Class LocalVideoStats

  • @RequiresApi(api=28)
    public class LocalVideoStats
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      boolean active
      The indication if SDK is actively sending local video or not
      long bytesSent
      The total number of video bytes sent, and it includes retransmissions
      long firCount
      The total number of Full Intra Request(FIR) packets received
      long frameHeight
      Represents the height of the last encoded frame
      long framesEncoded
      The number of video frames encoded
      long framesPerSecond
      The number of encoded frames during the last second
      long framesSent
      Represents the total number of frames sent
      long frameWidth
      Represents the width of the last encoded frame
      long headerBytesSent
      The number of RTP header bytes sent
      long hugeFramesSent
      Represents the total number of huge frames sent
      long keyFramesEncoded
      The number of video key frames encoded
      java.lang.String mime
      Mime type
      long nackCount
      The NACK count received by SDK for sending video
      QualityStats.NetworkQuality networkQuality
      The network quality associates with publishing local video
      long packetsSent
      The number of video RTP packets sent
      long pliCount
      The total number of Picture Loss Indication(PLI) packets received
      java.lang.String qualityLimitationReason
      The current reason for limiting the resolution and/or framerate
      long qualityLimitationResolutionChanges
      The total number of seconds that SDK has spent in each quality limitation state
      long retransmittedBytesSent
      The number of retransmitted bytes
      long retransmittedPacketsSent
      The number of video RTP packets retransmitted
      java.lang.String rid
      Represents the layer used by simulcast, and it is not empty only when simulcast is enabled
      long totalEncodedBytesTarget
      The value is increaed by the target frame size in bytes every time a frame has been encoded
      long totalEncodeTime
      The total number of seconds that has been spent encoding video frames
      long totalPacketSendDelay
      The total number of seconds that RTP packets have bufferered locally
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • nackCount

        public final long nackCount
        The NACK count received by SDK for sending video
      • packetsSent

        public final long packetsSent
        The number of video RTP packets sent
      • retransmittedPacketsSent

        public final long retransmittedPacketsSent
        The number of video RTP packets retransmitted
      • bytesSent

        public final long bytesSent
        The total number of video bytes sent, and it includes retransmissions
      • headerBytesSent

        public final long headerBytesSent
        The number of RTP header bytes sent
      • retransmittedBytesSent

        public final long retransmittedBytesSent
        The number of retransmitted bytes
      • totalPacketSendDelay

        public final long totalPacketSendDelay
        The total number of seconds that RTP packets have bufferered locally
      • firCount

        public final long firCount
        The total number of Full Intra Request(FIR) packets received
      • pliCount

        public final long pliCount
        The total number of Picture Loss Indication(PLI) packets received
      • framesEncoded

        public final long framesEncoded
        The number of video frames encoded
      • keyFramesEncoded

        public final long keyFramesEncoded
        The number of video key frames encoded
      • totalEncodeTime

        public final long totalEncodeTime
        The total number of seconds that has been spent encoding video frames
      • totalEncodedBytesTarget

        public final long totalEncodedBytesTarget
        The value is increaed by the target frame size in bytes every time a frame has been encoded
      • framesSent

        public final long framesSent
        Represents the total number of frames sent
      • hugeFramesSent

        public final long hugeFramesSent
        Represents the total number of huge frames sent
      • qualityLimitationReason

        public final java.lang.String qualityLimitationReason
        The current reason for limiting the resolution and/or framerate
      • qualityLimitationResolutionChanges

        public final long qualityLimitationResolutionChanges
        The total number of seconds that SDK has spent in each quality limitation state
      • active

        public final boolean active
        The indication if SDK is actively sending local video or not
      • frameWidth

        public final long frameWidth
        Represents the width of the last encoded frame
      • frameHeight

        public final long frameHeight
        Represents the height of the last encoded frame
      • framesPerSecond

        public final long framesPerSecond
        The number of encoded frames during the last second
      • rid

        public final java.lang.String rid
        Represents the layer used by simulcast, and it is not empty only when simulcast is enabled
      • mime

        public final java.lang.String mime
        Mime type