OTA Agent initialization function.
const uint8_t * pThingName,
Initialize the OTA engine by starting the OTA Agent ("OTA Task") in the system. This function must be called with the connection client context before calling OTA_CheckForUpdate. Only one OTA Agent may exist.
- Parameters
[in] | pOtaBuffer | Buffers used by the agent to store different params. |
[in] | pOtaInterfaces | A pointer to the OS context. |
[in] | pThingName | A pointer to a C string holding the Thing name. |
[in] | OtaAppCallback | Static callback function for when an OTA job is complete. This function will have input of the state of the OTA image after download and during self-test. |
- Returns
- OtaErr_t The state of the OTA Agent upon return from the OtaState_t enum. If the agent was successfully initialized and ready to operate, the state will be OtaAgentStateReady. Otherwise, it will be one of the other OtaState_t enum values.
const void * pData );
.updateFilePathsize = OTA_MAX_FILE_PATH_SIZE,
.pCertFilePath = certFilePath,
.certFilePathSize = OTA_MAX_FILE_PATH_SIZE,
.pDecodeMemory = decodeMem,
.decodeMemorySize = otaconfigFILE_BLOCK_SIZE,
.pFileBitmap = bitmap,
.pUrl = updateUrl,
.urlSize = OTA_MAX_URL_SIZE,
.pAuthScheme = authScheme,
.os.event.send = Posix_OtaSendEvent;
.mqtt.subscribe = mqttSubscribe;
.mqtt.publish = mqttPublish;
.mqtt.unsubscribe = mqttUnsubscribe;
.http.init = httpInit;
.http.request = httpRequest;
.http.deinit = httpDeinit;
.pal.getPlatformImageState = otaPal_GetPlatformImageState;
.pal.setPlatformImageState = otaPal_SetPlatformImageState;
char * pClientIdentifier = "uniqueClientID";
( const uint8_t * ) pClientIdentifier,