Class IotJobsClient

  • public class IotJobsClient
    extends Object
    The AWS IoT jobs service can be used to define a set of remote operations that are sent to and executed on one or more devices connected to AWS IoT. AWS documentation:
    • Constructor Detail

      • IotJobsClient

        public IotJobsClient​( connection)
        Constructs a new IotJobsClient
        connection - The connection to use
    • Method Detail

      • PublishDescribeJobExecution

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> PublishDescribeJobExecution​(DescribeJobExecutionRequest request,
        Gets detailed information about a job execution. If the device is offline, the PUBLISH packet will be sent once the connection resumes. AWS documentation:
        request - Message to be serialized and sent
        qos - Quality of Service for delivering this message
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the publish operation * For QoS 0, completes as soon as the packet is sent. * For QoS 1, completes when PUBACK is received. * QoS 2 is not supported by AWS IoT.
      • PublishGetPendingJobExecutions

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> PublishGetPendingJobExecutions​(GetPendingJobExecutionsRequest request,
        Gets the list of all jobs for a thing that are not in a terminal state. If the device is offline, the PUBLISH packet will be sent once the connection resumes. AWS documentation:
        request - Message to be serialized and sent
        qos - Quality of Service for delivering this message
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the publish operation * For QoS 0, completes as soon as the packet is sent. * For QoS 1, completes when PUBACK is received. * QoS 2 is not supported by AWS IoT.
      • PublishStartNextPendingJobExecution

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> PublishStartNextPendingJobExecution​(StartNextPendingJobExecutionRequest request,
        Gets and starts the next pending job execution for a thing (status IN_PROGRESS or QUEUED). If the device is offline, the PUBLISH packet will be sent once the connection resumes. AWS documentation:
        request - Message to be serialized and sent
        qos - Quality of Service for delivering this message
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the publish operation * For QoS 0, completes as soon as the packet is sent. * For QoS 1, completes when PUBACK is received. * QoS 2 is not supported by AWS IoT.
      • PublishUpdateJobExecution

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> PublishUpdateJobExecution​(UpdateJobExecutionRequest request,
        Updates the status of a job execution. You can optionally create a step timer by setting a value for the stepTimeoutInMinutes property. If you don't update the value of this property by running UpdateJobExecution again, the job execution times out when the step timer expires. If the device is offline, the PUBLISH packet will be sent once the connection resumes. AWS documentation:
        request - Message to be serialized and sent
        qos - Quality of Service for delivering this message
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the publish operation * For QoS 0, completes as soon as the packet is sent. * For QoS 1, completes when PUBACK is received. * QoS 2 is not supported by AWS IoT.
      • SubscribeToDescribeJobExecutionAccepted

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToDescribeJobExecutionAccepted​(DescribeJobExecutionSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                  Consumer<DescribeJobExecutionResponse> handler,
                                                                                  Consumer<Exception> exceptionHandler)
        Subscribes to the accepted topic for the DescribeJobExecution operation Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        exceptionHandler - callback function to invoke if an exception occurred deserializing a message
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToDescribeJobExecutionAccepted

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToDescribeJobExecutionAccepted​(DescribeJobExecutionSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                  Consumer<DescribeJobExecutionResponse> handler)
        Subscribes to the accepted topic for the DescribeJobExecution operation Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToDescribeJobExecutionRejected

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToDescribeJobExecutionRejected​(DescribeJobExecutionSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                  Consumer<RejectedError> handler,
                                                                                  Consumer<Exception> exceptionHandler)
        Subscribes to the rejected topic for the DescribeJobExecution operation Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        exceptionHandler - callback function to invoke if an exception occurred deserializing a message
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToDescribeJobExecutionRejected

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToDescribeJobExecutionRejected​(DescribeJobExecutionSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                  Consumer<RejectedError> handler)
        Subscribes to the rejected topic for the DescribeJobExecution operation Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToGetPendingJobExecutionsAccepted

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToGetPendingJobExecutionsAccepted​(GetPendingJobExecutionsSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                     Consumer<GetPendingJobExecutionsResponse> handler,
                                                                                     Consumer<Exception> exceptionHandler)
        Subscribes to the accepted topic for the GetPendingJobsExecutions operation Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        exceptionHandler - callback function to invoke if an exception occurred deserializing a message
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToGetPendingJobExecutionsAccepted

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToGetPendingJobExecutionsAccepted​(GetPendingJobExecutionsSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                     Consumer<GetPendingJobExecutionsResponse> handler)
        Subscribes to the accepted topic for the GetPendingJobsExecutions operation Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToGetPendingJobExecutionsRejected

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToGetPendingJobExecutionsRejected​(GetPendingJobExecutionsSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                     Consumer<RejectedError> handler,
                                                                                     Consumer<Exception> exceptionHandler)
        Subscribes to the rejected topic for the GetPendingJobsExecutions operation Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        exceptionHandler - callback function to invoke if an exception occurred deserializing a message
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToGetPendingJobExecutionsRejected

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToGetPendingJobExecutionsRejected​(GetPendingJobExecutionsSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                     Consumer<RejectedError> handler)
        Subscribes to the rejected topic for the GetPendingJobsExecutions operation Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToJobExecutionsChangedEvents

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToJobExecutionsChangedEvents​(JobExecutionsChangedSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                Consumer<JobExecutionsChangedEvent> handler,
                                                                                Consumer<Exception> exceptionHandler)
        Subscribes to JobExecutionsChanged notifications for a given IoT thing. Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        exceptionHandler - callback function to invoke if an exception occurred deserializing a message
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToJobExecutionsChangedEvents

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToJobExecutionsChangedEvents​(JobExecutionsChangedSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                Consumer<JobExecutionsChangedEvent> handler)
        Subscribes to JobExecutionsChanged notifications for a given IoT thing. Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToNextJobExecutionChangedEvents

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToNextJobExecutionChangedEvents​(NextJobExecutionChangedSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                   Consumer<NextJobExecutionChangedEvent> handler,
                                                                                   Consumer<Exception> exceptionHandler)
        Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        exceptionHandler - callback function to invoke if an exception occurred deserializing a message
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToNextJobExecutionChangedEvents

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToNextJobExecutionChangedEvents​(NextJobExecutionChangedSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                   Consumer<NextJobExecutionChangedEvent> handler)
        Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToStartNextPendingJobExecutionAccepted

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToStartNextPendingJobExecutionAccepted​(StartNextPendingJobExecutionSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                          Consumer<StartNextJobExecutionResponse> handler,
                                                                                          Consumer<Exception> exceptionHandler)
        Subscribes to the accepted topic for the StartNextPendingJobExecution operation Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        exceptionHandler - callback function to invoke if an exception occurred deserializing a message
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToStartNextPendingJobExecutionAccepted

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToStartNextPendingJobExecutionAccepted​(StartNextPendingJobExecutionSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                          Consumer<StartNextJobExecutionResponse> handler)
        Subscribes to the accepted topic for the StartNextPendingJobExecution operation Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToStartNextPendingJobExecutionRejected

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToStartNextPendingJobExecutionRejected​(StartNextPendingJobExecutionSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                          Consumer<RejectedError> handler,
                                                                                          Consumer<Exception> exceptionHandler)
        Subscribes to the rejected topic for the StartNextPendingJobExecution operation Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        exceptionHandler - callback function to invoke if an exception occurred deserializing a message
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToStartNextPendingJobExecutionRejected

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToStartNextPendingJobExecutionRejected​(StartNextPendingJobExecutionSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                          Consumer<RejectedError> handler)
        Subscribes to the rejected topic for the StartNextPendingJobExecution operation Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToUpdateJobExecutionAccepted

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToUpdateJobExecutionAccepted​(UpdateJobExecutionSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                Consumer<UpdateJobExecutionResponse> handler,
                                                                                Consumer<Exception> exceptionHandler)
        Subscribes to the accepted topic for the UpdateJobExecution operation Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        exceptionHandler - callback function to invoke if an exception occurred deserializing a message
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToUpdateJobExecutionAccepted

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToUpdateJobExecutionAccepted​(UpdateJobExecutionSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                Consumer<UpdateJobExecutionResponse> handler)
        Subscribes to the accepted topic for the UpdateJobExecution operation Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToUpdateJobExecutionRejected

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToUpdateJobExecutionRejected​(UpdateJobExecutionSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                Consumer<RejectedError> handler,
                                                                                Consumer<Exception> exceptionHandler)
        Subscribes to the rejected topic for the UpdateJobExecution operation Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        exceptionHandler - callback function to invoke if an exception occurred deserializing a message
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation
      • SubscribeToUpdateJobExecutionRejected

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> SubscribeToUpdateJobExecutionRejected​(UpdateJobExecutionSubscriptionRequest request,
                                                                                Consumer<RejectedError> handler)
        Subscribes to the rejected topic for the UpdateJobExecution operation Once subscribed, `handler` is invoked each time a message matching the `topic` is received. It is possible for such messages to arrive before the SUBACK is received. AWS documentation:
        request - Subscription request configuration
        qos - Maximum requested QoS that server may use when sending messages to the client. The server may grant a lower QoS in the SUBACK
        handler - callback function to invoke with messages received on the subscription topic
        a future containing the MQTT packet id used to perform the subscribe operation