AWS IoT Device SDK C: Shadow
AWS IoT Device Shadow library
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aws_iot_tests_shadow_parser.c File Reference

Tests for the Shadow topic name and JSON parser functions. More...

#include "iot_config.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "private/aws_iot_shadow_internal.h"
#include "unity_fixture.h"
#include "iot_init.h"


 The size of the buffers allocated for holding Shadow error documents.


static void _generateParseErrorDocument (char *pErrorDocument, AwsIotShadowError_t expectedCode, const char *pFormat,...)
 Wrapper for generating and parsing error documents.
static void _parseThingName (const char *pTopicName, bool expectedResult, const char *pExpectedThingName)
 Wrapper for parsing Shadow Thing Names and checking the result.
 TEST_GROUP (Shadow_Unit_Parser)
 Test group for Shadow parser tests.
 TEST_SETUP (Shadow_Unit_Parser)
 Test setup for Shadow parser tests.
 TEST_TEAR_DOWN (Shadow_Unit_Parser)
 Test tear down for Shadow parser tests.
 TEST_GROUP_RUNNER (Shadow_Unit_Parser)
 Test group runner for Shadow parser tests.
void TEST_Shadow_Unit_Parser_StatusValid_ (void)
 Tests parsing Shadow status from a valid topic name.
void TEST_Shadow_Unit_Parser_StatusInvalid_ (void)
 Tests parsing Shadow status from invalid topic names.
void TEST_Shadow_Unit_Parser_ErrorDocument_ (void)
 Tests parsing valid Shadow error documents.
void TEST_Shadow_Unit_Parser_ErrorDocumentInvalid_ (void)
 Tests parsing invalid Shadow error documents.
void TEST_Shadow_Unit_Parser_ThingName_ (void)
 Tests parsing both valid and invalid Shadow topics.

Detailed Description

Tests for the Shadow topic name and JSON parser functions.