Indicates that the browser blocked unmuted playback. This behavior is based on the user's policy and can occur if the play request was made without a user gesture. To start playback, mute and play or wait for a user gesture.
Indicates that the buffer size changed. This can be caused by an addition to or removal from the buffer.
Indicates that source duration changed (or is available for the first time). This can occur after the
PlayerState.READY state, to indicate a change in the duration of the media.
This value can be set to Infinity or a large integer (1 << 30
) for streams of unknown or indefinite length.
Indicates that an error occurred. Errors are fatal and stop playback of the stream. The player moves into PlayerState.IDLE on fatal errors.
Indicates that the player was created.
Indicates that the player was muted or unmuted.
Indicates that a playback unavailable event occurred.
Indicates that playback is blocked from autoplaying; that is, without a user gesture. This event can fire when autoplay with sound is blocked or all autoplay is blocked. To start playback, mute and play, or wait for a user gesture.
Indicates that the playback rate changed.
Indicates that the playing quality changed from either a user action or an internal adaptive-quality switch.
Indicates that the player is buffering from a previous PlayerState.PLAYING state. Excludes user actions such as seeking, starting, or resuming the stream.
Indicates that the player seeked to a given position (as requested by Player.seekTo).
Indicates that the player syncTime changed.
Indicates that a text cue was parsed from the stream.
Indicates that text metadata cues were parsed from the stream.
Indicates that the player position changed.
Indicates that the player volume changed. Volume value can be between 0 and 1, inclusive.
An enumeration describing general events sent from the Player.
To listen to events, use Player.addEventListener.