
CK_BYTE_PTR | pSignature, | ||
CK_ULONG_PTR | pulSignatureLen | ||
) |
Signs single-part data.
[in] | hSession | Handle of a valid PKCS #11 session. |
[in] | pData | Data to be signed. Note: Some applications may require this data to be hashed before passing to C_Sign(). |
[in] | ulDataLen | Length of pucData, in bytes. |
[out] | pSignature | Buffer where signature will be placed. Caller is responsible for allocating memory. Providing NULL for this input will cause pulSignatureLen to be updated for length of buffer required. |
[in,out] | pulSignatureLen | Length of pucSignature buffer. If pucSignature is non-NULL, pulSignatureLen is updated to contain the actual signature length. If pucSignature is NULL, pulSignatureLen is updated to the buffer length required for signature data. |
CK_RV C_VerifyInit | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession, |
CK_MECHANISM_PTR | pMechanism, | ||
) |
Initializes a verification operation.
[in] | hSession | Handle of a valid PKCS #11 session. |
[in] | pMechanism | Mechanism used to verify signature. This port supports the following mechanisms:
[in] | hKey | The handle of the public key to be used for verification. Key must be compatible with the mechanism chosen by pxMechanism. |
CK_RV C_Verify | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession, |
CK_BYTE_PTR | pData, | ||
CK_ULONG | ulDataLen, | ||
CK_BYTE_PTR | pSignature, | ||
CK_ULONG | ulSignatureLen | ||
) |
Verifies a signature on single-part data.
[in] | hSession | Handle of a valid PKCS #11 session. |
[in] | pData | Data who's signature is to be verified. Note: In this implementation, this is generally expected to be the hash of the data. |
[in] | ulDataLen | Length of pucData. |
[in] | pSignature | The signature to be verified. |
[in] | ulSignatureLen | Length of pucSignature in bytes. |
static |
Checks that the private key template provided for C_GenerateKeyPair contains all necessary attributes, and does not contain any invalid attributes.
[out] | ppxLabel | Pointer to PKCS #11 label. |
[in] | pxTemplate | PKCS #11 templates to search. |
[in] | pulAttributeMap | Flag to track whether all required attribute are in the key generation template. |
static |
Checks that the public key template provided for C_GenerateKeyPair contains all necessary attributes, and does not contain any invalid attributes.
[out] | ppxLabel | Pointer to PKCS #11 label. |
[in] | pxTemplate | PKCS #11 templates to search. |
[in] | pulAttributeMap | Flag to track whether all required attribute are in the key generation template. |
CK_RV C_GenerateKeyPair | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession, |
CK_MECHANISM_PTR | pMechanism, | ||
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR | pPublicKeyTemplate, | ||
CK_ULONG | ulPublicKeyAttributeCount, | ||
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR | pPrivateKeyTemplate, | ||
CK_ULONG | ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount, | ||
CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR | phPublicKey, | ||
CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR | phPrivateKey | ||
) |
Generates a public-key/private-key pair.
This port only supports generating elliptic curve P-256 key pairs.
[in] | hSession | Handle of a valid PKCS #11 session. |
[in] | pMechanism | Pointer to a mechanism. At this time, CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN is the only supported mechanism. |
[in] | pPublicKeyTemplate | Pointer to a list of attributes that the generated public key should possess. Public key template must have the following attributes:
[in] | ulPublicKeyAttributeCount | Number of attributes in pPublicKeyTemplate. |
[in] | pPrivateKeyTemplate | Pointer to a list of attributes that the generated private key should possess. Private key template must have the following attributes:
[in] | ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount | Number of attributes in pPrivateKeyTemplate. |
[out] | phPublicKey | Pointer to the handle of the public key to be created. |
[out] | phPrivateKey | Pointer to the handle of the private key to be created. |
CK_RV C_GenerateRandom | ( | CK_SESSION_HANDLE | hSession, |
CK_BYTE_PTR | RandomData, | ||
CK_ULONG | ulRandomLen | ||
) |
Generates random data.
[in] | hSession | Handle of a valid PKCS #11 session. |
[out] | RandomData | Pointer to location that random data will be placed. It is the responsiblity of the application to allocate this memory. |
[in] | ulRandomLen | Length of data (in bytes) to be generated. |