AWS IoT Device SDK C++ v2  1.35.0
AWS IoT Device SDK C++ v2
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Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket Class Reference

#include <Mqtt5Packets.h>

Inheritance diagram for Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket:

Public Member Functions

 ConnectPacket (Allocator *allocator=ApiAllocator()) noexcept
PacketType getType () override
ConnectPacketWithKeepAliveIntervalSec (uint16_t keepAliveInteralSeconds) noexcept
ConnectPacketWithClientId (Crt::String clientId) noexcept
ConnectPacketWithUserName (Crt::String username) noexcept
ConnectPacketWithPassword (ByteCursor password) noexcept
ConnectPacketWithSessionExpiryIntervalSec (uint32_t sessionExpiryIntervalSeconds) noexcept
ConnectPacketWithRequestResponseInformation (bool requestResponseInformation) noexcept
ConnectPacketWithRequestProblemInformation (bool requestProblemInformation) noexcept
ConnectPacketWithReceiveMaximum (uint16_t receiveMaximum) noexcept
ConnectPacketWithMaximumPacketSizeBytes (uint32_t maximumPacketSizeBytes) noexcept
ConnectPacketWithWillDelayIntervalSec (uint32_t willDelayIntervalSeconds) noexcept
ConnectPacketWithWill (std::shared_ptr< PublishPacket > will) noexcept
ConnectPacketWithUserProperties (const Vector< UserProperty > &userProperties) noexcept
ConnectPacketWithUserProperties (Vector< UserProperty > &&userProperties) noexcept
ConnectPacketWithUserProperty (UserProperty &&property) noexcept
uint16_t getKeepAliveIntervalSec () const noexcept
const Crt::StringgetClientId () const noexcept
const Crt::Optional< Crt::String > & getUsername () const noexcept
const Crt::Optional< Crt::ByteCursor > & getPassword () const noexcept
const Crt::Optional< uint32_t > & getSessionExpiryIntervalSec () const noexcept
const Crt::Optional< bool > & getRequestResponseInformation () const noexcept
const Crt::Optional< bool > & getRequestProblemInformation () const noexcept
const Crt::Optional< uint16_t > & getReceiveMaximum () const noexcept
const Crt::Optional< uint32_t > & getMaximumPacketSizeBytes () const noexcept
const Crt::Optional< uint32_t > & getMaximumPacketSizeToServer () const noexcept
const Crt::Optional< uint32_t > & getWillDelayIntervalSec () const noexcept
const Crt::Optional< std::shared_ptr< PublishPacket > > & getWill () const noexcept
const Crt::Vector< UserProperty > & getUserProperties () const noexcept
bool initializeRawOptions (aws_mqtt5_packet_connect_view &raw_options, Allocator *allocator) noexcept
virtual ~ConnectPacket ()
 ConnectPacket (const ConnectPacket &)=delete
 ConnectPacket (ConnectPacket &&) noexcept=delete
ConnectPacketoperator= (const ConnectPacket &)=delete
ConnectPacketoperator= (ConnectPacket &&) noexcept=delete

Detailed Description

Data model of an MQTT5 CONNECT packet.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ConnectPacket() [1/3]

Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::ConnectPacket ( Allocator allocator = ApiAllocator())

◆ ~ConnectPacket()

Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::~ConnectPacket ( )

◆ ConnectPacket() [2/3]

Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::ConnectPacket ( const ConnectPacket )

◆ ConnectPacket() [3/3]

Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::ConnectPacket ( ConnectPacket &&  )

Member Function Documentation

◆ getClientId()

const Crt::String & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::getClientId ( ) const

A unique string identifying the client to the server. Used to restore session state between connections.

If left empty, the broker will auto-assign a unique client id. When reconnecting, the mqtt5 client will always use the auto-assigned client id.

See MQTT5 Client Identifier

A unique string identifying the client to the server.

◆ getKeepAliveIntervalSec()

uint16_t Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::getKeepAliveIntervalSec ( ) const

The maximum time interval, in seconds, that is permitted to elapse between the point at which the client finishes transmitting one MQTT packet and the point it starts sending the next. The client will use PINGREQ packets to maintain this property.

If the responding CONNACK contains a keep alive property value, then that is the negotiated keep alive value. Otherwise, the keep alive sent by the client is the negotiated value.

See MQTT5 Keep Alive

The maximum time interval, in seconds, that is permitted to elapse between the point at which the client finishes transmitting one MQTT packet and the point it starts sending the next.

◆ getMaximumPacketSizeBytes()

const Crt::Optional< uint32_t > & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::getMaximumPacketSizeBytes ( ) const
The function is deprecated, please use ConnectPacket::getMaximumPacketSizeToServer()

Notifies the server of the maximum packet size the client is willing to handle. If omitted or null, then no limit beyond the natural limits of MQTT packet size is requested.

See MQTT5 Maximum Packet Size

The maximum packet size the client is willing to handle

◆ getMaximumPacketSizeToServer()

const Crt::Optional< uint32_t > & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::getMaximumPacketSizeToServer ( ) const

Notifies the server of the maximum packet size the client is willing to handle. If omitted or null, then no limit beyond the natural limits of MQTT packet size is requested.

See MQTT5 Maximum Packet Size

The maximum packet size the client is willing to handle

◆ getPassword()

const Crt::Optional< Crt::ByteCursor > & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::getPassword ( ) const

Opaque binary data that the server may use for client authentication and authorization.

See MQTT5 Password

Opaque binary data that the server may use for client authentication and authorization.

◆ getReceiveMaximum()

const Crt::Optional< uint16_t > & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::getReceiveMaximum ( ) const

Notifies the server of the maximum number of in-flight QoS 1 and 2 messages the client is willing to handle. If omitted or null, then no limit is requested.

See MQTT5 Receive Maximum

The maximum number of in-flight QoS 1 and 2 messages the client is willing to handle.

◆ getRequestProblemInformation()

const Crt::Optional< bool > & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::getRequestProblemInformation ( ) const

If true, requests that the server send additional diagnostic information (via response string or user properties) in DISCONNECT or CONNACK packets from the server.

See MQTT5 Request Problem Information

If true, requests that the server send additional diagnostic information (via response string or user properties) in DISCONNECT or CONNACK packets from the server.

◆ getRequestResponseInformation()

const Crt::Optional< bool > & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::getRequestResponseInformation ( ) const

If true, requests that the server send response information in the subsequent CONNACK. This response information may be used to set up request-response implementations over MQTT, but doing so is outside the scope of the MQTT5 spec and client.

See MQTT5 Request Response Information

If true, requests that the server send response information in the subsequent CONNACK.

◆ getSessionExpiryIntervalSec()

const Crt::Optional< uint32_t > & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::getSessionExpiryIntervalSec ( ) const

A time interval, in seconds, that the client requests the server to persist this connection's MQTT session state for. Has no meaning if the client has not been configured to rejoin sessions. Must be non-zero in order to successfully rejoin a session.

If the responding CONNACK contains a session expiry property value, then that is the negotiated session expiry value. Otherwise, the session expiry sent by the client is the negotiated value.

See MQTT5 Session Expiry Interval

A time interval, in seconds, that the client requests the server to persist this connection's MQTT session state for.

◆ getType()

PacketType Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::getType ( )

◆ getUsername()

const Crt::Optional< Crt::String > & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::getUsername ( ) const

A string value that the server may use for client authentication and authorization.

See MQTT5 User Name

A string value that the server may use for client authentication and authorization.

◆ getUserProperties()

const Crt::Vector< UserProperty > & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::getUserProperties ( ) const

List of MQTT5 user properties included with the packet.

See MQTT5 User Property

List of MQTT5 user properties included with the packet.

◆ getWill()

const Crt::Optional< std::shared_ptr< PublishPacket > > & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::getWill ( ) const

The definition of a message to be published when the connection's session is destroyed by the server or when the will delay interval has elapsed, whichever comes first. If null, then nothing will be sent.

See MQTT5 Will

The message to be published when the connection's session is destroyed by the server or when the will delay interval has elapsed, whichever comes first.

◆ getWillDelayIntervalSec()

const Crt::Optional< uint32_t > & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::getWillDelayIntervalSec ( ) const

A time interval, in seconds, that the server should wait (for a session reconnection) before sending the will message associated with the connection's session. If omitted or null, the server will send the will when the associated session is destroyed. If the session is destroyed before a will delay interval has elapsed, then the will must be sent at the time of session destruction.

See MQTT5 Will Delay Interval

A time interval, in seconds, that the server should wait (for a session reconnection) before sending the will message associated with the connection's session.

◆ initializeRawOptions()

bool Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::initializeRawOptions ( aws_mqtt5_packet_connect_view &  raw_options,
Allocator allocator 

Intended for internal use only. Initializes the C aws_mqtt5_packet_connack_view from PacketConnect

raw_options- output parameter containing low level client options to be passed to the C
allocator- memory Allocator

◆ operator=() [1/2]

ConnectPacket& Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::operator= ( ConnectPacket &&  )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

ConnectPacket& Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::operator= ( const ConnectPacket )

◆ WithClientId()

ConnectPacket & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::WithClientId ( Crt::String  clientId)

Sets the unique string identifying the client to the server. Used to restore session state between connections.

If left empty, the broker will auto-assign a unique client id. When reconnecting, the mqtt5 client will always use the auto-assigned client id.

See MQTT5 Client Identifier

clientIdA unique string identifying the client to the server.
The ConnectPacket Object after setting the client ID.

◆ WithKeepAliveIntervalSec()

ConnectPacket & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::WithKeepAliveIntervalSec ( uint16_t  keepAliveInteralSeconds)

Sets the maximum time interval, in seconds, that is permitted to elapse between the point at which the client finishes transmitting one MQTT packet and the point it starts sending the next. The client will use PINGREQ packets to maintain this property.

If the responding CONNACK contains a keep alive property value, then that is the negotiated keep alive value. Otherwise, the keep alive sent by the client is the negotiated value.

See MQTT5 Keep Alive

NOTE: The keepAliveIntervalSeconds HAS to be larger than the pingTimeoutMs time set in the Mqtt5ClientOptions.

keepAliveInteralSecondsthe maximum time interval, in seconds, that is permitted to elapse between the point at which the client finishes transmitting one MQTT packet and the point it starts sending the next.
The ConnectPacket Object after setting the keep alive interval.

◆ WithMaximumPacketSizeBytes()

ConnectPacket & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::WithMaximumPacketSizeBytes ( uint32_t  maximumPacketSizeBytes)

Sets the maximum packet size the client is willing to handle. If omitted, then no limit beyond the natural limits of MQTT packet size is requested.

See MQTT5 Maximum Packet Size

maximumPacketSizeBytesThe maximum packet size the client is willing to handle
The ConnectPacket Object after setting the maximum packet size.

◆ WithPassword()

ConnectPacket & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::WithPassword ( Crt::ByteCursor  password)

Sets the opaque binary data that the server may use for client authentication and authorization.

See MQTT5 Password

passwordOpaque binary data that the server may use for client authentication and authorization.
The ConnectPacket Object after setting the password.

◆ WithReceiveMaximum()

ConnectPacket & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::WithReceiveMaximum ( uint16_t  receiveMaximum)

Sets the maximum number of in-flight QoS 1 and 2 messages the client is willing to handle. If omitted, then no limit is requested.

See MQTT5 Receive Maximum

receiveMaximumThe maximum number of in-flight QoS 1 and 2 messages the client is willing to handle.
The ConnectPacket Object after setting the receive maximum.

◆ WithRequestProblemInformation()

ConnectPacket & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::WithRequestProblemInformation ( bool  requestProblemInformation)

Sets whether requests that the server send additional diagnostic information (via response string or user properties) in DISCONNECT or CONNACK packets from the server.

See MQTT5 Request Problem Information

requestProblemInformationIf true, requests that the server send additional diagnostic information (via response string or user properties) in DISCONNECT or CONNACK packets from the server.
The ConnectPacket Object after setting the request problem information.

◆ WithRequestResponseInformation()

ConnectPacket & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::WithRequestResponseInformation ( bool  requestResponseInformation)

Sets whether requests that the server send response information in the subsequent CONNACK. This response information may be used to set up request-response implementations over MQTT, but doing so is outside the scope of the MQTT5 spec and client.

See MQTT5 Request Response Information

requestResponseInformationIf true, requests that the server send response information in the subsequent CONNACK.
The ConnectPacket Object after setting the request response information.

◆ WithSessionExpiryIntervalSec()

ConnectPacket & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::WithSessionExpiryIntervalSec ( uint32_t  sessionExpiryIntervalSeconds)

Sets the time interval, in seconds, that the client requests the server to persist this connection's MQTT session state for. Has no meaning if the client has not been configured to rejoin sessions. Must be non-zero in order to successfully rejoin a session.

If the responding CONNACK contains a session expiry property value, then that is the negotiated session expiry value. Otherwise, the session expiry sent by the client is the negotiated value.

See MQTT5 Session Expiry Interval

sessionExpiryIntervalSecondsA time interval, in seconds, that the client requests the server to persist this connection's MQTT session state for.
The ConnectPacket Object after setting the session expiry interval.

◆ WithUserName()

ConnectPacket & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::WithUserName ( Crt::String  username)

Sets the string value that the server may use for client authentication and authorization.

See MQTT5 User Name

usernameThe string value that the server may use for client authentication and authorization.
The ConnectPacket Object after setting the username.

◆ WithUserProperties() [1/2]

ConnectPacket & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::WithUserProperties ( const Vector< UserProperty > &  userProperties)

Sets the list of MQTT5 user properties included with the packet.

See MQTT5 User Property

userPropertiesList of MQTT5 user properties included with the packet.
The ConnectPacket Object after setting the user properties.

◆ WithUserProperties() [2/2]

ConnectPacket & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::WithUserProperties ( Vector< UserProperty > &&  userProperties)

Sets the list of MQTT5 user properties included with the packet.

See MQTT5 User Property

userPropertiesList of MQTT5 user properties included with the packet.
The ConnectPacket Object after setting the user properties.

◆ WithUserProperty()

ConnectPacket & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::WithUserProperty ( UserProperty &&  property)

Put a MQTT5 user property to the back of the packet user property vector/list

See MQTT5 User Property

propertyset of userProperty of MQTT5 user properties included with the packet.
The ConnectPacket Object after setting the user property

◆ WithWill()

ConnectPacket & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::WithWill ( std::shared_ptr< PublishPacket will)

Sets the definition of a message to be published when the connection's session is destroyed by the server or when the will delay interval has elapsed, whichever comes first. If null, then nothing will be sent.

See MQTT5 Will

willThe message to be published when the connection's session is destroyed by the server or when the will delay interval has elapsed, whichever comes first.
The ConnectPacket Object after setting the will message.

◆ WithWillDelayIntervalSec()

ConnectPacket & Aws::Crt::Mqtt5::ConnectPacket::WithWillDelayIntervalSec ( uint32_t  willDelayIntervalSeconds)

Sets the time interval, in seconds, that the server should wait (for a session reconnection) before sending the will message associated with the connection's session. If omitted, the server will send the will when the associated session is destroyed. If the session is destroyed before a will delay interval has elapsed, then the will must be sent at the time of session destruction.

See MQTT5 Will Delay Interval

willDelayIntervalSecondsA time interval, in seconds, that the server should wait (for a session reconnection) before sending the will message associated with the connection's session.
The ConnectPacket Object after setting the will message delay interval.

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