Class StageAudioConfiguration

  • public class StageAudioConfiguration
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • StageAudioConfiguration

        public StageAudioConfiguration()
    • Method Detail

      • getMaxBitrate

        public int getMaxBitrate()
        The maximum bitrate for the publishing audio stream. By default this is 64k.
      • setMaxBitrate

        public void setMaxBitrate​(int maxBitrate)
        Sets the maximum bitrate for the publishing audio stream. This value must be between 12k and 128k. If the provided bitrate falls outside this range, the bitrate will not be set and an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
        maxBitrate - the desired maximum bitrate
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if bitrate is not valid
      • isNoiseSuppressionEnabled

        public boolean isNoiseSuppressionEnabled()
        Whether noise suppression is enabled.
      • enableNoiseSuppression

        public void enableNoiseSuppression​(boolean enable)
        Setting this to true will enable noise suppression. By default this is true.
        enable - whether to enable noise suppression