# Copyright 2010-2016 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
import logging
import re
from io import BytesIO
from greengrass_common.function_arn_fields import FunctionArnFields
from greengrass_ipc_python_sdk.ipc_client import IPCClient, IPCException
from greengrasssdk.utils.testing import mock
# Log messages in the SDK are part of customer's log because they're helpful for debugging
# customer's lambdas. Since we configured the root logger to log to customer's log and set the
# propagate flag of this logger to True. The log messages submitted from this logger will be
# sent to the customer's local Cloudwatch handler.
customer_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
customer_logger.propagate = True
valid_base64_regex = '^([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4}|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==)$'
[docs]class InvocationException(Exception):
[docs]class Client:
def __init__(self, endpoint='localhost', port=None):
:param endpoint: Endpoint used to connect to IPC.
:type endpoint: str
:param port: Deprecated. Will not be used.
:type port: None
self.ipc = IPCClient(endpoint=endpoint)
[docs] def invoke(self, **kwargs):
Invokes Lambda function of the given name.
:Keyword Arguments:
* *ClientContext* (``bytes``) --
Optional Base64-encoded data about the invoking client to pass to the Lambda function
* *FunctionName* (``string``) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Lambda function to invoke. Name formats:
* Qualified ARN - The function ARN with the version suffix. e.g. arn:aws:lambda:aws-region:acct-id:function:helloworld:1
* Unqualified ARN - The function ARN without the version suffix. e.g. arn:aws:lambda:aws-region:acct-id:function:helloworld
* *InvocationType* (``string``) --
Choose from the following options.
* ``RequestResponse`` (default) - Invoke the Lambda synchronously. Block until the function returns a response or times out.
* ``Event`` - Invoke the Lambda asynchronously. The response only includes empty payload.
* *Payload* (``bytes``) --
Optional input for the Lambda function to invoke.
* *Qualifier* (``string``) --
Optional parameter to specify a Lambda function version if it was not included in the FunctionName field.
If you specify a function version, the API uses the qualified function ARN to invoke a specific Lambda function.
:returns: (``dict``) --
* *FunctionError* (``string``) --
If present, indicates that an error occurred while executing the Lambda function. If an error occurred,
this field will have one of two values, ``Handled`` or ``Unhandled``. ``Handled`` errors are errors that are reported by the function
while the ``Unhandled`` errors are those detected and reported by Greengrass Core.
``Unhandled`` errors include out of memory errors and function timeouts. Error details are provided in the Payload.
* *Payload* (``bytes or StreamingBody object``) --
It is the result returned by the Lambda function. This is present only if the invocation type is ``RequestResponse``.
In the event of a function error this field contains a message describing the error.
# FunctionName is a required parameter
if 'FunctionName' not in kwargs:
raise ValueError(
'"FunctionName" argument of Lambda.Client.invoke is a required argument but was not provided.'
arn_fields = FunctionArnFields(kwargs['FunctionName'])
arn_qualifier = arn_fields.qualifier
# A Function qualifier can be provided as part of the ARN in FunctionName, or it can be provided here. The
# behavior of the cloud is to throw an exception if both are specified but not equal
extraneous_qualifier = kwargs.get('Qualifier', '')
if extraneous_qualifier and arn_qualifier and arn_qualifier != extraneous_qualifier:
raise ValueError('The derived qualifier from the function name does not match the specified qualifier.')
final_qualifier = arn_qualifier if arn_qualifier else extraneous_qualifier
# GGC v1.9.0 or newer
function_arn = FunctionArnFields.build_function_arn(arn_fields.unqualified_arn, final_qualifier)
except AttributeError:
# older GGC version
raise AttributeError('class FunctionArnFields has no attribute \'build_function_arn\'. build_function_arn '
'is introduced in GGC v1.9.0. Please check your GGC version.')
# ClientContext must be base64 if given, but is an option parameter
client_context = kwargs.get('ClientContext', b'').decode()
except AttributeError as e:
raise ValueError(
'"ClientContext" argument must be a byte string or support a decode method which returns a string'
if client_context:
if not re.match(valid_base64_regex, client_context):
raise ValueError('"ClientContext" argument of Lambda.Client.invoke must be base64 encoded.')
# Payload is an optional parameter
payload = kwargs.get('Payload', b'')
invocation_type = kwargs.get('InvocationType', 'RequestResponse')
customer_logger.debug('Invoking local lambda "{}" with payload "{}" and client context "{}"'.format(
function_arn, payload, client_context))
# Post the work to IPC and return the result of that work
return self._invoke_internal(function_arn, payload, client_context, invocation_type)
def _invoke_internal(self, function_arn, payload, client_context, invocation_type="RequestResponse"):
This private method is seperate from the main, public invoke method so that other code within this SDK can
give this Lambda client a raw payload/client context to invoke with, rather than having it built for them.
This lets you include custom ExtensionMap_ values like subject which are needed for our internal pinned Lambdas.
customer_logger.debug('Invoking Lambda function "{}" with Greengrass Message "{}"'.format(function_arn, payload))
invocation_id = self.ipc.post_work(function_arn, payload, client_context, invocation_type)
if invocation_type == "Event":
# TODO: Properly return errors based on BOTO response
# https://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/services/lambda.html#Lambda.Client.invoke
return {'Payload': b'', 'FunctionError': ''}
work_result_output = self.ipc.get_work_result(function_arn, invocation_id)
if not work_result_output.func_err:
output_payload = StreamingBody(work_result_output.payload)
output_payload = work_result_output.payload
invoke_output = {
'Payload': output_payload,
'FunctionError': work_result_output.func_err,
return invoke_output
except IPCException as e:
raise InvocationException('Failed to invoke function due to ' + str(e))
[docs]class StreamingBody(object):
"""Wrapper class for http response payload
This provides a consistent interface to AWS Lambda Python SDK
def __init__(self, payload):
self._raw_stream = BytesIO(payload)
self._amount_read = 0
[docs] def read(self, amt=None):
"""Read at most amt bytes from the stream.
If the amt argument is omitted, read all data.
chunk = self._raw_stream.read(amt)
self._amount_read += len(chunk)
return chunk
[docs] def close(self):