MQTT 3.1.1 client library
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IotMqttPublishInfo_t Struct Reference

Information on a PUBLISH message. More...

#include <iot_mqtt_types.h>

Data Fields

IotMqttQos_t qos
 QoS of message. Must be 0 or 1.
bool retain
 MQTT message retain flag.
const char * pTopicName
 Topic name of PUBLISH.
uint16_t topicNameLength
 Length of IotMqttPublishInfo_t.pTopicName.
const void * pPayload
 Payload of PUBLISH.
size_t payloadLength
 Length of IotMqttPublishInfo_t.pPayload. For LWT messages, this is limited to 65535.
uint32_t retryMs
 If no response is received within this time, the message is retransmitted.
uint32_t retryLimit
 How many times to attempt retransmission.

Detailed Description

Information on a PUBLISH message.

Parameter for: IotMqtt_Connect, IotMqtt_PublishAsync

Passed to IotMqtt_PublishAsync as the message to publish and IotMqtt_Connect as the Last Will and Testament (LWT) message.

All instances of IotMqttPublishInfo_t should be initialized with IOT_MQTT_PUBLISH_INFO_INITIALIZER.

IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryMs and IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryLimit are only relevant to QoS 1 PUBLISH messages. They are ignored for QoS 0 PUBLISH messages and LWT messages. These members control retransmissions of QoS 1 messages under the following rules:

Retransmission follows a truncated exponential backoff strategy. The constant IOT_MQTT_RETRY_MS_CEILING controls the maximum time between retransmissions.

After IotMqttPublishInfo_t.retryLimit retransmissions are sent, the MQTT library will wait IOT_MQTT_RESPONSE_WAIT_MS before a final check for a PUBACK. If no PUBACK was received within this time, the QoS 1 PUBLISH fails with the code IOT_MQTT_RETRY_NO_RESPONSE.

The lengths of the strings in this struct should not include the NULL terminator. Strings in this struct do not need to be NULL-terminated.
The AWS IoT MQTT broker does not support the DUP bit. More information about connecting to AWS IoT via MQTT is available here.


Consider a situation where

A PUBLISH message will be retransmitted at the following times after the initial transmission if no PUBACK is received:

  • 2000 ms (2000 ms after previous transmission)
  • 6000 ms (4000 ms after previous transmission)
  • 14000 ms (8000 ms after previous transmission)
  • 30000 ms (16000 ms after previous transmission)
  • 62000 ms (32000 ms after previous transmission)
  • 122000 ms, 182000 ms, 242000 ms... (every 60000 ms until 20 transmissions have been sent)

After the 20th retransmission, the MQTT library will wait IOT_MQTT_RESPONSE_WAIT_MS before checking a final time for a PUBACK.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: