Enumeration ClientExtendedValidationAndFlowControl

Additional controls for client behavior with respect to operation validation and flow control; these checks go beyond the MQTT5 spec to respect limits of specific MQTT brokers.

Enumeration Members

Enumeration Members

AwsIotCoreDefaults: 1

Apply additional client-side validation and operational flow control that respects the default AWS IoT Core limits.

Currently applies the following additional validation:

  1. No more than 8 subscriptions per SUBSCRIBE packet
  2. Topics and topic filters have a maximum of 7 slashes (8 segments), not counting any AWS rules prefix
  3. Topics must be <= 256 bytes in length
  4. Client id must be <= 128 bytes in length

Also applies the following flow control:

  1. Outbound throughput throttled to 512KB/s
  2. Outbound publish TPS throttled to 100
None: 0

Do not do any additional validation or flow control

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