Enum Class TransmissionStats.NetworkHealth

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<TransmissionStats.NetworkHealth>, Constable
Enclosing class:

public static enum TransmissionStats.NetworkHealth extends Enum<TransmissionStats.NetworkHealth>
NetworkHealth represents the current health of the network. BAD means the network is struggling to keep up and the broadcast may be experiencing latency spikes. The SDK may also reduce the quality of the broadcast on low values in order to keep it stable, depending on the minimum allowed bitrate in the broadcast configuration. A value of EXCELLENT means the network is easily able to keep up with the current demand and the SDK will be trying to increase the broadcast quality over time, depending on the maximum allowed bitrate. Values like MEDIUM or LOW are not necessarily bad, it just means the network is being saturated, but it is still able to keep up. The broadcast is still likely stable.