AWS IoT Device SDK C++ v2  1.35.1
AWS IoT Device SDK C++ v2
Classes | Typedefs | Functions
Aws::Iotsecuretunneling Namespace Reference


class  ConnectionData
class  ConnectionResetData
struct  ConnectionResetEventData
class  ConnectionStartedData
struct  ConnectionStartedEventData
struct  ConnectionSuccessEventData
class  IotSecureTunnelingClient
class  Message
struct  MessageReceivedEventData
class  SecureTunnel
class  SecureTunnelBuilder
class  SecureTunnelingNotifyResponse
class  SendMessageCompleteData
struct  SendMessageCompleteEventData
class  StreamStartedData
struct  StreamStartedEventData
class  StreamStoppedData
struct  StreamStoppedEventData
class  SubscribeToTunnelsNotifyRequest


using OnSubscribeComplete = std::function< void(int ioErr)>
using OnPublishComplete = std::function< void(int ioErr)>
using OnSubscribeToTunnelsNotifyResponse = std::function< void(Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::SecureTunnelingNotifyResponse *, int ioErr)>
using OnConnectionSuccess = std::function< void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel, const ConnectionSuccessEventData &)>
using OnConnectionFailure = std::function< void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel, int errorCode)>
using OnConnectionShutdown = std::function< void(void)>
using OnSendMessageComplete = std::function< void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel, int errorCode, const SendMessageCompleteEventData &)>
using OnMessageReceived = std::function< void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel, const MessageReceivedEventData &)>
using OnStreamStarted = std::function< void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel, int errorCode, const StreamStartedEventData &)>
using OnStreamStopped = std::function< void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel, const StreamStoppedEventData &)>
using OnConnectionStarted = std::function< void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel, int errorCode, const ConnectionStartedEventData &)>
using OnConnectionReset = std::function< void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel, int errorCode, const ConnectionResetEventData &)>
using OnSessionReset = std::function< void(void)>
using OnStopped = std::function< void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel)>
using OnConnectionComplete = std::function< void(void)>
using OnDataReceive = std::function< void(const Crt::ByteBuf &data)>
using OnStreamStart = std::function< void()>
using OnStreamReset = std::function< void(void)>
using OnSendDataComplete = std::function< void(int errorCode)>


void setPacketByteBufOptional (Crt::Optional< Crt::ByteCursor > &optional, Crt::ByteBuf &optionalStorage, Crt::Allocator *allocator, const Crt::ByteCursor *value)
void setPacketStringOptional (Crt::Optional< Crt::ByteCursor > &optional, Crt::String &optionalStorage, const aws_byte_cursor *value)

Typedef Documentation

◆ OnConnectionComplete

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnConnectionComplete = typedef std::function<void(void)>

Deprecated - OnConnectionSuccess and OnConnectionFailure

◆ OnConnectionFailure

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnConnectionFailure = typedef std::function<void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel, int errorCode)>

Type signature of the callback invoked when connection is established with the secure tunnel service and available service ids are returned.

◆ OnConnectionReset

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnConnectionReset = typedef std::function<void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel, int errorCode, const ConnectionResetEventData &)>

Type signature of the callback invoked when a connection has been reset

◆ OnConnectionShutdown

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnConnectionShutdown = typedef std::function<void(void)>

Type signature of the callback invoked when connection is shutdown.

◆ OnConnectionStarted

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnConnectionStarted = typedef std::function<void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel, int errorCode, const ConnectionStartedEventData &)>

Type signature of the callback invoked when a connection has been started with a source through the secure tunnel connection.

◆ OnConnectionSuccess

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnConnectionSuccess = typedef std::function<void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel, const ConnectionSuccessEventData &)>

Type signature of the callback invoked when connection is established with the secure tunnel service and available service ids are returned.

◆ OnDataReceive

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnDataReceive = typedef std::function<void(const Crt::ByteBuf &data)>

Deprecated - Use OnMessageReceived

◆ OnMessageReceived

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnMessageReceived = typedef std::function<void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel, const MessageReceivedEventData &)>

Type signature of the callback invoked when a message is received through the secure tunnel connection.

◆ OnPublishComplete

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnPublishComplete = typedef std::function<void(int ioErr)>

◆ OnSendDataComplete

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnSendDataComplete = typedef std::function<void(int errorCode)>

Deprecated - Use OnSendMessageComplete

◆ OnSendMessageComplete

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnSendMessageComplete = typedef std::function<void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel, int errorCode, const SendMessageCompleteEventData &)>

Type signature of the callback invoked when message has been sent through the secure tunnel connection.

◆ OnSessionReset

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnSessionReset = typedef std::function<void(void)>

Type signature of the callback invoked when the secure tunnel receives a Session Reset.

◆ OnStopped

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnStopped = typedef std::function<void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel)>

Type signature of the callback invoked when the secure tunnel completes transitioning to a stopped state.

◆ OnStreamReset

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnStreamReset = typedef std::function<void(void)>

Deprecated - Use OnStreamStopped

◆ OnStreamStart

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnStreamStart = typedef std::function<void()>

Deprecated - Use OnStreamStarted

◆ OnStreamStarted

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnStreamStarted = typedef std::function<void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel, int errorCode, const StreamStartedEventData &)>

Type signature of the callback invoked when a stream has been started with a source through the secure tunnel connection.

◆ OnStreamStopped

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnStreamStopped = typedef std::function<void(SecureTunnel *secureTunnel, const StreamStoppedEventData &)>

Type signature of the callback invoked when a stream has been closed

◆ OnSubscribeComplete

using Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::OnSubscribeComplete = typedef std::function<void(int ioErr)>

◆ OnSubscribeToTunnelsNotifyResponse

Function Documentation

◆ setPacketByteBufOptional()

void Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::setPacketByteBufOptional ( Crt::Optional< Crt::ByteCursor > &  optional,
Crt::ByteBuf optionalStorage,
Crt::Allocator allocator,
const Crt::ByteCursor value 

◆ setPacketStringOptional()

void Aws::Iotsecuretunneling::setPacketStringOptional ( Crt::Optional< Crt::ByteCursor > &  optional,
Crt::String optionalStorage,
const aws_byte_cursor *  value 