All Classes and Interfaces

Audio input sources must conform to this interface
Audio data representations
Use AudioSource as a generic source to send app-generated audio to the SDK in LPCM format.
This is a child class of StageStream and provide audio specific APIs and implementations
Manage the state of Bluetooth SCO capabilities
Configuration properties for a BroadcastSession Changing any properties on this object after providing it to `BroadcastSession` will not have any effect.
The AspectMode determines how an image's aspect ratio will be maintained.
Profiles for the automatic video bitrate behavior.
An object that can configure SDK auto-reconnect functionality.
Audio and Video Mixer properties.
A slot represents an on-screen and audible element that can be transitioned over time and bound and unbound to input devices.
BroadcastSession is the primary interaction point with the IVS Broadcast SDK.
Provide a listener to receive status updates and errors from the SDK.
A value representing the BroadcastSession retry state.
A handle on the network quality test.
Information about the state of a network quality test.
The state of a network quality test
A utility interface used by BroadcastConfiguration to enable .with and .changing
CameraSource represents a camera input device
Represents camera capture capabilities such as zoom support
Set options for capturing camera input such as the zoom factor
Use this class to build CameraSource.Options objects
An extension of AudioSource to send app-generated audio to the SDK in LPCM format.
An extension of SurfaceSource to send app-generated video to the SDK.
Represents an input device such as a camera or microphone
Represents an input device's description.
Physical device position
Media types present in a stream
Use this class to discover local devices, such as microphones or cameras, to attach to the SDK.
A listener which notifies when the list of devices changes
Enumeration of error codes used in BroadcastSession.Listener.onError(BroadcastException).
Image and video input sources must conform to this interface
Utility enum that defines common rotations by degree in radians.
A data class providing metadata about the frames going through an ImageDevice.
A special kind of preview which is not an Android View.
A view that will render a preview of either an ImageDevice, or the composited preview of the entire BroadcastSession.
A view that will render a preview of either an ImageDevice, or the composited preview of the entire BroadcastSession.
This is a child class of StageStream and provide video specific APIs and implementations
Configuration properties for a jitter buffer
A custom jitter buffer delay configuration.
A jitter buffer delay configuration.
This class represents either local audio stream or local video stream, and it is used in Stage.Strategy to guide SDK what stream to publish
The mixer determines the final on-screen and in-ear state for visual elements and audio.
Information about a participant
Configuration and Device Presets
Device presets.
Marks objects that must be released with release()
The main interface for the host application to create a Stage and interact with the created session.
ConnectionState indicates current Stage session state
The various potential publish states for a participant
The Strategy is the decision engine associated with a Stage.
The various potential subscribe states for a participant
SubscribeType is used in Stage.Strategy to indicate whether SDK should subscribe and what media type it should subscribe
Manages audio settings for all stages.
Properties for Stage.
An interface to implement that can be used to build user interfaces.
A media stream that contains a single Device and a single type of media data (audio or video).
StageStream delegate interface to receive callbacks when RTCStats is ready after calling StageStream.requestRTCStats() or StageStream is muted
Media type of StageStream
Simulcast configuration.
Configuration properties for subscribing
An image source backed by an Android Surface.
TransmissionStats contains statistics on the broadcast's current measured bitrate, recommended bitrate by the SDK's adaptive bitrate algorithm, average round trip time, broadcast quality (relative to configured minimum and maximum bitrates), and network health.
BroadcastQuality represents the quality of the stream based on the bitrate minimum and maximum provided on session configuration.
NetworkHealth represents the current health of the network.
A utility interface used by BroadcastSession for device change callbacks