AWS IoT Device SDK C++ v2
AWS IoT Device SDK C++ v2
#include <GreengrassCoreIpcClient.h>
noexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
noexcept |
Connect the client to the server
lifecycleHandler | An interface that is called upon when lifecycle events relating to the connection occur. |
connectionConfig | The configuration parameters used for establishing the connection. |
that can be used to check whether the connection was established.
inlinenoexcept |
noexcept |
Send a request to authorize action on some resource
noexcept |
Cancel a local deployment on the device.
noexcept |
Generate a password for the LocalDebugConsole component
noexcept |
Creates a local deployment on the device. Also allows to remove existing components.
noexcept |
Defer the update of components by a given amount of time and check again after that.
noexcept |
Deletes a device shadow document stored in the local shadow service
noexcept |
Get session token for a client device
noexcept |
Gets the status and version of the component with the given component name
noexcept |
Get value of a given key from the configuration
noexcept |
Get status of a local deployment with the given deploymentId
noexcept |
Retrieves a secret stored in AWS secrets manager
noexcept |
Retrieves a device shadow document stored by the local shadow service
noexcept |
Request for a list of components
noexcept |
Lists the last 5 local deployments along with their statuses
noexcept |
Lists the named shadows for the specified thing
noexcept |
Pause a running component
noexcept |
Publish an MQTT message to AWS IoT message broker
noexcept |
Publish to a custom topic.
noexcept |
Send component metrics NOTE Only usable by AWS components
noexcept |
Restarts a component with the given name
noexcept |
Resume a paused component
noexcept |
This operation should be used in response to event received as part of SubscribeToValidateConfigurationUpdates subscription. It is not necessary to send the report if the configuration is valid (GGC will wait for timeout period and proceed). Sending the report with invalid config status will prevent GGC from applying the updates
noexcept |
Stops a component with the given name
noexcept |
Create a subscription for new certificates
noexcept |
Subscribe to receive notification if GGC is about to update any components
noexcept |
Subscribes to be notified when GGC updates the configuration for a given componentName and keyName.
noexcept |
Subscribe to a topic in AWS IoT message broker.
noexcept |
Creates a subscription for a custom topic
noexcept |
Subscribes to be notified when GGC is about to update configuration for this component GGC will wait for a timeout period before it proceeds with the update. If the new configuration is not valid this component can use the SendConfigurationValidityReport operation to indicate that
noexcept |
Update this component's configuration by replacing the value of given keyName with the newValue. If an oldValue is specified then update will only take effect id the current value matches the given oldValue
noexcept |
Update status of this component
noexcept |
Updates a device shadow document stored in the local shadow service The update is an upsert operation, with optimistic locking support
noexcept |
Validate authorization token NOTE This API can be used only by stream manager, customer component calling this API will receive UnauthorizedError
noexcept |
Verify client device credentials
noexcept |