Variable chatErrorCodesConst

chatErrorCodes: { badRequest: 400; forbidden: 403; internalServerError: 500; notAcceptable: 406; notFound: 404; payloadTooLarge: 413; tooManyRequests: 429; unauthorized: 401 } = ...

Error codes sent by IVS Chat Messaging API.

Type declaration

  • badRequest: 400

    The request is malformed or invalid.

  • forbidden: 403

    The connection’s capabilities do not permit this action.

  • internalServerError: 500

    This is returned for a general error.

  • notAcceptable: 406

    The request was rejected during message review.

  • notFound: 404

    The room cannot be found (does not exist).

  • payloadTooLarge: 413

    The request contains fields that are too large.

  • tooManyRequests: 429

    The application has exceeded rate limits.

  • unauthorized: 401

    The connection has expired.

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