AWS IoT Device SDK C  202011.00
SDK for connecting to AWS IoT from a device using embedded C.
Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
[detail level 12]
 Building and Running DemosInstructions for building and running demos
 Logging InfrastructureThis page contains an overview of the logging infrastructure used by the C-SDK Libraries
 DemosThese demos demonstrate usage of the AWS IoT Device SDK for Embedded C libraries
 coreMQTTDemos used to illustrate various functionalities of the MQTT Client library. They demonstrate the use of MQTT APIs to establish an MQTT session, subscribe to a topic filter, publish to a topic, receive incoming publishes, unsubscribe from a topic filter, and disconnect the MQTT session
 coreHTTPThese demos demonstrate usage of the coreHTTP library
 AWS IoT Device ShadowThis demo demonstrates usage of the AWS IoT Device Shadow library
 AWS IoT Jobs
 AWS IoT Device DefenderThis demo demonstrates usage of the AWS IoT Device Defender Client library
 Migration GuideMigration guide for v3 libraries to 202009.00 and subsequent releases
 MQTTHow to migrate an MQTT application from v3 to 202009.00 and subsequent releases
 AWS IoT Device ShadowHow to migrate a AWS IoT Device Shadow application from v3 to 202009.00 and subsequent releases
 AWS IoT JobsHow to migrate an application using AWS IoT Jobs from v3 to 202009.00 and subsequent releases
 Developer's GuideGuide for maintaining and contributing code to this project
 Style GuideGuide for the coding style used in this SDK
 Retry UtilitiesAn abstraction of utilities for retrying with exponential back off and jitter