#include <FreeRTOS_IP.h>
MAC address structure.
uint8_t struct::ucOpcode |
Operation Code: Specifies the general type of message.
uint8_t struct::ucAddressType |
Hardware type used on the local network.
uint8_t struct::ucAddressLength |
Hardware Address Length: Specifies how long hardware addresses are in this message.
uint8_t struct::ucHops |
uint32_t struct::ulTransactionID |
A 32-bit identification field generated by the client, to allow it to match up the request with replies received from DHCP servers.
uint16_t struct::usElapsedTime |
Number of seconds elapsed since a client began an attempt to acquire or renew a lease.
uint16_t struct::usFlags |
Just one bit used to indicate broadcast.
Flags of the DNS message.
uint32_t struct::ulClientIPAddress_ciaddr |
Client's IP address if it has one or 0 is put in this field.
uint32_t struct::ulYourIPAddress_yiaddr |
The IP address that the server is assigning to the client.
uint32_t struct::ulServerIPAddress_siaddr |
The DHCP server address that the client should use.
uint32_t struct::ulRelayAgentIPAddress_giaddr |
Gateway IP address in case the server client are on different subnets.
uint8_t struct::ucClientHardwareAddress[dhcpCLIENT_HARDWARE_ADDRESS_LENGTH] |
The client hardware address.
uint8_t struct::ucServerHostName[dhcpSERVER_HOST_NAME_LENGTH] |
Server's hostname.
uint8_t struct::ucBootFileName[dhcpBOOT_FILE_NAME_LENGTH] |
Boot file full directory path.
uint32_t struct::ulDHCPCookie |
Magic cookie option.
uint16_t struct::usIdentifier |
Query identifier. Used to match up replies to outstanding queries.
Used in some types of ICMP 4 + 2 = 6
uint16_t struct::usQuestions |
Number of questions asked in this query.
uint16_t struct::usAnswers |
Number of answers being provided in this query.
uint16_t struct::usAuthorityRRs |
Authoritative name server resource records.
uint16_t struct::usAdditionalRRs |
Additional resource records.
uint16_t struct::usType |
Type of DNS message.
Type of DNS answer record.
Type of the Resource record.
Type of NBNS record.
Type of NBNS answer.
uint16_t struct::usClass |
Class of DNS message.
Class of DNS answer record.
Class of the Resource record.
Class of NBNS request.
Class of NBNS answer.
uint32_t struct::ulTTL |
Number of seconds the result can be cached.
Seconds till this entry can be cached.
Time in seconds for which the answer can be cached.
uint16_t struct::usDataLength |
Length of the data field.
Length of the address in this record.
Data length.
uint8_t struct::ucNameCode |
Name type.
uint8_t struct::ucNameOffset |
The name is not repeated in the answer, only the offset is given with "0xc0 <offs>"
uint32_t struct::ulIPAddress |
The IP-address.
The IPv4 address.
uint16_t struct::usRequestId |
NBNS request ID.
uint16_t struct::ulRequestCount |
The number of requests/questions in this query.
uint16_t struct::usAnswerRSS |
The number of answers in this query.
uint16_t struct::usAuthRSS |
Number of authoritative resource records.
uint16_t struct::usAdditionalRSS |
Number of additional resource records.
uint8_t struct::ucNameSpace |
Length of name.
uint8_t struct::ucName[dnsNBNS_ENCODED_NAME_LENGTH] |
The domain name.
uint8_t struct::ucNameZero |
Terminator of the name.
uint16_t struct::usNbFlags |
NetBIOS flags 0x6000 : IP-address, big-endian.
uint8_t struct::ucBytes[ipMAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH_BYTES] |
Byte array of the MAC address
MACAddress_t struct::xDestinationAddress |
Destination address 0 + 6 = 6
MACAddress_t struct::xSourceAddress |
Source address 6 + 6 = 12
uint16_t struct::usFrameType |
The EtherType field 12 + 2 = 14
uint16_t struct::usHardwareType |
Network Link Protocol type 0 + 2 = 2
uint16_t struct::usProtocolType |
The internetwork protocol 2 + 2 = 4
uint8_t struct::ucHardwareAddressLength |
Length in octets of a hardware address 4 + 1 = 5
uint8_t struct::ucProtocolAddressLength |
Length in octets of the internetwork protocol 5 + 1 = 6
uint16_t struct::usOperation |
Operation that the sender is performing 6 + 2 = 8
MACAddress_t struct::xSenderHardwareAddress |
Media address of the sender 8 + 6 = 14
uint8_t struct::ucSenderProtocolAddress[4] |
Internetwork address of sender 14 + 4 = 18
MACAddress_t struct::xTargetHardwareAddress |
Media address of the intended receiver 18 + 6 = 24
uint32_t struct::ulTargetProtocolAddress |
Internetwork address of the intended receiver 24 + 4 = 28
uint8_t struct::ucVersionHeaderLength |
The version field + internet header length 0 + 1 = 1
uint8_t struct::ucDifferentiatedServicesCode |
Differentiated services code point + ECN 1 + 1 = 2
uint16_t struct::usLength |
Entire Packet size 2 + 2 = 4
The size of the whole UDP packet 4 + 2 = 6
uint16_t struct::usIdentification |
Identification field 4 + 2 = 6
uint16_t struct::usFragmentOffset |
Fragment flags and fragment offset 6 + 2 = 8
uint8_t struct::ucTimeToLive |
Time to live field 8 + 1 = 9
uint8_t struct::ucProtocol |
Protocol used in the IP-datagram 9 + 1 = 10
uint16_t struct::usHeaderChecksum |
Checksum of the IP-header 10 + 2 = 12
uint32_t struct::ulSourceIPAddress |
IP address of the source 12 + 4 = 16
uint32_t struct::ulDestinationIPAddress |
IP address of the destination 16 + 4 = 20
uint8_t struct::ucTypeOfMessage |
The ICMP type 0 + 1 = 1
uint8_t struct::ucTypeOfService |
The ICMP subtype 1 + 1 = 2
uint16_t struct::usChecksum |
The checksum of whole ICMP packet 2 + 2 = 4
The checksum of the whole UDP Packet 6 + 2 = 8
The checksum of the header + 2 = 18
uint16_t struct::usSequenceNumber |
Used in some types of ICMP 6 + 2 = 8
uint16_t struct::usSourcePort |
The source port 0 + 2 = 2
The Source port + 2 = 2
uint16_t struct::usDestinationPort |
The destination port 2 + 2 = 4
The destination port + 2 = 4
uint32_t struct::ulSequenceNumber |
The Sequence number + 4 = 8
uint32_t struct::ulAckNr |
The acknowledgement number + 4 = 12
uint8_t struct::ucTCPOffset |
The value of TCP offset + 1 = 13
uint8_t struct::ucTCPFlags |
The TCP-flags field + 1 = 14
uint16_t struct::usWindow |
The size of the receive window + 2 = 15
uint16_t struct::usUrgent |
Pointer to the last urgent data byte + 2 = 20
uint8_t struct::ucOptdata[ipSIZE_TCP_OPTIONS] |
The options + 12 = 32
EthernetHeader_t struct::xEthernetHeader |
The ethernet header of an ARP Packet 0 + 14 = 14
The Ethernet header of an ICMP packet.
UDP-Packet ethernet header 0 + 14 = 14
The ethernet header 0 + 14 = 14
ARPHeader_t struct::xARPHeader |
The ARP header of an ARP Packet 14 + 28 = 42
IPHeader_t struct::xIPHeader |
The IP header of an ICMP packet.
UDP-Packet IP header 14 + 20 = 34
The IP header 14 + 20 = 34
ICMPHeader_t struct::xICMPHeader |
The ICMP header of an ICMP packet.
UDPHeader_t struct::xUDPHeader |
UDP-Packet UDP header 34 + 8 = 42
TCPHeader_t struct::xTCPHeader |
The TCP header 34 + 32 = 66