Enumeration AwsSignedBodyValue

Values for use with signed_body_value.

Some services use special values (e.g. 'UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD') when the body is not being signed in the usual way.

Enumeration Members

EmptySha256: "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"

Use the SHA-256 of the empty string as the canonical request payload value

StreamingAws4HmacSha256Events: "STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-EVENTS"

Use the literal string 'STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-EVENTS' as the canonical request payload value

StreamingAws4HmacSha256Payload: "STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD"

Use the literal string 'STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD' as the canonical request payload value

UnsignedPayload: "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD"

Use the literal string 'UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD' as the canonical request payload value

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