Class StageVideoConfiguration


@RequiresApi(api=28) public class StageVideoConfiguration extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • StageVideoConfiguration

      public StageVideoConfiguration()
    • StageVideoConfiguration

      public StageVideoConfiguration(StageVideoConfiguration other)
  • Method Details

    • getDegradationPreference

      public StageVideoConfiguration.DegradationPreference getDegradationPreference()
      The current degradation preference. By default this is DegradationPreference.BALANCED.
    • setDegradationPreference

      public void setDegradationPreference(StageVideoConfiguration.DegradationPreference degradationPreference)
      Sets the degradation preference for the publishing video stream. This is ignored when simulcast is enabled.
      degradationPreference - the desired degradation preference
    • getMaxBitrate

      public int getMaxBitrate()
      The maximum bitrate for the publishing video stream. By default this is 900k.
    • setMaxBitrate

      public void setMaxBitrate(int maxBitrate)
      Sets the maximum bitrate for the publishing video stream. This value must be between 100k and 2,500k. If the provided bitrate falls outside this range, the bitrate will not be set and an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
      maxBitrate - the desired maximum bitrate
      IllegalArgumentException - if bitrate is not valid
    • getMinBitrate

      public int getMinBitrate()
      The minimum bitrate for the publishing video stream. By default this is 100k.
    • setMinBitrate

      public void setMinBitrate(int minBitrate)
      Sets the minimum bitrate for the publishing video stream. This value must be between 100k and 2,500k, and is only enabled when useMinBitrate is true. If the provided bitrate falls outside this range, the bitrate will not be set and an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. This is ignored when simulcast is enabled.
      minBitrate - the desired minimum bitrate
      IllegalArgumentException - if bitrate is not valid
    • getTargetFramerate

      public int getTargetFramerate()
      The target framerate of the publishing video stream. By default this is 15.
    • setTargetFramerate

      public void setTargetFramerate(int targetFramerate)
      Sets the target framerate of the publishing video stream. The target framerate must be between 10 and 30. If the provided frame rate is outside of this range, the framerate will not be set and an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
      targetFramerate - the desired target framerate
      IllegalArgumentException - if target framerate is not valid
    • getSize

      public BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2 getSize()
      The resolution of the publishing video stream. By default this is 360x640.
    • setSize

      public void setSize(BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2 size)
      Sets the resolution of the publishing video stream. The width and height must both be within 160 and 1280, and the maximum total number of pixels is 921,600. So the smallest size you can provide is 160x160, and the largest is either 720x1280 or 1280x720. If the provided resolution does not meet this criteria, the resolution will not be set and an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
      size - the desired resolution
      IllegalArgumentException - if resolution is not valid
    • isUsingMinBitrate

      public boolean isUsingMinBitrate()
      Whether we are using the minBitrate.
    • useMinBitrate

      public void useMinBitrate(boolean useMinBitrate)
      Determines whether we should use minBitrate.
      useMinBitrate - whether to use minBitrate
    • setCameraCaptureQuality

      public void setCameraCaptureQuality(int fps, @Nullable BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2 size)
      Set camera capture quality, by default will match publish configuration.
      fps - Desired fps from 10 to 30, pass 0 for no preference
      size - Desired size from 640x360 to 1920x1080, pass null for no preference
      IllegalArgumentException - if the parameters are not within correct range
    • getCameraCaptureQualityFps

      public int getCameraCaptureQualityFps()
      Return desired fps for local preview or 0 if none was set
      Local preview fps or 0
    • getCameraCaptureQualitySize

      @Nullable public BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2 getCameraCaptureQualitySize()
      Return desired size for local preview or null if none was set
      Local preview size or null