FreeRTOS: Common I/O
AWS IoT Common I/O library
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Data Structures

struct  IotBatteryInfo_t
 Battery information. More...


#define IOT_BATTERY_SUCCESS   ( 0 )
 Return values used by BATTERY driver. More...
#define IOT_BATTERY_NOT_EXIST   ( 2 )


typedef struct IotBatteryDescriptor_t * IotBatteryHandle_t
 IotBatteryHandle_t type is the Battery handle returned by calling iot_battery_open() this is initialized in open and returned to caller. Caller must pass this pointer to the rest of the APIs.
typedef void(* IotBatteryCallback_t) (IotBatteryStatus_t xStatus, void *pvUserContext)
 Battery notification callback type. This callback is passed to the driver by using iot_battery_set_callback API. The callback is used to get the notifications about battery status changes for ex: when charging starts, or when critical threshold is reached or when battery is full etc... The callback is only used if the driver supports the asynchronous notifications. The caller must get the batteryInfo to find if the asynchronous notifications are supported. On simiple underlying batteries, the caller/application must manage the battery conditions by periodically probing the battery using read APIs, and for sophisticated battery management service modules, these can be managed in the HW hence asyncrhonous notifications can be sent (using registered callback) More...


enum  IotBatteryType_t { eBatteryChargeable, eBatteryNotChargeable }
 Battery Type. More...
enum  IotBatteryChargeSource_t { eBatteryChargeNone, eBatteryChargeUSB, eBatteryChargePowerSupply, erBatteryChargeWireless }
 Charger type. More...
enum  IotBatteryStatus_t {
  eBatteryCharging, eBatteryDischarging, eBatteryNotCharging, eBatteryChargeFull,
  eBatteryChargeLow, eBatteryOverVoltage, eBatteryUnderVoltage, eBatteryOverTemp,
  eBatteryUnderTemp, eBatteryOverChargingTemp, eBatteryUnderhargingTemp, eBatteryChargeTimeExpired,
 Battery status. More...
enum  IotBatteryIoctlRequest_t {
  eSetBatteryMinVoltageThreshold, eSetBatteryMaxVoltageThreshold, eSetBatteryMinBatteryTempThreshold, eSetBatteryMaxBatteryTempThreshold,
  eSetBatteryMinChargeTempThreshold, eSetBatteryMaxChargeTempThreshold, eSetBatteryMaxOutputCurrent, eSetBatteryMaxInputChargeCurrent,
  eSetBatteryChargeTimer, eGetBatteryMinVoltageThreshold, eGetBatteryMaxVoltageThreshold, eGetBatteryOCV,
  eGetBatteryBootVoltage, eGetBatteryMinBatteryTempThreshold, eGetBatteryMaxBatteryTempThreshold, eGetBatteryMinChargeTempThreshold,
  eGetBatteryMaxChargeTempThreshold, eGetBatteryMaxOutputCurrent, eGetBatteryMaxInputChargeCurrent, eGetBatteryChargeTimer,
  eGetBatteryChargeSource, eGetBatteryStatus
 Ioctl request types. More...


IotBatteryHandle_t iot_battery_open (int32_t lBatteryInstance)
 iot_battery_open is used to initialize the Battery and Charging driver. More...
void iot_battery_set_callback (IotBatteryHandle_t const pxBatteryHandle, IotBatteryCallback_t xCallback, void *pvUserContext)
 iot_battery_set_callback is used to set the callback to be called when a notification needs to be sent to the caller. THe callback is only called if the battery supports async notifications. Caller must check isAsyncNotificationSupported value before registering for callbacks, if async is not supported, registering for callback has no affect, and the callback will never be called. More...
IotBatteryInfo_tiot_battery_getInfo (IotBatteryHandle_t const pxBatteryHandle)
 iot_battery_getInfo is used to get the battery info More...
int32_t iot_battery_current (IotBatteryHandle_t const pxBatteryHandle, uint16_t *pusCurrent)
 iot_battery_current is used to get the battery current in mA. More...
int32_t iot_battery_voltage (IotBatteryHandle_t const pxBatteryHandle, uint16_t *pusVoltage)
 iot_battery_voltage is used to get the battery voltage in milli-volts. More...
int32_t iot_battery_chargeLevel (IotBatteryHandle_t const pxBatteryHandle, uint8_t *pucChargeLevel)
 iot_battery_chargeLevel is used to get the battery charging level in percentage (from 1 to 100). More...
int32_t iot_battery_capacity (IotBatteryHandle_t const pxBatteryHandle, uint16_t *pusCapacity)
 iot_battery_capacity is used to get the current battery capacity value in mAh More...
int32_t iot_battery_temp (IotBatteryHandle_t const pxBatteryHandle, int16_t *psTemp)
 iot_battery_temp is used to get the battery temperature in milliCelcius More...
int32_t iot_battery_enable_charging (IotBatteryHandle_t const pxBatteryHandle, uint8_t *pucEnable)
 iot_battery_enable_charging is used to enable battery charging if charging is supported. if battery is already at full charge, enable will not charge battery until the charging level drops below 100, and even if battery is at critical level, and charging is not enabled, battery will not be charging. Charging is always enabled by default unless disabled by using this API. More...
int32_t iot_battery_is_charging (IotBatteryHandle_t const pxBatteryHandle, uint8_t *pucCharging)
 iot_battery_is_charging is used to query if the battery is currently charging. More...
int32_t iot_battery_ioctl (IotBatteryHandle_t const pxBatteryHandle, IotBatteryIoctlRequest_t xRequest, void *const pvBuffer)
 iot_battery_ioctl is used to set Battery configuration and Battery properties like battery threshold, temperature threshold, charging max, chargin min etc.. More...
int32_t iot_battery_close (IotBatteryHandle_t const pxBatteryHandle)
 iot_battery_close is used to de-Initialize Battery driver. More...

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define IOT_BATTERY_SUCCESS   ( 0 )

Return values used by BATTERY driver.

Battery operation completed successfully.



At least one parameter is invalid.


#define IOT_BATTERY_NOT_EXIST   ( 2 )

No battery exists in this hardware.



Battery read operation failed.



Battery operation not supported.

Typedef Documentation

◆ IotBatteryCallback_t

typedef void( * IotBatteryCallback_t) (IotBatteryStatus_t xStatus, void *pvUserContext)

Battery notification callback type. This callback is passed to the driver by using iot_battery_set_callback API. The callback is used to get the notifications about battery status changes for ex: when charging starts, or when critical threshold is reached or when battery is full etc... The callback is only used if the driver supports the asynchronous notifications. The caller must get the batteryInfo to find if the asynchronous notifications are supported. On simiple underlying batteries, the caller/application must manage the battery conditions by periodically probing the battery using read APIs, and for sophisticated battery management service modules, these can be managed in the HW hence asyncrhonous notifications can be sent (using registered callback)

[in]xStatusbattery status from IotBatteryStatus_t
[in]pvUserContextUser Context passed when setting the callback. This is not used by the driver, but just passed back to the user in the callback.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ IotBatteryType_t

Battery Type.


Re-chargeable batteries with charging enabled


Not chargeable batteries

◆ IotBatteryChargeSource_t

Charger type.


No Charge source, or non-chargeable battery


USB battery source


AC power supply source


Wireless charging source

◆ IotBatteryStatus_t

Battery status.


Battery is Charging. Applicable only if the battery is chargeable


Battery is Discharging. This is the normal status of battery is no charger is connected


Battery is not charging. This is set when charger is connected, but battery is not charging - usually an error condition


Battery is fully charged. This status will be set only when the charger is connected and battery is fully charged


Battery is low on charging and no charger connected. This status is set when battery is discharging and reaches a low cahrge value. Low charge value is defined by implementation


Battery maximum voltage limit reached.


Battery low voltage limit reached.


Battery maximum temperature limit reached.


Battery minimum temperature limit reached.


Battery maximum charging temperature limit reached.


Battery minimum charging temperature limit reached.


Battery charge timer expired. Charge timer can be set if the underlying hardware supports it using eSetBatteryChargeTimer IOCTL, and once the chargeTimer expires registered callback is called with this status set


Unknown status. Default status if no battery is present

◆ IotBatteryIoctlRequest_t

Ioctl request types.


Set the battery minimum voltage threshold. When the voltage goes below this threshold value, the registered callback will be called with the status set to "eBatteryUnderVoltage". If battery management HW does not have a way to monitor voltage, this IOCTL will not be supported. Parameter is uint16_t value in milliVolt units.


Set the battery mimimum voltage threshold. When the voltage goes below this threshold value, the registered callback will be called with the status set to "eBatteryOverVoltage". If battery management HW does not have a way to monitor voltage, this IOCTL will not be supported. Parameter is uint16_t value in milliVolt units.


Set the minimum battery temperature threshold. When the battery temperature goes below this value, the registered callback will be called with the status value "eBatteryUnderTemp". This IOCTL takes int16_t value as input in milliCelcius units.


Set the maximum battery temperature threshold. When the battery temperature goes above this value, the registered callback will be called with the status value "eBatteryUnderTemp". This IOCTL takes int16_t value as input in milliCelcius units.


Set the minimum charge temperature threshold. When the charging temperature goes below this value, the registered callback will be called with the status value "eBatteryUnderChargingTemp". This IOCTL takes int16_t value as input in milliCelcius units.


Set the maximum charge temperature threshold. When the charging temperature goes above this value, the registered callback will be called with the status value "eBatteryOverChargingTemp". This IOCTL takes int16_t value as input in milliCelcius units.


Set the maximum output current limit from the battery. This IOCTL takes uint16_t value as input in milliAmp units.


Set the maximum input charging current limit to the battery. This IOCTL takes uint16_t value as input in milliAmp units.


Set the battery charging timer limit. AFter the timer expires charging will stop. This IOCTL takes uint16_t value as input in milliSec units.


Get the battery minimum thresold. This IOCTL returns uint16_t value in milliVolt units.


Get the battery maximum thresold. This IOCTL returns uint16_t value in milliVolt units.


Get the battery OCV (open circuit voltage) This IOCTL returns uint16_t value in milliVolt units.


Get the battery boot-up voltage This IOCTL returns uint16_t value in milliVolt units.


Get the minimum battery temperature thresholde This IOCTL returns int16_t value in milliCelcius units.


Get the maximum battery temperature threshold. This IOCTL returns int16_t value in milliCelcius units.


Get the minimum charging temperature threshold. This IOCTL returns int16_t value in milliCelcius units.


Get the maximum charging temperature threshold. This IOCTL returns int16_t value in milliCelcius units.


Get the battery output current limit. This IOCTL returns uint16_t value in milliAmp units.


Get the battery input charge current limit. This IOCTL returns uint16_t value in milliAmp units.


Get the current battery charge time limit. This IOCTL returns uint16_t value in milliSec units.


Get the current battery charge source. This IOCTL returns a IotBatteryChargeSource_t as it's parameter.


Get the battery status. Returns one of the IotBatteryStatus_t values as it's parameter.

Function Documentation

◆ iot_battery_open()

IotBatteryHandle_t iot_battery_open ( int32_t  lBatteryInstance)

iot_battery_open is used to initialize the Battery and Charging driver.

[in]lBatteryInstanceThe instance of the battery interface to initialize. Usually, there is only one battery interface.
  • handle to the Battery controller on success
  • NULL, if
    • invalid instance
    • open same instance more than once before closing it.
    • on failure.

◆ iot_battery_set_callback()

void iot_battery_set_callback ( IotBatteryHandle_t const  pxBatteryHandle,
IotBatteryCallback_t  xCallback,
void *  pvUserContext 

iot_battery_set_callback is used to set the callback to be called when a notification needs to be sent to the caller. THe callback is only called if the battery supports async notifications. Caller must check isAsyncNotificationSupported value before registering for callbacks, if async is not supported, registering for callback has no affect, and the callback will never be called.

Single callback is used for all features that support callback
  • eBatteryChargeTimeExpired,
  • eSetBatteryMinVoltageThreshold, eSetBatteryMaxVoltageThreshold,
  • eSetBatteryMinBatteryTempThreshold, eSetBatteryMaxBatteryTempThreshold,
  • eSetBatteryMinChargeTempThreshold, eSetBatteryMaxChargeTempThreshold,
Newly set callback overrides the one previously set
This callback is per handle. Each instance has its own callback.
If input handle or if callback function is NULL, this function silently takes no action.
[in]pxBatteryHandlehandle to Battery driver returned in iot_battery_open()
[in]xCallbackcallback function to be called.
[in]pvUserContextuser context to be passed when callback is called.

◆ iot_battery_getInfo()

IotBatteryInfo_t* iot_battery_getInfo ( IotBatteryHandle_t const  pxBatteryHandle)

iot_battery_getInfo is used to get the battery info

[in]pxBatteryHandlehandle to Battery driver returned in iot_battery_open()
  • returns a pointer to the IotBatteryInfo structure on success
  • NULL on error

◆ iot_battery_current()

int32_t iot_battery_current ( IotBatteryHandle_t const  pxBatteryHandle,
uint16_t *  pusCurrent 

iot_battery_current is used to get the battery current in mA.

[in]pxBatteryHandlehandle to Battery driver returned in iot_battery_open()
[out]pusCurrentbattery current value.
  • IOT_BATTERY_SUCCESS on success
  • IOT_BATTERY_INVALID_VALUE if pxBatteryHandle == NULL or pusCurrent == NULL
  • IOT_BATTERY_NOT_EXIST if no battery present.
  • IOT_BATTERY_READ_FAILED on error obtaining valid reading
  • IOT_BATTERY_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED if its not supported by the hardware.

◆ iot_battery_voltage()

int32_t iot_battery_voltage ( IotBatteryHandle_t const  pxBatteryHandle,
uint16_t *  pusVoltage 

iot_battery_voltage is used to get the battery voltage in milli-volts.

[in]pxBatteryHandlehandle to Battery driver returned in iot_battery_open()
[out]pusVoltagebattery voltage value.
  • IOT_BATTERY_SUCCESS on success
  • IOT_BATTERY_INVALID_VALUE if pxBatteryHandle == NULL or pusVoltage == NULL
  • IOT_BATTERY_NOT_EXIST if no battery in this hardware
  • IOT_BATTERY_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED if its not supported by the hardware.

◆ iot_battery_chargeLevel()

int32_t iot_battery_chargeLevel ( IotBatteryHandle_t const  pxBatteryHandle,
uint8_t *  pucChargeLevel 

iot_battery_chargeLevel is used to get the battery charging level in percentage (from 1 to 100).

[in]pxBatteryHandlehandle to Battery driver returned in iot_battery_open()
[out]pucChargeLevelbattery charging value.
  • IOT_BATTERY_SUCCESS on success
  • IOT_BATTERY_INVALID_VALUE if pxBatteryHandle == NULL or pusChargeLevel == NULL
  • IOT_BATTERY_NOT_EXIST if no battery in this hardware
  • IOT_BATTERY_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED if its not supported by the hardware.

◆ iot_battery_capacity()

int32_t iot_battery_capacity ( IotBatteryHandle_t const  pxBatteryHandle,
uint16_t *  pusCapacity 

iot_battery_capacity is used to get the current battery capacity value in mAh

[in]pxBatteryHandlehandle to Battery driver returned in iot_battery_open()
[out]pusCapacitybattery capacity value.
  • IOT_BATTERY_SUCCESS on success
  • IOT_BATTERY_INVALID_VALUE if pxBatteryHandle == NULL or pusCapacity == NULL
  • IOT_BATTERY_NOT_EXIST if no battery in this hardware
  • IOT_BATTERY_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED if its not supported by the hardware.

◆ iot_battery_temp()

int32_t iot_battery_temp ( IotBatteryHandle_t const  pxBatteryHandle,
int16_t *  psTemp 

iot_battery_temp is used to get the battery temperature in milliCelcius

[in]pxBatteryHandlehandle to Battery driver returned in iot_battery_open()
[out]psTempbattery temperature in milliCelcius
  • IOT_BATTERY_SUCCESS on success
  • IOT_BATTERY_INVALID_VALUE if pxBatteryHandle == NULL or psTemp == NULL
  • IOT_BATTERY_NOT_EXIST if no battery in this hardware
  • IOT_BATTERY_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED if its not supported by the hardware.

◆ iot_battery_enable_charging()

int32_t iot_battery_enable_charging ( IotBatteryHandle_t const  pxBatteryHandle,
uint8_t *  pucEnable 

iot_battery_enable_charging is used to enable battery charging if charging is supported. if battery is already at full charge, enable will not charge battery until the charging level drops below 100, and even if battery is at critical level, and charging is not enabled, battery will not be charging. Charging is always enabled by default unless disabled by using this API.

[in]pxBatteryHandlehandle to Battery driver returned in iot_battery_open()
[in]pucEnableEnable or Disable the charging of battery. set to 1 to enable, or 0 to disable.
  • IOT_BATTERY_SUCCESS on success
  • IOT_BATTERY_INVALID_VALUE if NULL handle or NULL voltage pointer
  • IOT_BATTERY_NOT_EXIST if no battery in this hardware
  • IOT_BATTERY_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED if its not supported by the hardware.

◆ iot_battery_is_charging()

int32_t iot_battery_is_charging ( IotBatteryHandle_t const  pxBatteryHandle,
uint8_t *  pucCharging 

iot_battery_is_charging is used to query if the battery is currently charging.

[in]pxBatteryHandlehandle to Battery driver returned in iot_battery_open()
[out]pucChargingIf charging this will contain value of 1 otherwise 0.
  • IOT_BATTERY_SUCCESS on success
  • IOT_BATTERY_INVALID_VALUE if pxBatteryHandle == NULL or pusCharging == NULL
  • IOT_BATTERY_NOT_EXIST if no battery in this hardware
  • IOT_BATTERY_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED if its not supported by the hardware.

◆ iot_battery_ioctl()

int32_t iot_battery_ioctl ( IotBatteryHandle_t const  pxBatteryHandle,
IotBatteryIoctlRequest_t  xRequest,
void *const  pvBuffer 

iot_battery_ioctl is used to set Battery configuration and Battery properties like battery threshold, temperature threshold, charging max, chargin min etc..

[in]pxBatteryHandlehandle to Battery driver returned in iot_battery_open()
[in]xRequestconfiguration request of type IotBatteryIoctlRequest_t
[in,out]pvBufferbuffer holding Battery set and get values.
  • IOT_BATTERY_SUCCESS on success
    • pxBatteryHandle == NULL
    • invalid xRequest
    • pvBuffer == NULL when required
  • IOT_BATTERY_NOT_EXIST if no battery in this hardware
  • IOT_BATTERY_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED valid for any ioctl if its not supported by the hardware.

◆ iot_battery_close()

int32_t iot_battery_close ( IotBatteryHandle_t const  pxBatteryHandle)

iot_battery_close is used to de-Initialize Battery driver.

[in]pxBatteryHandlehandle to Battery interface.
  • IOT_BATTERY_SUCCESS on success
    • pxBatteryHandle == NULL
    • if is not in open state (already closed).