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active - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The indication if SDK is actively sending local video or not
addOnDevicesChangedListener(DeviceDiscovery.OnDevicesChangedListener) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.DeviceDiscovery
Add a listener to be notified about device changes
addRenderer(StageRenderer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage
Adds a renderer to the list of renderers that will be notified of updates to the Stage.
addSlot(BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Mixer
Add a new slot to the mixer configuration
appendBuffer(long, ByteBuffer, long, long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioSource
appendBuffer(ByteBuffer, long, long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioDevice
Append an audio buffer.
appendBuffer(ByteBuffer, long, long) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioSource
ATTEMPTING_PUBLISH - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.PublishState
The participant is attempting to publish
ATTEMPTING_SUBSCRIBE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.SubscribeState
An subscription is being established to the remote participant
attributes - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ParticipantInfo
Attributes associated with this participant
audio - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration
AUDIO - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream.Type
AUDIO_ONLY - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.SubscribeType
Subscribe to pariticipant's audio
AUDIO_VIDEO - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.SubscribeType
Subscribe to both pariticipant's audio and video
audioConfiguration - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageConfiguration
AudioDevice - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Audio input sources must conform to this interface
AudioDevice() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioDevice
AudioDevice.Format - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Audio data representations
AudioDevice.StatsCallback - Interface in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
audioFormat - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
Microphone audio format
audioLevel - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteAudioStats
Represents the audio level of receiving audio, and the value is between 0 and 1
AudioLocalStageStream - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
AudioLocalStageStream(Device) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioLocalStageStream
Note: Since VOICE_COMMUNICATION audio mode is used, audio may be routed from a different audio device than the one AudioLocalStageStream was created with.
AudioLocalStageStream(Device, StageAudioConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioLocalStageStream
AudioSource - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Use AudioSource as a generic source to send app-generated audio to the SDK in LPCM format.
AudioStageStream - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
This is a child class of StageStream and provide audio specific APIs and implementations
autoReconnect - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration
AUX - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.Position


BACK - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.Position
BACK_CAMERA(Context) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Presets.Devices
Picks the back camera and default audio input
BAD - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats.NetworkHealth
BALANCED - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration.DegradationPreference
BASIC_LANDSCAPE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Presets.Configuration
A preset that is usable with the Basic channel type
BASIC_PORTRAIT - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Presets.Configuration
A preset that is usable with the Basic channel type
bind(Device, String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Mixer
Bind a device's output to a mixer slot (specified in the mixer configuration) A common source of failure for this API is if a slot does not exist matching the provided slotName.
Bluetooth - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Manage the state of Bluetooth SCO capabilities
Bluetooth() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Bluetooth
BLUETOOTH - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.Position
BroadcastConfiguration - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Configuration properties for a BroadcastSession Changing any properties on this object after providing it to `BroadcastSession` will not have any effect.
BroadcastConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration
BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
The AspectMode determines how an image's aspect ratio will be maintained.
BroadcastConfiguration.Audio - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
BroadcastConfiguration.AudioSampleRate - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
BroadcastConfiguration.AutomaticBitrateProfile - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Profiles for the automatic video bitrate behavior.
BroadcastConfiguration.AutoReconnect - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
An object that can configure SDK auto-reconnect functionality.
BroadcastConfiguration.LogLevel - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Audio and Video Mixer properties.
BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
A slot represents an on-screen and audible element that can be transitioned over time and bound and unbound to input devices.
BroadcastConfiguration.Network - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2 - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
BroadcastConfiguration.Vec4 - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
BroadcastConfiguration.Video - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
BroadcastException - Exception in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
broadcastQuality - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats
The current BroadcastQuality.
BroadcastSession - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
BroadcastSession is the primary interaction point with the IVS Broadcast SDK.
BroadcastSession(Context, BroadcastSession.Listener, BroadcastConfiguration, Device.Descriptor[]) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession
Create a BroadcastSession object that can stream to an IVS endpoint via RTMPS.
BroadcastSession.Listener - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Provide a listener to receive status updates and errors from the SDK.
BroadcastSession.RetryState - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
A value representing the BroadcastSession retry state.
BroadcastSession.State - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
BroadcastSessionTest - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
A handle on the network quality test.
BroadcastSessionTest.Result - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Information about the state of a network quality test.
BroadcastSessionTest.Status - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
The state of a network quality test
Builder<T> - Interface in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
A utility interface used by BroadcastConfiguration to enable .with and .changing
bytesReceived - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteAudioStats
The total number of bytes received including retransmissions
bytesReceived - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The total number of bytes received including retransmissions
bytesSent - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalAudioStats
The total number of audio bytes sent, and it includes retransmissions
bytesSent - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The total number of video bytes sent, and it includes retransmissions


CAMERA - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.DeviceType
cameraCharacteristics - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
Android-specific characteristics for cameras
CameraSource - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
CameraSource represents a camera input device
cancel() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSessionTest
Cancels the associated network quality test.
capabilities - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ParticipantInfo
changing(Builder<BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
changing(Builder<BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer
changing(Builder<BroadcastConfiguration>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration
channelCount - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
Microphone channel count
clearSurface() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImagePreviewSurfaceTarget
Clears the surface, previews will not be rendered until {ImagePreviewSurfaceTarget.setSurface(Surface, int, int)} is called again
com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast - package com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
concealedSamples - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteAudioStats
The total number of samples that are concealed samples
Configuration() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Presets.Configuration
CONNECTED - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.State
CONNECTED - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.ConnectionState
SDK is connected to Stage session
CONNECTING - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.State
CONNECTING - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSessionTest.Status
The test is connecting to the ingest server and will start soon.
CONNECTING - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.ConnectionState
SDK is establishing connection to Stage session
CONSERVATIVE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AutomaticBitrateProfile
This profile is conservative in how it ramps up the bitrate when the network health is good, but fast to drop the bitrate when network health is bad.
context - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
createAudioInputSource(int, BroadcastConfiguration.AudioSampleRate, AudioDevice.Format) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.DeviceDiscovery
Create an audio input for a custom source.
createImageInputSource(BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.DeviceDiscovery
Create an image input for a custom source.
CustomAudioSource - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
An extension of AudioSource to send app-generated audio to the SDK in LPCM format.
CustomAudioSource(String, long) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.CustomAudioSource
CustomImageSource - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
An extension of SurfaceSource to send app-generated video to the SDK.
CustomImageSource(Context, Surface, SurfaceTexture, Handler, String, long) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.CustomImageSource


DEBUG - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.LogLevel
Debugging messages, potentially quite verbose.
DEFAULT_ID - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
descriptor - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioSource
Descriptor() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
Device - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Represents an input device such as a camera or microphone
Device() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device
Device.Descriptor - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Represents an input device's description.
Device.Descriptor.DeviceType - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Device.Descriptor.Position - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Physical device position
Device.Descriptor.StreamType - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Media types present in a stream
DeviceDiscovery - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Use this class to discover local devices, such as microphones or cameras, to attach to the SDK.
DeviceDiscovery(Context) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.DeviceDiscovery
DeviceDiscovery.OnDevicesChangedListener - Interface in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
A listener which notifies when the list of devices changes
deviceId - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
System deviceId.
Devices() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Presets.Devices
DISCONNECTED - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.State
DISCONNECTED - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.ConnectionState
SDK is not connected to Stage session
DOWN - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.QualityStats.NetworkQuality


enableNoiseSuppression(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioConfiguration
Setting this to true will enable noise suppression.
enableTransparency(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
Setting this to true will enable transparency between mixer slots at the cost of some memory usage.
END_OF_FILE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Connection has ended.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2
equals(Object) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Vec4
ERROR - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.LogLevel
Error conditions and faults
ERROR - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.State
ERROR - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSessionTest.Status
The test failed due to an error.
ERROR - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Generic error occurred.
ERROR_AUTHORIZATION - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Error indicating a network resource is not authorized.
ERROR_CONNECTION_ABORTED - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Software caused the connection to abort.
ERROR_CONNECTION_RESET - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Connection reset by the server.
ERROR_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Device, such as a mic or camera, lost its connection.
ERROR_INVALID_DATA - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Data or input is invalid for the operation.
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Method parameter is invalid.
ERROR_INVALID_STATE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Class or object is an invalid state.
ERROR_NETWORK - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Unspecified Network error.
ERROR_NETWORK_IO - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Error indicating a network I/O failure.
ERROR_NO_SOURCE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
No source present for the operation.
ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Error indicating a network resource is not available.
ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Not connected.
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Method or feature not supported.
ERROR_TIMEOUT - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Method or operation timed out.
ERROR_TYPE_UNKNOWN - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Error type unknown when using fromInt(), where the argument was out of range of this enum.
ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Error indicating a non-blocking resource would block but did not; retry later.
ERROR_WRONG_THREAD - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Call made on the wrong thread.
ErrorType - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Enumeration of error codes used in BroadcastSession.Listener.onError(BroadcastException).
EXCELLENT - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.QualityStats.NetworkQuality
EXCELLENT - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats.NetworkHealth
exception - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSessionTest.Result
Any error associated with the network quality test.


FAILURE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.RetryState
The SDK was unable to reconnect a failed broadcast within the maximum amount of allowed retries.
FAST_INCREASE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AutomaticBitrateProfile
This profile is fast to ramp up the bitrate when the network health is good, and fast to drop the bitrate when network health is bad.
FILL - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode
finalize() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.CustomAudioSource
finalize() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.CustomImageSource
finalize() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.DeviceDiscovery
finalize() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage
firCount - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The total number of Full Intra Request(FIR) packets received
firCount - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The total number of Full Intra Request(FIR) packets sent
FIT - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode
FLOAT32 - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioDevice.Format
32-bit floating point, interleaved.
FLOAT32_PLANAR - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioDevice.Format
32-bit floating point, planar.
FLOAT64 - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioDevice.Format
64-bit floating point, interleaved.
FLOAT64_PLANAR - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioDevice.Format
64-bit floating point, planar.
frameHeight - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
Represents the height of the last encoded frame
frameHeight - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
Represents the height of the last decoded frame
framesDecoded - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The total number of video frames correctly being decoded
framesDropped - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The total number of video frames dropped prior to decode
framesEncoded - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The number of video frames encoded
framesPerSecond - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The number of encoded frames during the last second
framesPerSecond - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The number of decoded frames during the last second
framesReceived - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The total number of video frames being received
framesSent - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
Represents the total number of frames sent
frameWidth - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
Represents the width of the last encoded frame
frameWidth - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
Represents the width of the last decoded frame
freezeCount - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The total number of video freezes experienced by receiver
friendlyName - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
A human-readable name
fromInt(int) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
FRONT - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.Position
FRONT_CAMERA(Context) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Presets.Devices
Picks the front camera and default audio input


GAME - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.Usage
GAMING_LANDSCAPE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Presets.Configuration
GAMING_PORTRAIT - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Presets.Configuration
GENERIC - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.Source
getAspect() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
The aspect mode of the mixer slot.
getAudioConfiguration() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalStageStream
getAutoBitrateProfile() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
The profile to use for the video's automatic bitrate algorithm.
getBitrate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Audio
The audio bitrate for the output audio stream.
getCameraCaptureQualityFps() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
Return desired fps for local preview or 0 if none was set
getCameraCaptureQualitySize() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
Return desired size for local preview or null if none was set
getCanvasAspectMode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer
getChannels() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Audio
The number of channels for the output audio stream.
getCode() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastException
getContentType() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager
getDegradationPreference() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
getDescriptor() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioSource
From Device
getDescriptor() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.CameraSource
getDescriptor() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device
getDescriptor() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
getDetail() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastException
getDevice() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream
getDeviceBinding(Device) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Mixer
Get a device's current binding, if it is bound.
getEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AutoReconnect
getError() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastException
getErrorCode() - Method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
getFillColor() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
getGain() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
The gain of the mixer slot By default this is `1`.
getHandle() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioSource
getHandle() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
getInitialBitrate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
The initial bitrate for the output video stream.
getInputSurface() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
Retrieving this Surface can be done from any thread, but API calls on the Surface may not be thread safe.
getInstance(Context) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager
Returns an instance of the StageAudioManager.
getKeyframeInterval() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
The keyframe interval for the output video stream in seconds.
getMatchCanvasAspectMode() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
Whether or not this mixer slot automatically matches the canvas aspect mode.
getMatchCanvasSize() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
Whether or not this mixer slot automatically matches the canvas size.
getMaxBitrate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
The maximum bitrate for the output video stream.
getMaxBitrate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioConfiguration
getMaxBitrate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
getMinBitrate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
The minimum bitrate for the output video stream.
getMinBitrate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
getMixerCanvasSize() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageConfiguration
getMuted() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream
getName() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
The name of this mixer slot.
getPosition() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
The position of the mixer slot.
getPreferredAudioInput() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
The preferred audio input device for the mixer slot.
getPreferredVideoInput() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
The preferred video input device for the mixer slot.
getPreview() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream
Create a preview for this stream, only works when Type = Video Please use StageStream.getPreviewSurfaceView() if you can, it has better performance
getPreviewSurfaceTarget() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioLocalStageStream
getPreviewSurfaceTarget() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioStageStream
Get image view, but it is a no-op for AudioStageStream since audio does not have views
getPreviewSurfaceTarget() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice
Gets a ImagePreviewSurfaceTarget that will display a preview of this device's contents.
getPreviewSurfaceTarget() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageLocalStageStream
getPreviewSurfaceTarget() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageStageStream
Get custom Surface based preview
getPreviewSurfaceTarget() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream
Create a preview for this stream, only works when Type = Video
getPreviewSurfaceTarget(BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice
getPreviewSurfaceTarget(BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
getPreviewSurfaceView() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioLocalStageStream
getPreviewSurfaceView() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioStageStream
Get image view, but it is a no-op for AudioStageStream since audio does not have views
getPreviewSurfaceView() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice
Gets a ImagePreviewSurfaceView that will display a preview of this device's contents.
getPreviewSurfaceView() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageLocalStageStream
getPreviewSurfaceView() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageStageStream
Get image view
getPreviewSurfaceView() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream
Create a preview for this stream, only works when Type = Video
getPreviewSurfaceView(BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice
getPreviewSurfaceView(BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
getPreviewTextureView() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioLocalStageStream
getPreviewTextureView() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioStageStream
Get image view, but it is a no-op for AudioStageStream since audio does not have views
getPreviewTextureView() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice
Gets a ImagePreviewView that will display a preview of this device's contents.
getPreviewTextureView() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageLocalStageStream
getPreviewTextureView() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageStageStream
Get image view
getPreviewTextureView() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream
Create a preview for this stream, only works when Type = Video Please use StageStream.getPreviewSurfaceView() if you can, it has better performance
getPreviewTextureView(BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice
getPreviewTextureView(BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
getPreviewView() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice
Gets a ImagePreviewView that will display a preview of this device's contents.
getPreviewView(BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice
getSize() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
The size for the mixer slot.
getSize() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
The resolution of the output video stream.
getSize() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
getSlots() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Mixer
Returns the currently added slots.
getSource() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastException
getSource() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager
getStreamType() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream
getTag() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioSource
getTag() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device
getTag() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
getTargetFramerate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
The target framerate of the output video stream.
getTargetFramerate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
getTransparency() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
The transparency for the mixer slot.
getUid() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastException
getUsage() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager
getVersion() - Static method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession
getVideoConfiguration() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalStageStream
getzIndex() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
The z-index of the mixer slot.
GOOD - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.QualityStats.NetworkQuality


handle - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioSource
handle - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
hasStream(Device.Descriptor.StreamType) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
headerBytesReceived - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteAudioStats
The number of RTP header bytes received
headerBytesReceived - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The number of RTP header bytes received
headerBytesSent - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalAudioStats
The number of RTP header bytes sent
headerBytesSent - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The number of RTP header bytes sent
HIGH - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats.BroadcastQuality
HIGH - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats.NetworkHealth
hugeFramesSent - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
Represents the total number of huge frames sent


IMAGE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.StreamType
Uncompressed image
ImageDevice - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Image and video input sources must conform to this interface
ImageDevice() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice
ImageDevice.FrameCallback - Interface in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
ImageDevice.Rotation - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Utility enum that defines common rotations by degree in radians.
ImageDeviceFrame - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
A data class providing metadata about the frames going through an ImageDevice.
ImageLocalStageStream - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
ImageLocalStageStream(Device) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageLocalStageStream
ImageLocalStageStream(Device, StageVideoConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageLocalStageStream
ImagePreviewSurfaceTarget - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
A special kind of preview which is not an Android View.
ImagePreviewSurfaceView - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
A view that will render a preview of either an ImageDevice, or the composited preview of the entire BroadcastSession.
ImagePreviewView - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
A view that will render a preview of either an ImageDevice, or the composited preview of the entire BroadcastSession.
ImageStageStream - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
This is a child class of StageStream and provide video specific APIs and implementations
INFO - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.LogLevel
Informational messages.
insertedSamplesForDeceleration - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteAudioStats
This is the counter of audio samples inserted to slow down playout
INT16 - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioDevice.Format
16-bit signed integer, interleaved.
INT16_PLANAR - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioDevice.Format
16-bit signed integer, planar.
INT32 - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioDevice.Format
32-bit signed integer, interleaved.
INT32_PLANAR - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioDevice.Format
32-bit signed integer, planar.
INVALID - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.State
isDefault - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
Default device indicator
isEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration.Simulcast
Whether simulcast is enabled.
isFatal() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastException
isLocal - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ParticipantInfo
isNoiseSuppressionEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioConfiguration
isTransparencyEnabled() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
Whether transparency is enabled for this broadcast session.
isUseAutoBitrate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
Whether the output video stream will automatically adjust the bitrate based on network conditions.
isUseBFrames() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
Whether the output video stream uses B (Bidirectional predicted picture) frames.
isUseIPv6() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Network
isUsingMinBitrate() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
isValid() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioSource
isValid() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
isValid() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device
isValid() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource


jitterBufferDelay - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteAudioStats
Represents the sum of time in seconds that packets buffered in jitter buffer
jitterBufferDelay - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
Represents the sum of time in seconds that packets buffered in jitter buffer
join() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage
Joins the Stage session associated with the token provided during initialization.


keyFramesDecoded - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The total number of video key frames correctly being decoded
keyFramesEncoded - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The number of video key frames encoded


leave() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage
Leaves the joined Stage session.
Listener() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.Listener
listLocalDevices() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.DeviceDiscovery
List available devices for use without attaching to either Stage or Broadcast session.
LocalAudioStats - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
LocalStageStream - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
This class represents either local audio stream or local video stream, and it is used in Stage.Strategy to guide SDK what stream to publish
LocalStageStream(Device, StageVideoConfiguration, StageAudioConfiguration, StageStream.Type) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalStageStream
LocalStageStream(Device, StageVideoConfiguration, StageStream.Type) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalStageStream
LocalVideoStats - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
logLevel - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration
In order to catch logs at a more granular level than `Error` during the initialization process, you will need to use this property instead of the `BroadcastSession.setLogLevel` API.
LOW - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats.BroadcastQuality
LOW - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats.NetworkHealth


MAINTAIN_FRAMERATE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration.DegradationPreference
MAINTAIN_RESOLUTION - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration.DegradationPreference
measuredBitrate - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats
The current measured average sending bitrate.
MEDIA - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.Usage
MEDIUM - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats.BroadcastQuality
MEDIUM - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats.NetworkHealth
MICROPHONE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.DeviceType
MICROPHONE(Context) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Presets.Devices
Pick the default microphone without choosing a camera
mime - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalAudioStats
Mime type
mime - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
Mime type
mime - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteAudioStats
Mime type
mime - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
Mime type
mixer - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration
mixer - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageConfiguration
Mixer - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
The mixer determines the final on-screen and in-ear state for visual elements and audio.
MOVIE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.ContentType
MUSIC - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.ContentType


nackCount - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalAudioStats
The NACK count received by SDK for sending audio
nackCount - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The NACK count received by SDK for sending video
nackCount - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteAudioStats
The NACK count sent by SDK for receiving audio
nackCount - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The NACK count sent by SDK for receiving video
NEAR_MAXIMUM - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats.BroadcastQuality
NEAR_MINIMUM - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats.BroadcastQuality
network - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration
Network() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Network
networkHealth - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats
The current NetworkHealth.
networkQuality - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalAudioStats
The network quality associates with publishing local audio
networkQuality - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The network quality associates with publishing local video
networkQuality - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteAudioStats
The network quality associates with subscribing remote audio
networkQuality - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The network quality associates with subscribing remote video
NONE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode
NONE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.SubscribeType
Do not subscribe to a participant.
NORMAL - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.QualityStats.NetworkQuality
NOT_PUBLISHED - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.PublishState
The participant is not publishing and not attempting to publish
NOT_RETRYING - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.RetryState
The SDK is not currently attempting to reconnect a failed broadcast
NOT_SUBSCRIBED - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.SubscribeState
The participant is not being subscribed to


OK - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
No Error.
onBind(Intent) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SystemCaptureService
onBroadcastQualityChanged(double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.Listener
Prefer onTransmissionStatsChanged instead. A number between 0 and 1 that represents the quality of the stream based on bitrate minimum and maximum provided on session configuration. 0 means the stream is at the lowest possible quality, or streaming is not possible at all. 1 means the bitrate is near the maximum allowed. If the video configuration looks like: initial bitrate = 1000 kbps minimum bitrate = 300 kbps maximum bitrate = 5,000 kbps It will be expected that a low quality is provided to this callback initially, since the initial bitrate is much closer to the minimum allowed bitrate than the maximum. If network conditions are good the quality should improve over time towards the allowed maximum.
onConnectionStateChanged(Stage, Stage.ConnectionState, BroadcastException) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageRenderer
The connection state of the associated Stage has changed.
onDestroy() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SystemCaptureService
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImagePreviewSurfaceView
The preview is destroyed, and cannot be used again - if you need to, please create a new one
onDeviceAdded(Device.Descriptor) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.Listener
Indicates that a device has become available
onDeviceRemoved(Device.Descriptor) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.Listener
Indicates that a device has become unavailable
onDevicesAdded(DeviceDiscovery, Collection<Device>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.DeviceDiscovery.OnDevicesChangedListener
Notifies about added devices
onDevicesRemoved(DeviceDiscovery, Collection<Device>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.DeviceDiscovery.OnDevicesChangedListener
Notifies about removed devices
onError(BroadcastException) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.Listener
Indicates that an error occurred.
onError(BroadcastException) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageRenderer
Triggers whenever an error occurs
onFrame(ImageDeviceFrame) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice.FrameCallback
onLocalAudioStats(LocalAudioStats) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream.Listener
onLocalVideoStats(List<LocalVideoStats>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream.Listener
onMutedChanged(boolean) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream.Listener
onNetworkHealthChanged(double) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.Listener
Prefer onTransmissionStatsChanged instead. A number between 0 and 1 that represents the current health of the network. 0 means the network is struggling to keep up and the broadcast may be experiencing latency spikes. The SDK may also reduce the quality of the broadcast on low values in order to keep it stable, depending on the minimum allowed bitrate in the broadcast configuration. A value of 1 means the network is easily able to keep up with the current demand and the SDK will be trying to increase the broadcast quality over time, depending on the maximum allowed bitrate. Lower values like 0.5 are not necessarily bad, it just means the network is being saturated, but it is still able to keep up.
onParticipantJoined(Stage, ParticipantInfo) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageRenderer
A new participant has joined the Stage and started publishing.
onParticipantLeft(Stage, ParticipantInfo) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageRenderer
A new participant has left the Stage or stopped publishing.
onParticipantPublishStateChanged(Stage, ParticipantInfo, Stage.PublishState) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageRenderer
The publish state of a participant has changed.
onParticipantSubscribeStateChanged(Stage, ParticipantInfo, Stage.SubscribeState) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageRenderer
The subscribe state of a participant has changed.
onRemoteAudioStats(RemoteAudioStats) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream.Listener
onRemoteVideoStats(RemoteVideoStats) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream.Listener
onRetryStateChanged(BroadcastSession.RetryState) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.Listener
Indicates that the SDK has updated it's retry state.
onRTCStats(Map<String, Map<String, String>>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream.Listener
onStartCommand(Intent, int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SystemCaptureService
onStateChanged(BroadcastSession.State) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.Listener
Indicates that the broadcast state changed.
onStreamsAdded(Stage, ParticipantInfo, List<StageStream>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageRenderer
Triggers whenever a remote audio/video stream is added.
onStreamsMutedChanged(Stage, ParticipantInfo, List<StageStream>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageRenderer
Triggers whenever a stream is muted, the stream could either be LocalStageStream or StageStream
onStreamsRemoved(Stage, ParticipantInfo, List<StageStream>) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageRenderer
Triggers whenever a remote audio/video stream is removed.
onTransmissionStatsChanged(TransmissionStats) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.Listener
Periodically called with current statistics on the broadcast, such as the measured bitrate, recommended bitrate by the SDK's adaptive bitrate algorithm, average round trip time, broadcast quality (relative to configured minimum and maximum bitrates), and network health.
op(float, float) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioDevice.StatsCallback
op(T) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Builder
op(T) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TypedLambda


packetsLost - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteAudioStats
The number of audio RTP packets lost
packetsLost - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The number of video RTP packets lost
packetsReceived - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteAudioStats
The number of audio RTP packets received
packetsReceived - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The number of video RTP packets received
packetsSent - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalAudioStats
The number of audio packets sent
packetsSent - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The number of video RTP packets sent
participantId - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ParticipantInfo
An ID assigned to this participant, and it's guaranteed to be unique in one Stage session
ParticipantInfo - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Information about a participant
ParticipantInfo.Capabilities - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
pauseCount - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The total number of video pauses experienced by receiver
PCM - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.StreamType
PCM Audio
pixelHeight - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
pixelWidth - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
Camera pixel dimensions
pliCount - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The total number of Picture Loss Indication(PLI) packets received
pliCount - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The total number of Picture Loss Indication(PLI) packets sent
POOR - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.QualityStats.NetworkQuality
position - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
The physical location of the device, if it can be determined
Presets - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Configuration and Device Presets
Presets() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Presets
Presets.Configuration - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Presets.Devices - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Device presets.
progress - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSessionTest.Result
The progress of the network quality test from 0 to 1.
PUBLISH - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ParticipantInfo.Capabilities
If a participant can publish or not
PUBLISHED - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.PublishState
The participant is publishing


qualityLimitationReason - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The current reason for limiting the resolution and/or framerate
qualityLimitationResolutionChanges - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The total number of seconds that SDK has spent in each quality limitation state
QualityStats - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
QualityStats() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.QualityStats
QualityStats.NetworkQuality - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast


RATE_16000 - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AudioSampleRate
RATE_22050 - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AudioSampleRate
RATE_24000 - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AudioSampleRate
RATE_44100 - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AudioSampleRate
RATE_48000 - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AudioSampleRate
RATE_8000 - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AudioSampleRate
RATE_88200 - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AudioSampleRate
RATE_96000 - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AudioSampleRate
recommendations - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSessionTest.Result
A list of suggestions to use for the video portion of your broadcast configuration.
recommendedBitrate - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats
The bitrate currently recommended by the SDK.
recommendedVideoSettings(String, String, double, TypedLambda<BroadcastSessionTest.Result>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession
This will perform a network test and provide recommendations for video configurations.
recommendedVideoSettings(String, String, TypedLambda<BroadcastSessionTest.Result>) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession
Runs a network test with a default duration of 8 seconds.
refreshStrategy() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage
Triggers the Stage.Strategy on this instance to refresh its state.
Releasable - Interface in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Marks objects that must be released with release()
release() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.CustomAudioSource
Releases the custom audio source instance.
release() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.CustomImageSource
Releases the custom image source instance.
release() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.DeviceDiscovery
Release the resources associated with this device discovery session.
release() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImagePreviewSurfaceTarget
Release this preview, after calling this method the preview is not valid anymore and you will need a new one
release() - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Releasable
release() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage
Releases the resources associated with this Stage.
RemoteAudioStats - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
RemoteVideoStats - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
removedSamplesForAcceleration - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteAudioStats
This is the counter of audio samples removed to speed up palyout
removeOnDevicesChangedListener(DeviceDiscovery.OnDevicesChangedListener) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.DeviceDiscovery
Removes a previously added device change listener
removeRenderer(StageRenderer) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage
Removes a renderer from the list of renderers that will be notified of updates to the Stage.
removeSlot(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Mixer
Remove a slot from the mixer configuration
replaceStrategy(Stage.Strategy) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage
Whenever strategy is changed and host application wants SDK to honor the change, Stage.replaceStrategy(Strategy) needs to be called.
requestQualityStats() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream
request quality statistics about this StageStream
requestRTCStats() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream
request RTC statistics about this StageStream, if is is not being published or subscribed, it is a no-op
retransmittedBytesSent - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalAudioStats
The number of retransmitted bytes
retransmittedBytesSent - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The number of retransmitted bytes
retransmittedPacketsSent - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalAudioStats
The number of audio packets retransmitted
retransmittedPacketsSent - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The number of video RTP packets retransmitted
RETRYING - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.RetryState
The SDK is actively trying to reconnect a failed broadcast.
rid - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
Represents the layer used by simulcast, and it is not empty only when simulcast is enabled
rotateOnConfigurationChanges(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice
Enables/disables rotations of this ImageDevice when the physical device is rotated.
rotateOnConfigurationChanges(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
rotation - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
Camera rotation
ROTATION_0 - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice.Rotation
ROTATION_180 - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice.Rotation
ROTATION_270 - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice.Rotation
ROTATION_90 - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice.Rotation
roundTripTime - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats
The current average round trip time for network packets (not image or audio samples).


sampleRate - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
Microphone sample rate
SCREEN - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.DeviceType
sendTimedMetadata(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession
Send timed metadata that will be automatically synchronized with the ongoing stream.
SERVICE_ID - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SystemCaptureService
setAspect(BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
setAudioConfiguration(StageAudioConfiguration) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalStageStream
setAutoBitrateProfile(BroadcastConfiguration.AutomaticBitrateProfile) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
setBitrate(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Audio
Set the bitrate for the audio stream.
setCameraCaptureQuality(int, BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
Set camera capture quality, by default will match publish configuration.
setCanvasAspectMode(BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer
Sets the canvas aspect mode, which is the default aspect mode used by slots that were not explicitly configured with an aspect mode.
setChannels(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Audio
Set the number of audio channels.
setConfiguration(long, int, int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioSource
setConfiguration(StageAudioManager.Source, StageAudioManager.ContentType, StageAudioManager.Usage) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager
setDegradationPreference(StageVideoConfiguration.DegradationPreference) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
Sets the degradation preference for the publishing video stream.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AutoReconnect
Enables or disables auto-reconnect functionality .
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration.Simulcast
setFillColor(BroadcastConfiguration.Vec4) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
Sets the fill color for this mixer in the RGBA format.
setGain(float) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
Sets the gain for this mixer.
setGain(long, float) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioSource
setGain(Float) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioDevice
Set the input gain
setGain(Float) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioSource
setInitialBitrate(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
Sets the initial bitrate for the video stream.
setInputSurface(Surface, SurfaceTexture) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
setKeyframeInterval(float) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
Sets the keyframe interval for the video stream.
setLayerPaint(Paint) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImagePreviewSurfaceView
setListener(BroadcastSession.Listener) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession
Set the callback to receive state, error, and analytics data
setListener(StageStream.Listener) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream
setMatchCanvasAspectMode(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
setMatchCanvasSize(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
setMaxBitrate(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
Sets the maximum bitrate for the video stream.
setMaxBitrate(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioConfiguration
Sets the maximum bitrate for the publishing audio stream.
setMaxBitrate(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
Sets the maximum bitrate for the publishing video stream.
setMinBitrate(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
Sets the minimum bitrate for the video stream.
setMinBitrate(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
Sets the minimum bitrate for the publishing video stream.
setMirrored(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImagePreviewSurfaceTarget
Flips the preview horizontally.
setMirrored(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImagePreviewSurfaceView
Flips the preview horizontally.
setMirrored(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImagePreviewView
Flips the preview horizontally.
setMixerCanvasSize(int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageConfiguration
Sets the frame image size for the video stream.
setMixerCanvasSize(BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageConfiguration
setMuted(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioLocalStageStream
setMuted(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageLocalStageStream
setMuted(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalStageStream
setMuted mutes current LocalStageStream.
setName(String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
Sets the name for this mixer.
setOnFrameCallback(ImageDevice.FrameCallback) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice
Set a callback to receive information about image frames as they move through this device.
setOnFrameCallback(ImageDevice.FrameCallback) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
setPosition(BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
setPreferredAudioInput(Device.Descriptor.DeviceType) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
setPreferredVideoInput(Device.Descriptor.DeviceType) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
setPreset(StageAudioManager.UseCasePreset) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager
setRotation(float) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.CameraSource
setRotation(float) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice
Sets the rotation of the ImageDevice.
setRotation(float) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
setRotation(ImageDevice.Rotation) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice
Sets the rotation of the ImageDevice.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
setSize(int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
Sets the frame image size for the video stream.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
Set the size of the surface
setSize(BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
setSize(BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
setSize(BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
Sets the resolution of the publishing video stream.
setStatsCallback(AudioDevice.StatsCallback) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioDevice
Set a callback to receive audio stats for this device.
setStatsCallback(AudioDevice.StatsCallback) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioLocalStageStream
setStatsCallback(AudioDevice.StatsCallback) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioSource
setStatsCallback(AudioDevice.StatsCallback) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioStageStream
setSurface(Surface, int, int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImagePreviewSurfaceTarget
Specifies a new surface for rendering the preview
setTargetFramerate(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
Sets the target framerate for the video stream.
setTargetFramerate(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
Sets the target framerate of the publishing video stream.
setTransparency(float) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
Sets the transparency of this mixer.
setUseAutoBitrate(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
setUseBFrames(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Video
setUseIPv6(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Network
Enable or disable IPv6.
setVideoConfiguration(StageVideoConfiguration) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageLocalStageStream
setVideoConfiguration(StageVideoConfiguration) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalStageStream
setzIndex(int) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
higher values are rendered in front of lower values
shouldPublishFromParticipant(Stage, ParticipantInfo) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.Strategy
Return `true` to publish the associated participant, or `false` to not publish them.
shouldRotateOnConfigurationChanges - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
shouldSubscribeToParticipant(Stage, ParticipantInfo) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.Strategy
Return the Stage.SubscribeType corresponding to the type of media streams desired from the associated participant.
simulcast - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
size - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDeviceFrame
The size of the current frame.
slots - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer
SPEECH - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.ContentType
Stage - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
The main interface for host Application to create Stage session and interact with created session
Stage(Context, String, Stage.Strategy) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage
Create a new Stage.
Stage.ConnectionState - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
ConnectionState indicates current Stage session state
Stage.PublishState - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
The various potential publish states for a participant
Stage.Strategy - Interface in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
The Strategy is the decision engine associated with a Stage.
Stage.SubscribeState - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
The various potential subscribe states for a participant
Stage.SubscribeType - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
SubscribeType is used in Stage.Strategy to indicate whether SDK should subscribe and what media type it should subscribe
StageAudioConfiguration - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
StageAudioConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioConfiguration
StageAudioManager - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Manages audio settings for all stages.
StageAudioManager.ContentType - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
StageAudioManager.Source - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
StageAudioManager.Usage - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
StageAudioManager.UseCasePreset - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
StageConfiguration - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Properties for Stage.
StageConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageConfiguration
StageRenderer - Interface in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
An interface to implement that can be used to build user interfaces.
StageStream - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
A media stream that contains a single Device and a single type of media data (audio or video).
StageStream.Listener - Interface in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
StageStream delegate interface to receive callbacks when RTCStats is ready after calling StageStream.requestRTCStats() or StageStream is muted
StageStream.Type - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Media type of StageStream
stageStreamsToPublishForParticipant(Stage, ParticipantInfo) - Method in interface com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.Strategy
Return an array of media streams to publish with the associated participant.
StageVideoConfiguration - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
StageVideoConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
StageVideoConfiguration(StageVideoConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
StageVideoConfiguration.DegradationPreference - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
StageVideoConfiguration.Simulcast - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
Simulcast configuration.
STANDARD_LANDSCAPE - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Presets.Configuration
A preset appropriate for streaming basic content in Landscape.
STANDARD_PORTRAIT - Static variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Presets.Configuration
A preset appropriate for streaming basic content in Portrait.
start(String, String) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession
Start the configured broadcast session
startBluetoothSco(Context) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Bluetooth
Enable Bluetooth SCO mode.
statsCallback - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioSource
status - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSessionTest.Result
The status of the network quality test.
stop() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession
Stop the broadcast session, but do not deallocate resources.
stopBluetoothSco(Context) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Bluetooth
Disable Bluetooth SCO mode.
streams - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
The types of streams supported by the device
STUDIO - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.UseCasePreset
SUBSCRIBE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ParticipantInfo.Capabilities
If a participant can be subscribed or not
SUBSCRIBE_ONLY - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.UseCasePreset
SUBSCRIBED - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.SubscribeState
There is a connected subscription to the remote participant
SUCCESS - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.RetryState
The SDK successfully reconnected a failed broadcast.
SUCCESS - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSessionTest.Status
The test completed successfully.
SurfaceSource - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
An image source backed by an Android Surface.
SurfaceSource(Context, Surface, SurfaceTexture, Handler, String, long) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
SYSTEM_AUDIO - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.DeviceType
SystemCaptureService - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
SystemCaptureService() - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SystemCaptureService


tag - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioSource
TESTING - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSessionTest.Status
The test is running.
toString() - Method in exception com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastException
toString() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats
totalEncodedBytesTarget - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The value is increaed by the target frame size in bytes every time a frame has been encoded
totalEncodeTime - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The total number of seconds that has been spent encoding video frames
totalFreezesDuration - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The total duration of rendered frames which are considered frozen
totalPacketSendDelay - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalAudioStats
The total number of seconds that packets have bufferered locally
totalPacketSendDelay - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.LocalVideoStats
The total number of seconds that RTP packets have bufferered locally
totalPausesDuration - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteVideoStats
The total duration of pauses in seconds
totalSamplesReceived - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.RemoteAudioStats
The total number of samples that have been received
transition(String, BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot, double, Runnable) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Mixer
Transition a slot to a new state Multiple concurrent transitions are not supported on the same slot.
TransmissionStats - Class in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
TransmissionStats contains statistics on the broadcast's current measured bitrate, recommended bitrate by the SDK's adaptive bitrate algorithm, average round trip time, broadcast quality (relative to configured minimum and maximum bitrates), and network health.
TransmissionStats.BroadcastQuality - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
BroadcastQuality represents the quality of the stream based on the bitrate minimum and maximum provided on session configuration.
TransmissionStats.NetworkHealth - Enum in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
NetworkHealth represents the current health of the network.
type - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
The device type or family
TypedLambda<T> - Interface in com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast
A utility interface used by BroadcastSession for device change callbacks


unbind(Device) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Mixer
Unbind a device's output from a mixer slot (specified in the mixer configuration)
UNKNOWN - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.DeviceType
UNKNOWN - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.Position
UNPROCESSED - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.Source
urn - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor
Unique device locator.
USB - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.Position
useMinBitrate(boolean) - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration
Determines whether we should use minBitrate.
USER_AUDIO - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.DeviceType
USER_IMAGE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.DeviceType
userId - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ParticipantInfo
A user ID associated with this participant
userInfo - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ParticipantInfo


value - Variable in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode
value - Variable in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration.DegradationPreference
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioDevice.Format
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AudioSampleRate
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AutomaticBitrateProfile
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.RetryState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSessionTest.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.DeviceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.Position
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.StreamType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice.Rotation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ParticipantInfo.Capabilities
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.QualityStats.NetworkQuality
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.ConnectionState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.PublishState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.SubscribeState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.SubscribeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.ContentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.Source
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.Usage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.UseCasePreset
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration.DegradationPreference
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats.BroadcastQuality
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats.NetworkHealth
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.AudioDevice.Format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AudioSampleRate
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.AutomaticBitrateProfile
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.RetryState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSessionTest.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.DeviceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.Position
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Device.Descriptor.StreamType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice.Rotation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ParticipantInfo.Capabilities
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.QualityStats.NetworkQuality
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.ConnectionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.PublishState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.SubscribeState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.Stage.SubscribeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.ContentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.Source
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.Usage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.UseCasePreset
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageVideoConfiguration.DegradationPreference
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats.BroadcastQuality
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.TransmissionStats.NetworkHealth
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Vec2(float, float) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2
Vec4(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Vec4
video - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration
VIDEO - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageStream.Type
VIDEO_CHAT - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.UseCasePreset
videoConfiguration - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageConfiguration
VOICE_COMMUNICATION - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.Source
VOICE_COMMUNICATION - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.Usage
VOICE_PERFORMANCE - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.Source
VOICE_RECOGNITION - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.StageAudioManager.Source


w - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Vec4
WAITING_FOR_BACKOFF_TIMER - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.RetryState
The SDK is waiting to for the backoff timer to trigger a reconnect attempt.
WAITING_FOR_INTERNET - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession.RetryState
The SDK is waiting to for the internet connection to be restored before starting to backoff timer to attempt a reconnect.
WARNING - com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.LogLevel
Warning messages
willRotateOnConfigurationChanges() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.ImageDevice
willRotateOnConfigurationChanges() - Method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.SurfaceSource
with(Builder<BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot>) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer.Slot
with(Builder<BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer>) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Mixer
with(Builder<BroadcastConfiguration>) - Static method in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration


x - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2
x - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Vec4


y - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2
y - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Vec4


z - Variable in class com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastConfiguration.Vec4
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