java.lang.Object | |
↳ | com.amazonaws.ivs.broadcast.BroadcastSession |
BroadcastSession is the primary interaction point with the IVS Broadcast SDK. You must create a BroadcastSession in order to begin broadcasting.
Nested Classes | |||||||||||
class | BroadcastSession.Listener | Provide a listener to receive status updates and errors from the SDK. | |||||||||
enum | BroadcastSession.State |
Public Constructors | |||||||||||
BroadcastSession(Context ctx, BroadcastSession.Listener listener, BroadcastConfiguration configuration, Descriptor[] startDevices)
Create a BroadcastSession object that can stream to an IVS endpoint via RTMPS.
Public Methods | |||||||||||
void |
attachDevice(Device.Descriptor descriptor, boolean bindToPreference, TypedLambda<Device> onComplete)
Asynchronously attach and open a device for use with the broadcast session
| ||||||||||
void |
attachDevice(Device.Descriptor descriptor, TypedLambda<Device> onComplete)
Asynchronously attach and open a device for use with the broadcast session.
| ||||||||||
void |
attachDevice(Device device)
Asynchronously attach a device for use with the broadcast session.
| ||||||||||
void |
attachDevice(Device.Descriptor descriptor)
Asynchronously attach and open a device for use with the broadcast session.
| ||||||||||
void |
awaitDeviceChanges(Runnable task)
Run a task upon the completion of pending device attachments or detachments.
| ||||||||||
AudioDevice |
createAudioInputSource(int channels, BroadcastConfiguration.AudioSampleRate sampleRate, AudioDevice.Format format)
Create an audio input for a custom source.
| ||||||||||
SurfaceSource |
Create an image input for a custom source.
| ||||||||||
Notification.Builder |
createServiceNotificationBuilder(String channelId, String friendlyName, Intent notificationIntent)
Create a notification builder that can create a persistent notification compatible with the MediaProjection API
| ||||||||||
void |
createSystemCaptureSources(Intent permissionGrantedIntent, Class<?> serviceClass, Notification notification, TypedLambda<List<Device>> onComplete)
This allows you to create an
ImageDevice that can be used to capture the Android device's screen and an AudioDevice
that can capture the Android device's audio (API 29 and above only). | ||||||||||
void |
detachDevice(Device.Descriptor toRemove)
Close and detach a device
| ||||||||||
void | detachDevice(Device device) | ||||||||||
void | exchangeDevices(Device.Descriptor old, Device.Descriptor next, TypedLambda<Device> onComplete) | ||||||||||
void |
exchangeDevices(Device old, Device.Descriptor next, TypedLambda<Device> onComplete)
Exchange a device with another device of the same type
| ||||||||||
Mixer | getMixer() | ||||||||||
ImagePreviewView |
Gets a
ImagePreviewView that will display a preview of the composited stream
being produced by the SDK. | ||||||||||
ImagePreviewView |
getPreviewView(BroadcastConfiguration.AspectMode aspectMode)
Gets a
ImagePreviewView that will display a preview of the composited stream
being produced by the SDK. | ||||||||||
String | getSessionId() | ||||||||||
static String | getVersion() | ||||||||||
boolean |
This state will be set once the session has been instantiated and will not change.
| ||||||||||
synchronized List<Device> |
List attached, active devices being used with the BroadcastSession
| ||||||||||
static Descriptor[] |
listAvailableDevices(Context context)
List available devices for use with the BroadcastSession.
| ||||||||||
BroadcastSessionTest |
recommendedVideoSettings(String url, String streamKey, double duration, TypedLambda<BroadcastSessionTest.Result> onNewResult)
This will perform a network test and provide recommendations for video configurations.
| ||||||||||
BroadcastSessionTest |
recommendedVideoSettings(String url, String streamKey, TypedLambda<BroadcastSessionTest.Result> onNewResult)
Runs a network test with a default duration of 8 seconds.
| ||||||||||
void |
Release BroadcastSession resources.
| ||||||||||
void |
setListener(Session.SessionListener listener)
Set the callback to receive state, error, and analytics data
| ||||||||||
void |
setLogLevel(BroadcastConfiguration.LogLevel logLevel)
Logging level for the broadcast session.
| ||||||||||
void |
start(String url, String streamKey)
Start the configured broadcast session
| ||||||||||
void |
Stop the broadcast session, but do not deallocate resources.
| ||||||||||
void |
Stop the system capture foreground service launched by
createSystemCaptureSources(...) by unbinding the service, if
it exists. |
Protected Methods | |||||||||||
boolean | isReady(long handle) |
Inherited Methods | |||||||||||
![]() | |||||||||||
![]() |
Create a BroadcastSession object that can stream to an IVS endpoint via RTMPS. You must interact with the Broadcast Session
from the thread you create it on.
If initialization fails, isReady()
will return false and an error will be emitted to the provided onError(BroadcastException)
ctx | the current Application context |
listener | a BroadcastSession.Listener object |
configuration | a Broadcast configuration, either one of the Presets.Configuration or a custom configuration. |
startDevices | an optional list of devices to instantiate immediately. To get a list of devices see listAvailableDevices(Context)
Asynchronously attach and open a device for use with the broadcast session
descriptor | The device descriptor for the device to be attached |
bindToPreference | Automatically bind to a slot with a preferred input device type that matches this device type. Defining multiple slots with the same preferred device type may result in unexpected behavior. |
onComplete | An optional task that will be run upon completion of attaching and opening the device. This task will be run on the main thread and will have a single parameter that passes the created device. For example, attachDevice(descriptor, device -> { Log.d("Example", "Attached %s", device.friendlyName); }); This task will not be invoked if the session is released while the device is being attached, or if the device failed to be attached. |
BroadcastException | if the Device.Descriptor is not correct or in a valid state |
BroadcastException | if the session is not ready (see isReady() )
Asynchronously attach and open a device for use with the broadcast session. If there is a mixer slot with a device type preference that matches this device type it will be bound automatically. Be aware that defining multiple slots with the same preferred device type may result in unexpected behavior.
descriptor | The device descriptor for the device to be attached |
onComplete | An optional task that will be run upon completion of attaching and opening the device. This task will be run on the main thread and will have a single parameter that passes the created device. For example, attachDevice(descriptor, device -> { Log.d("Example", "Attached %s", device.friendlyName); }); This task will not be invoked if the session is released while the device is being attached, or if the device fails to be attached. |
BroadcastException | if the Device.Descriptor is not correct or in a valid state |
BroadcastException | if the session is not ready (see isReady() )
Asynchronously attach a device for use with the broadcast session. If there is a mixer slot with a device type preference that matches this device type it will be bound automatically. Be aware that defining multiple slots with the same preferred device type may result in unexpected behavior.
device | The device to be attached |
BroadcastException | if the Device is not correct or in a valid state |
BroadcastException | if the session is not ready (see isReady() )
Asynchronously attach and open a device for use with the broadcast session. If you wish to be notified of completion, see the other override for
attachDevice or awaitDeviceChanges(Runnable)
descriptor | The device descriptor for the device to be attached |
BroadcastException | if the Device.Descriptor is not correct or in a valid state |
BroadcastException | if the session is not ready (see isReady() )
Run a task upon the completion of pending device attachments or detachments. This can be used as an alternative to including tasks with individual device changes if you wish to perform multiple changes at once.
task | The task to be run when device changes have been completed. This task will be run on the main thread. This task will not be invoked if the session is released while the device is being attached. |
Create an audio input for a custom source. This should only be used if you intend to generate and feed pcm audio data to the SDK manually.
channels | The number of audio channels. |
sampleRate | The sampling rate for the PCM audio. |
format | The sample format. |
that represents as Surface and can receive your samples.BroadcastException | if the session is not ready (see isReady() ) |
BroadcastException | if the parameters are invalid |
Create an image input for a custom source. This should only be used if you intend to generate and feed image data to the SDK manually.
that represents as Surface and can receive your samples.BroadcastException | if the session is not ready (see isReady() ) |
BroadcastException | if creating the image input source failed |
Create a notification builder that can create a persistent notification compatible with the MediaProjection API
channelId | The identifier for the notification channel to be created, for example "ivs_notifications". |
friendlyName | The friendly name for the channel to be created, for example "IVS Broadcast Service". |
notificationIntent | The notification content activity. |
This allows you to create an ImageDevice
that can be used to capture the Android device's screen and an AudioDevice
that can capture the Android device's audio (API 29 and above only). Calling this will launch a foreground service for your app.
Implementers will need to call
and obtain a permission granted intent from the user in order to capture the screen or audio. That intent must be passed into
this function.
Implementers must add the following permission to their app manifest:
permissionGrantedIntent | An intent that gives user permission to capture the screen |
serviceClass | A class that extends SystemCaptureService |
notification | A notification that will be displayed during the lifetime of the foreground service. You can use createServiceNotificationBuilder(String, String, Intent)
to provide a NotificationBuilder that should be customized. The notification is only required for Android API 26 and newer. |
onComplete | An optional lambda that will receive the created screen capture and audio capture devices. |
Close and detach a device
toRemove | The descriptor for the device to close. |
Exchange a device with another device of the same type
old | The device to replace |
next | The descriptor of the new device to attach and open |
onComplete | an optional lambda to be run on completion |
BroadcastException | if the session is not ready (see isReady() ) |
BroadcastException | if the device types don't match |
BroadcastException | if the old device is not currently attached |
Gets a ImagePreviewView
that will display a preview of the composited stream
being produced by the SDK. This will include all mixer slots, fill colors, etc.
Warning: Using many ImagePreviewViews
at once may result in performance degradation.
BroadcastException | If unable to get the preview. |
Gets a ImagePreviewView
that will display a preview of the composited stream
being produced by the SDK. This will include all mixer slots, fill colors, etc.
aspectMode | The aspect mode the preview view should be in. |
BroadcastException | If unable to get the preview. |
This state will be set once the session has been instantiated and will not change. So if, after instantiating the BroadcastSession isReady is TRUE, it will continue to be true. If this method returns FALSE, be sure to assign a listener in the BroadcastSession constructor so that you receive the relevant error.
List attached, active devices being used with the BroadcastSession
List available devices for use with the BroadcastSession.
context | the current Application context |
s representing attached devices such as cameras, microphones, and screen recording
This will perform a network test and provide recommendations for video configurations. It will not publish live video, it will only test the connection quality. The callback will be called periodically and provide you with a status, progress, and continuously updated recommendations. The longer the test runs the more refined the suggestions will be, however you can cancel the test at any time and make use of previous recommendations. But these recommendations might not be as stable, or as high quality as a fully completed test.
url | the RTMPS endpoint provided by IVS. |
streamKey | the broadcaster's stream key that has been provided by IVS. |
duration | how long to run the test for. It's recommended the test runs for at least 8 seconds, and the minimum is 3 seconds. The test can always be cancelled early. |
onNewResult | a block that will be called periodically providing you with an update on the test's progress and recommendations. |
Runs a network test with a default duration of 8 seconds.
recommendedVideoSettings(String, String, double, TypedLambda)
Release BroadcastSession resources.
If a call to stop()
is still in progress, this call to release will block until the stop operation
completes, or the timeout is reached. This is required to properly terminate the current broadcast, otherwise the broadcast may remain
live beyond the expected lifecycle.
Because of the synchronous nature of calling release during a stop operation, is it recommended to wait for the disconnected state change after calling stop.
Set the callback to receive state, error, and analytics data
listener | a BroadcastSession.Listener object
Logging level for the broadcast session. Default is `ERROR`.
Start the configured broadcast session
url | the RTMPS endpoint provided by IVS. |
streamKey | the broadcaster's stream key that has been provided by IVS. |
BroadcastException | if the session is not ready (see isReady() ) |
BroadcastException | if the provided url contains an unsupported scheme |
Stop the broadcast session, but do not deallocate resources.
This operation is asynchronous. When it completes DISCONNECTED
will be emitted by onStateChanged(State)
If release()
is called before this operation completes, the call to release will block until this operation
completes, or the timeout is reached. This is required to properly terminate the current broadcast, otherwise the broadcast may remain
live beyond the expected lifecycle.
Because of the synchronous nature of calling release during a stop operation, is it recommended to wait for the disconnected state change.
Stop the system capture foreground service launched by createSystemCaptureSources(...)
by unbinding the service, if
it exists.