file | ota.h [code] |
| OTA Agent Interface.
file | ota_appversion32.h [code] |
| Structure to represent the application build version.
file | ota_base64_private.h [code] |
| Function declarations and error codes for ota_base64.c.
file | ota_cbor_private.h [code] |
| Function declarations and field declarations for ota_cbor.c.
file | ota_config_defaults.h [code] |
| This represents the default values for the configuration macros for the OTA library.
file | ota_http_interface.h [code] |
| Contains OTA HTTP Statuses, function type definitions and http interface structure.
file | ota_http_private.h [code] |
| Contains definitions of routines for OTA download using HTTP data plane.
file | ota_interface_private.h [code] |
| Contains function definitions and structures for data and control interfaces.
file | ota_mqtt_interface.h [code] |
| Contains OTA MQTT Statuses, function type definitions and mqtt interface structure.
file | ota_mqtt_private.h [code] |
| Contains function definitions of routines for OTA download and control using MQTT data plane.
file | ota_os_interface.h [code] |
| Contains OTA OS Functional Interface statuses, type definitions and structures to store interface routines.
file | ota_platform_interface.h [code] |
| Contains PAL interface statuses, type definitions and structure to store interface routines.
file | ota_private.h [code] |
| Macros, enums, variables, and definitions internal to the OTA Agent module and shared by other OTA modules and testing files.