Class BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
    extends java.lang.Object
    A slot represents an on-screen and audible element that can be transitioned over time and bound and unbound to input devices. See Mixer.bind and Mixer.unbind
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        The name of this mixer slot. By default this is `default`.
      • setName

        public void setName​(@NonNull
                            java.lang.String name)
        Sets the name for this mixer. The length of the name must be between 1 and 50 characters in length, otherwise a IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
        name - the desired name for this mixer.
      • getSize

        public BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2 getSize()
        The size for the mixer slot. By default this is `720x1280`. However, note that when `matchCanvasSize` is `true`, the slot will use `` instead. Setting this property always has the side-effect of setting `matchCanvasSize` to `false`.
      • setSize

        public void setSize​(int width,
                            int height)
      • getFillColor

        public BroadcastConfiguration.Vec4 getFillColor()
        The fill color of this mixer in the RGBA format By default this is a color with RGBA values of 0. The alpha value will be ignored if Video.enableTransparency is false.
      • setFillColor

        public void setFillColor​(@NonNull
                                 BroadcastConfiguration.Vec4 fillColor)
        Sets the fill color for this mixer in the RGBA format. All 4 values in the RGBA format must be between 0 and 1, otherwise a IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. The alpha value will be ignored if Video.enableTransparency is false.
        fillColor - A RGBA vector representing a fill color
      • getGain

        public float getGain()
        The gain of the mixer slot By default this is `1`.
      • setGain

        public void setGain​(float gain)
        Sets the gain for this mixer. A gain of 1 means no change, a gain less than 1 will suppress, and greater than 1 will amplify. The value must be between 0 and 2 otherwise a IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
        gain - The desired gain for this filter.
      • getTransparency

        public float getTransparency()
        The transparency for the mixer slot. 0 = fully opaque, 1 = fully transparent. By default this is `0`. This value will be ignored if Video.enableTransparency is false.
      • setTransparency

        public void setTransparency​(float transparency)
        Sets the transparency of this mixer. 0 = fully opaque, 1 = fully transparent The value must be between 0 and 1 otherwise a IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. This value will be ignored if Video.enableTransparency is false.
        transparency - The desired transparency for this mixer.
      • getzIndex

        public int getzIndex()
        The z-index of the mixer slot. Higher values are rendered in front of lower values. By default this is `0`.
      • setzIndex

        public void setzIndex​(int zIndex)
        higher values are rendered in front of lower values
      • getMatchCanvasSize

        public boolean getMatchCanvasSize()
        Whether or not this mixer slot automatically matches the canvas size. This defaults to `true` but will be set to `false` automatically if `size` is changed. Setting this back to `true` will once again match the canvas size, but will leave the `size` property unchanged, i.e. it will still be the custom value you set it to.
      • setMatchCanvasSize

        public void setMatchCanvasSize​(boolean value)
      • getMatchCanvasAspectMode

        public boolean getMatchCanvasAspectMode()
        Whether or not this mixer slot automatically matches the canvas aspect mode. This defaults to `true` but will be set to `false` automatically if `aspect` is changed. Setting this back to `true` will once again match the canvas aspect mode, but will leave the `aspect` property unchanged, i.e. it will still be the custom value you set it to.
      • setMatchCanvasAspectMode

        public void setMatchCanvasAspectMode​(boolean value)