AWS IoT Device SDK C: Fleet Provisioning
AWS IoT Fleet Provisioning
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Demo Configuration

Configuration settings of the Provisioning demo.

Configuration settings are C pre-processor constants. They can be set with a #define in the config file (iot_config.h) or by using a compiler option such as -D in gcc. If a configuration setting is not defined, the library will use a "sensible" default value (unless otherwise noted). Because they are compile-time constants, a library must be rebuilt if a configuration setting is changed.

The settings on this page only affect the Provisioning demo. In addition to the settings on this page, them Provisioning demo will also be affected by settings that affect all demos.



The provisioning demo uses this Certificate-Signing Request data to demonstrate the CSR based provisioning use-case of fleet provisioning.

Possible values: The Certificate-Signing Request string in PEM format
Default value (if undefined): "" (empty string)


The provisioning demo uses this template to demonstrate the fleet provisioning feature.

Possible values: Any string
Default value (if undefined): "" (empty string)


The name of the serial number parameter sent in the provisioning request.

The fleet provisioning template, AWS_IOT_DEMO_PROVISIONING_TEMPLATE_NAME, should be configured to accept the parameter. (The default template generated by AWS IoT Console uses "SerialNumber" to generate Thing resource name on provisioning device.) It is recommended to use serial number (or an equivalent unique device identifier) to provide as parameter to the AWS IoT Core service for provisioning of the device.

Possible values: Any string that can be accepted by the template.
Default value (if undefined): "SerialNumber"


The length of the parameter associated with AWS_IOT_DEMO_PROVISIONING_PARAMETER_SERIAL_NUMBER_NAME.

Default value (if undefined): sizeof( AWS_IOT_DEMO_PROVISIONING_PARAMETER_SERIAL_NUMBER_NAME ) - 1
Recommended values: Don't change the default value unless there is a need to use a different length.


The value of the parameter associated with AWS_IOT_DEMO_PROVISIONING_PARAMETER_SERIAL_NUMBER_VALUE.

Possible values: Any string value
Default value (if undefined): "" (empty string)


The length of the parameter associated with AWS_IOT_DEMO_PROVISIONING_PARAMETER_SERIAL_NUMBER_NAME.

Recommended values: Don't change the default value unless there is a need to use a different length.


The name of the additional parameter sent in the provisioning request.

An additional parameter can be sent to the AWS IoT Core service to utilize for evaluating and sending back device configuration in the response. In that case, make sure that the fleet provisioning template is configured to accept the parameter.

Possible values: Any string that can be accepted by the template.
Default value (if undefined): ""


The length of the parameter associated with AWS_IOT_DEMO_PROVISIONING_PARAMETER_2_NAME_LENGTH_NAME.

Default value (if undefined): sizeof( AWS_IOT_DEMO_PROVISIONING_PARAMETER_2_NAME_LENGTH ) - 1
Recommended values: Don't change the default value unless there is a need to use a different length.


The value of the parameter associated with AWS_IOT_DEMO_PROVISIONING_PARAMETER_2_NAME.

Possible values: Any string value
Default value (if undefined): "" (empty string)


The length of the parameter associated with AWS_IOT_DEMO_PROVISIONING_PARAMETER_2_NAME_LENGTH_VALUE.

Default value (if undefined): sizeof( AWS_IOT_DEMO_PROVISIONING_PARAMETER_2_VALUE_LENGTH ) - 1
Recommended values: Don't change the default value unless there is a need to use a different length.