AWS IoT Device SDK C++ v2  1.35.0
AWS IoT Device SDK C++ v2
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Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder Class Referencefinal

#include <MqttClient.h>

Public Member Functions

 MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder ()
 MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder (const char *certPath, const char *pkeyPath, Crt::Allocator *allocator=Crt::ApiAllocator()) noexcept
 MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder (const Crt::ByteCursor &cert, const Crt::ByteCursor &pkey, Crt::Allocator *allocator=Crt::ApiAllocator()) noexcept
 MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder (const Crt::Io::TlsContextPkcs11Options &pkcs11Options, Crt::Allocator *allocator=Crt::ApiAllocator()) noexcept
 MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder (const struct Pkcs12Options &options, Crt::Allocator *allocator=Crt::ApiAllocator()) noexcept
 MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder (const char *windowsCertStorePath, Crt::Allocator *allocator=Crt::ApiAllocator()) noexcept
 MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder (const WebsocketConfig &config, Crt::Allocator *allocator=Crt::ApiAllocator()) noexcept
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithEndpoint (const Crt::String &endpoint)
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithEndpoint (Crt::String &&endpoint)
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithPortOverride (uint32_t port) noexcept
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithCertificateAuthority (const char *caPath) noexcept
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithCertificateAuthority (const Crt::ByteCursor &cert) noexcept
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithTcpKeepAlive () noexcept
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithTcpConnectTimeout (uint32_t connectTimeoutMs) noexcept
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithTcpKeepAliveTimeout (uint16_t keepAliveTimeoutSecs) noexcept
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithTcpKeepAliveInterval (uint16_t keepAliveIntervalSecs) noexcept
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithTcpKeepAliveMaxProbes (uint16_t maxProbes) noexcept
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithMinimumTlsVersion (aws_tls_versions minimumTlsVersion) noexcept
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithHttpProxyOptions (const Crt::Http::HttpClientConnectionProxyOptions &proxyOptions) noexcept
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithMetricsCollection (bool enabled)
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithSdkName (const Crt::String &sdkName)
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithSdkVersion (const Crt::String &sdkVersion)
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithCustomAuthorizer (const Crt::String &username, const Crt::String &authorizerName, const Crt::String &authorizerSignature, const Crt::String &password) noexcept
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithCustomAuthorizer (const Crt::String &username, const Crt::String &authorizerName, const Crt::String &authorizerSignature, const Crt::String &password, const Crt::String &tokenKeyName, const Crt::String &tokenValue) noexcept
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithUsername (const Crt::String &username) noexcept
MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilderWithPassword (const Crt::String &password) noexcept
MqttClientConnectionConfig Build () noexcept
 operator bool () const noexcept
int LastError () const noexcept

Static Public Member Functions

static MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder NewDefaultBuilder () noexcept

Detailed Description

Represents configuration parameters for building a MqttClientConnectionConfig object. You can use a single instance of this class PER MqttClientConnectionConfig you want to generate. If you want to generate a config for a different endpoint or port etc... you need a new instance of this class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder() [1/7]

Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder ( )

◆ MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder() [2/7]

Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder ( const char *  certPath,
const char *  pkeyPath,
Crt::Allocator allocator = Crt::ApiAllocator() 

Sets the builder up for MTLS using certPath and pkeyPath. These are files on disk and must be in the PEM format.

certPathpath to the X509 certificate (pem file) to use
pkeyPathpath to the private key (pem file) to use
allocatormemory allocator to use

◆ MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder() [3/7]

Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder ( const Crt::ByteCursor cert,
const Crt::ByteCursor pkey,
Crt::Allocator allocator = Crt::ApiAllocator() 

Sets the builder up for MTLS using cert and pkey. These are in-memory buffers and must be in the PEM format.

certbuffer containing the X509 certificate in a PEM format
pkeybuffer containing the private key in a PEM format
allocatormemory allocator to use

◆ MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder() [4/7]

Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder ( const Crt::Io::TlsContextPkcs11Options pkcs11Options,
Crt::Allocator allocator = Crt::ApiAllocator() 

Sets the builder up for MTLS, using a PKCS#11 library for private key operations.

NOTE: This only works on Unix devices.

pkcs11OptionsPKCS#11 options
allocatormemory allocator to use

◆ MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder() [5/7]

Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder ( const struct Pkcs12Options options,
Crt::Allocator allocator = Crt::ApiAllocator() 

Sets the builder up for MTLS using a PKCS12 file and password. These are files on disk and must be in the PEM format.

NOTE: This only works on MacOS devices.

optionsThe PKCS12 options to use. Has to contain a PKCS12 filepath and password.
allocatormemory allocator to use

◆ MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder() [6/7]

Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder ( const char *  windowsCertStorePath,
Crt::Allocator allocator = Crt::ApiAllocator() 

Sets the builder up for MTLS, using a certificate in a Windows certificate store.

NOTE: This only works on Windows.

windowsCertStorePathPath to certificate in a Windows certificate store. The path must use backslashes and end with the certificate's thumbprint. Example: CurrentUser\MY\A11F8A9B5DF5B98BA3508FBCA575D09570E0D2C6
allocatormemory allocator to use

◆ MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder() [7/7]

Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder ( const WebsocketConfig config,
Crt::Allocator allocator = Crt::ApiAllocator() 

Sets the builder up for Websocket connection.

configwebsocket configuration information
allocatormemory allocator to use

Member Function Documentation

◆ Build()

MqttClientConnectionConfig Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::Build ( )

Builds a client configuration object from the set options.

a new client connection config instance

◆ LastError()

int Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::LastError ( ) const
the value of the last aws error encountered by operations on this instance.

◆ NewDefaultBuilder()

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::NewDefaultBuilder ( )

Creates a new builder with default Tls options. This requires setting the connection details manually.

a new builder with default Tls options

◆ operator bool()

Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::operator bool ( ) const
true if the instance is in a valid state, false otherwise.

◆ WithCertificateAuthority() [1/2]

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithCertificateAuthority ( const char *  caPath)

Sets the certificate authority for the endpoint you're connecting to. This is a path to a file on disk and must be in PEM format.

caPathpath to the CA file in PEM format
this builder object

◆ WithCertificateAuthority() [2/2]

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithCertificateAuthority ( const Crt::ByteCursor cert)

Sets the certificate authority for the endpoint you're connecting to. This is an in-memory buffer and must be in PEM format.

certbuffer containing the CA certificate in a PEM format
this builder object

◆ WithCustomAuthorizer() [1/2]

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithCustomAuthorizer ( const Crt::String username,
const Crt::String authorizerName,
const Crt::String authorizerSignature,
const Crt::String password 

Sets the custom authorizer settings. This function will modify the username, port, and TLS options.

usernameThe username to use with the custom authorizer. If an empty string is passed, it will check to see if a username has already been set (via WithUsername function). If no username is set then no username will be passed with the MQTT connection.
authorizerNameThe name of the custom authorizer. If an empty string is passed, then 'x-amz-customauthorizer-name' will not be added with the MQTT connection.
authorizerSignatureThe signature of the custom authorizer. NOTE: This will NOT work without the token key name and token value, which requires using the non-depreciated API.
passwordThe password to use with the custom authorizer. If null is passed, then no password will be set.
Please use the full WithCustomAuthorizer function that includes tokenKeyName and tokenValue. This version is left for backwards compatibility purposes.
this builder object

◆ WithCustomAuthorizer() [2/2]

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithCustomAuthorizer ( const Crt::String username,
const Crt::String authorizerName,
const Crt::String authorizerSignature,
const Crt::String password,
const Crt::String tokenKeyName,
const Crt::String tokenValue 

Sets the custom authorizer settings. This function will modify the username, port, and TLS options.

usernameThe username to use with the custom authorizer. If an empty string is passed, it will check to see if a username has already been set (via WithUsername function). If no username is set then no username will be passed with the MQTT connection.
authorizerNameThe name of the custom authorizer. If an empty string is passed, then 'x-amz-customauthorizer-name' will not be added with the MQTT connection.
authorizerSignatureThe signature of the custom authorizer. If an empty string is passed, then 'x-amz-customauthorizer-signature' will not be added with the MQTT connection. The signature must be based on the private key associated with the custom authorizer. The signature must be base64 encoded.
passwordThe password to use with the custom authorizer. If null is passed, then no password will be set.
tokenKeyNameUsed to extract the custom authorizer token from MQTT username query-string properties. Required if the custom authorizer has signing enabled. It is strongly suggested to URL encode this value; the SDK will not do so for you.
tokenValueAn opaque token value. Required if the custom authorizer has signing enabled. This value must be signed by the private key associated with the custom authorizer and the result placed in the authorizerSignature argument.
this builder object

◆ WithEndpoint() [1/2]

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithEndpoint ( const Crt::String endpoint)

Sets endpoint to connect to.

endpointendpoint to connect to
this builder object

◆ WithEndpoint() [2/2]

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithEndpoint ( Crt::String &&  endpoint)

Sets endpoint to connect to.

endpointendpoint to connect to
this builder object

◆ WithHttpProxyOptions()

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithHttpProxyOptions ( const Crt::Http::HttpClientConnectionProxyOptions proxyOptions)

Sets http proxy options.

proxyOptionsproxy configuration options for connection establishment
this builder object

◆ WithMetricsCollection()

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithMetricsCollection ( bool  enabled)

Whether to send the SDK name and version number in the MQTT CONNECT packet. Default is True.

enabledtrue to send SDK version/name in the connect for metrics gathering purposes
this builder object

◆ WithMinimumTlsVersion()

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithMinimumTlsVersion ( aws_tls_versions  minimumTlsVersion)

Sets the minimum tls version that is acceptable for connection establishment

minimumTlsVersionminimum tls version allowed in client connections
this builder object

◆ WithPassword()

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithPassword ( const Crt::String password)

Sets password for the connection

passwordthe password that will be passed with the MQTT connection
this builder object

◆ WithPortOverride()

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithPortOverride ( uint32_t  port)

Overrides the default port. By default, if ALPN is supported, 443 will be used. Otherwise 8883 will be used. If you specify 443 and ALPN is not supported, we will still attempt to connect over 443 without ALPN.

portport to connect to
this builder object

◆ WithSdkName()

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithSdkName ( const Crt::String sdkName)

Overrides the default SDK Name to send as a metric in the MQTT CONNECT packet.

sdkNamestring to use as the SDK name parameter in the connection string
this builder object

◆ WithSdkVersion()

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithSdkVersion ( const Crt::String sdkVersion)

Overrides the default SDK Version to send as a metric in the MQTT CONNECT packet.

sdkVersionstring to use as the SDK version parameter in the connection string
this builder object

◆ WithTcpConnectTimeout()

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithTcpConnectTimeout ( uint32_t  connectTimeoutMs)

TCP option: Sets the connect timeout. Defaults to 3 seconds.

connectTimeoutMssocket connection timeout
this builder object

◆ WithTcpKeepAlive()

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithTcpKeepAlive ( )

TCP option: Enables TCP keep alive. Defaults to off.

this builder object

◆ WithTcpKeepAliveInterval()

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithTcpKeepAliveInterval ( uint16_t  keepAliveIntervalSecs)

TCP option: Sets the frequency of sending keep alive probes in seconds once the keep alive timeout expires. Defaults to kernel defaults.

keepAliveIntervalSecsthe frequency of sending keep alive probes in seconds once the keep alive timeout expires
this builder object

◆ WithTcpKeepAliveMaxProbes()

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithTcpKeepAliveMaxProbes ( uint16_t  maxProbes)

TCP option: Sets the amount of keep alive probes allowed to fail before the connection is terminated. Defaults to kernel defaults.

maxProbesthe amount of keep alive probes allowed to fail before the connection is terminated
this builder object

◆ WithTcpKeepAliveTimeout()

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithTcpKeepAliveTimeout ( uint16_t  keepAliveTimeoutSecs)

TCP option: Sets time before keep alive probes are sent. Defaults to kernel defaults

keepAliveTimeoutSecstime interval of no activity, in seconds, before keep alive probes get sent
this builder object

◆ WithUsername()

MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder & Aws::Iot::MqttClientConnectionConfigBuilder::WithUsername ( const Crt::String username)

Sets username for the connection

usernamethe username that will be passed with the MQTT connection
this builder object

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