Enumeration RejectedErrorCode

A value indicating the kind of error encountered while processing an AWS IoT Jobs request

Enumeration Members

INTERNAL_ERROR: "InternalError"

There was an internal error during the processing of the request.

INVALID_JSON: "InvalidJson"

The contents of the request could not be interpreted as valid UTF-8-encoded JSON.

INVALID_REQUEST: "InvalidRequest"

The contents of the request were invalid. The message contains details about the error.

INVALID_STATE_TRANSITION: "InvalidStateTransition"

An update attempted to change the job execution to a state that is invalid because of the job execution's current state. In this case, the body of the error message also contains the executionState field.

INVALID_TOPIC: "InvalidTopic"

The request was sent to a topic in the AWS IoT Jobs namespace that does not map to any API.

REQUEST_THROTTLED: "RequestThrottled"

The request was throttled.

RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND: "ResourceNotFound"

The JobExecution specified by the request topic does not exist.

TERMINAL_STATE_REACHED: "TerminalStateReached"

Occurs when a command to describe a job is performed on a job that is in a terminal state.

VERSION_MISMATCH: "VersionMismatch"

The expected version specified in the request does not match the version of the job execution in the AWS IoT Jobs service. In this case, the body of the error message also contains the executionState field.

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