Indicates the general category of an error thrown by the eventstream RPC implementation

Enumeration Members

ClientStateError: 4

An error occurred due to an attempt to invoke an API while the target operation or client is not in the right state to perform the API.

DeserializationError: 1

An error occurred while deserializing a message from the eventstream protocol into the client model.

HandshakeError: 2

An error occurred during the connect-connack handshake between client and server. Usually this means the connect was not accepted by the server and thus hints at an authentication problem.

InternalError: 3

An error that isn't classifiable as one of the other RpcErrorType values.

InterruptionError: 6

An error occurred where the underlying transport was shut down unexpectedly.

NetworkError: 5

An error occurred ostensibly due to an underlying networking failure.

SerializationError: 0

An error occurred while serializing a client model into a message in the eventstream protocol.

ServiceError: 8

A formally-modeled error sent from server to client

ValidationError: 7

Invalid data was passed into the RPC client.

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