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Version: v1.21.0


Configuration property which dictates what layers are initially delivered to Subscribers when simulcast is sent by the Publisher.

Defaults to InitialLayerPreference.LOWEST_QUALITY

Enumeration Members


HIGHEST_QUALITY: "highest_quality"

The server will deliver the highest quality layer of video first which optimizes quality, but may increase the time to media.

Note that quality is defined as the combination of size, bitrate, and framerate of the video. e.g. 1080p video is greater quality than 720p video.


LOWEST_QUALITY: "lowest_quality"

The server will deliver the lowest quality layer of video first optimizing bandwidth consumption, as well as time to media.

Note that quality is defined as the combination of size, bitrate, and framerate of the video. e.g. 1080p video is greater quality than 720p video.