AWS IoT Device SDK C:
Fleet Provisioning
AWS IoT Fleet Provisioning
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The demos demonstrate the usage of the Provisioning library for 2 different Provisioning workflows:
These demos represent simple examples of using the Provisioning library for provisioning devices with the AWS IoT Fleet Provisioning feature.
Both the demos establish an MQTT connection and make two API calls to the Fleet Provisioning feature of the AWS IoT Core service for illustrating their specific Provisioning workflow.
How to set up a fleet provisioning template for the Provisioning demo.
The demo assumes a fleet provisioning template which takes parameters (including one for "SerialNumber") from the device has been created in the account that will be used for connecting to AWS IoT Core. To create a template, you can use the AWS IoT Console or AWS CLI. (For more information on fleet provisioning templates, refer here. )
See Demo Configuration for configuration settings that change the behavior of the demo.