Class LocalAudioStats

  • @RequiresApi(api=28)
    public class LocalAudioStats
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • nackCount

        public final long nackCount
        The NACK count received by SDK for sending audio
      • packetsSent

        public final long packetsSent
        The number of audio packets sent
      • retransmittedPacketsSent

        public final long retransmittedPacketsSent
        The number of audio packets retransmitted
      • bytesSent

        public final long bytesSent
        The total number of audio bytes sent, and it includes retransmissions
      • headerBytesSent

        public final long headerBytesSent
        The number of RTP header bytes sent
      • retransmittedBytesSent

        public final long retransmittedBytesSent
        The number of retransmitted bytes
      • totalPacketSendDelay

        public final long totalPacketSendDelay
        The total number of seconds that packets have bufferered locally
      • mime

        public final java.lang.String mime
        Mime type