
Chalice provides numerous features and capabilities right out of the box, but there are often times where you’ll want to customize the behavior of Chalice for your specific needs. You can accomplish this by using middleware, which lets you alter the request and response lifecycle. Chalice middleware is a function that you register as part of your application that will automatically be invoked by Chalice whenever your Lambda functions are called.

Below is an example of Chalice middleware:

from chalice import Chalice

app = Chalice(app_name='demo-middleware')

def my_middleware(event, get_response):
    app.log.info("Before calling my main Lambda function.")
    response = get_response(event)
    app.log.info("After calling my main Lambda function.")
    return response

def index():
    return {'hello': 'world'}

def sns_handler(event):

In this example, our middleware is emitting a log message before and after our Lambda function has been invoked. Because we specified an event type of all, the my_middleware function will be called when either our REST API’s index() or our sns_handler() Lambda function is invoked.

Writing Middleware

Middleware must adhere to these requirements:

  • Must be a callable object that accepts two parameters, an event, and a get_response function. The event type will depend on what type of handlers the middleware has been registered for (see “Registering Middleware” below).

  • Must return a response. This will be the response that gets returned back to the caller.

  • In order to invoke the next middleware in the chain and eventually call the actual Lambda handler, it must invoke get_response(event).

  • Middleware can short-circuit the request by returning its own response. It does not have to invoke get_response(event) if not needed. The response type should match the response type of the underlying Lambda handler.

Below is the simplest middleware in Chalice that does nothing:

def noop_middleware(event, get_response):
    # The `event` type will depend on what type of
    # Lambda handler is being invoked.
    return get_response(event)

Error Handling

With the exception of middleware for REST APIs, all middleware follow the same error handling strategy. Any exceptions from a Lambda handler are propagated back to each middleware. You can then catch these exceptions in your middleware and process them as needed. For example:

def handle_errors(event, get_response):
        return get_response(event)
    except MyCustomError as e:
        # We don't want MyCustomError to propagate, instead
        # we'll convert this to an error response dictionary.
        return {"Error": e.__class__.__name__,
                "Message": str(e)}

def noop_middleware(event, context):
    raise MyCustomError("Raising an error.")

If an exception is raised in a Lambda handler and no middleware catches the exception, the exception will be returned back to the client that invoked the Lambda function.

Rest APIs

Rest APIs have special error processing for backwards compatibility purposes. If a chalice view function (decorated via @app.route) raises an exception Chalice will automatically catch this exception and convert to a Response object with an appropriately set status code (see Error Handling). As a result, middleware for Rest APIs won’t see exceptions propagate, they will instead see a Response object as a result of calling get_response(event).

In the case where you want to allow an exception to propagate out of a view function, you can raise a chalice.ChaliceUnhandledError exception. For example:

from chalice import ChaliceUnhandledError

def handle_errors(event, get_response):
        return get_response(event)
    except ChaliceUnhandledError as e:
        return Response(status_code=500, body=str(e),
                        headers={'Content-Type': 'text/plain'})

def index():
    # The handle_errors middleware will never see this exception.
    # This will automatically be converted to a ``Response`` object
    # with a status code of ``500``.
    raise MyCustomError("Raising an error.")

def unhandled_error():
    # The handle_errors middleware will see this exception because it's
    # of type ChaliceUnhandledError.
    raise ChaliceUnhandledError("Raising an error.")

This is useful if you want to have middleware that applies to all event types that has consistent error handling behavior. If a chalice.ChaliceUnhandledError error is raised and no middleware catches and processes this error, then the standard error processing behavior will apply (a 500 response is returned back to the user, and if debug mode is enabled, the traceback is sent as the response body).

Registering Middleware

In order to register middleware, you use the @app.middleware() decorator. This function accepts a single arg that specifies what type of Lambda function it wants to be registered for. This allows you to apply middleware to only specific type of event handlers, e.g. only for REST APIs, or Websockets, or S3 event handlers. To register middleware for all Lambda functions, you can specify all. Below are the supported event types along with the corresponding type of event that will be provided to the middleware:


The chalice.LambdaFunctionEvent is the only case where the event type for the middleware does not match the event type of the corresponding Lambda handler. For backwards compatibility reasons, the existing signature of the @app.lambda_function() decorator is preserved (it accepts an event and context) whereas for middleware, a consistent signature is needed, which is why the chalice.LambdaFunctionEvent is used.

You can also use the Chalice.register_middleware() method, which has the same behavior as Chalice.middleware() except you provide the middleware function as an argument instead of decorating a function. This is useful when you want to import third party functions and use them as middleware.

import thirdparty

app.register_middleware(thirdparty.func, 'all')

You can also use the ConvertToMiddleware class to convert an existing Lambda wrapper to middleware. For example, if you had the following logging decorator:

def log_invocation(func):
    def wrapper(event, context):
        logger.debug("Before lambda function.")
        response = func(event, context)
        logger.debug("After lambda function.")
    return wrapper

def myfunction(event, context):
    logger.debug("In myfunction().")

Rather than decorate every Lambda function with the @log_invocation decorator, you can instead use ConvertToMiddleware to automatically apply this wrapper to every Lambda function in your app.

from chalice import ConvertToMiddleware


This is also useful to integrate with existing libraries that provide Lambda wrappers. See Integrating with AWS Lambda Powertools for a more complete example.


Below are some examples of common middleware patterns.

Short Circuiting a Request

In this example, we want to return a 400 bad response if a specific header is missing from a request. Because this is HTTP specific, we only want to register this handler for our http event type.

from chalice import Response

def require_header(event, get_response):
    # From the list above, because this is an ``http`` event
    # type, we know that event will be of type ``chalice.Request``.
    if 'X-Custom-Header' not in event.headers:
        return Response(
            body={"Error": "Missing required 'X-Custom-Header'"})
    # If the header exists then we'll defer to our normal request flow.
    return get_response(event)

Modifying a Response

In this example, we want to measure the processing time and inject it as a key in our Lambda response.

import time

def inject_time(event, get_response):
    start = time.time()
    response = get_response(event)
    total = time.time() - start
    response.setdefault('metadata', {})['duration'] = total
    return response

Integrating with AWS Lambda Powertools

AWS Lambda Powertools is a suite of utilities for AWS Lambda functions that makes tracing with AWS X-Ray, structured logging and creating custom metrics asynchronously easier.

You can use Chalice middleware to easily integrate Lambda Powertools with your Chalice apps. In this example, we’ll use the Logger and Tracer and convert them to Chalice middleware so they will be automatically applied to all Lambda functions in our application.

from chalice import Chalice
from chalice.app import ConvertToMiddleware

# First, instead of using Chalice's built in logger, we'll instead use
# the structured logger from powertools.  In addition to automatically
# injecting lambda context, let's say we also want to inject which
# route is being invoked.
from aws_lambda_powertools import Logger
from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer

app = Chalice(app_name='chalice-powertools')

logger = Logger(service=app.app_name)
tracer = Tracer(service=app.app_name)
# This will automatically convert any decorator on a lambda function
# into middleware that will be connected to every lambda function
# in our app.  This lets us avoid decoratoring every lambda function
# with this behavior, but it also works in cases where we don't control
# the code (e.g. registering blueprints).

# Here we're writing Chalice specific middleware where for any HTTP
# APIs, we want to add the request path to our structured log message.
# This shows how we can combine both Chalice-style middleware with
# other existing tools.
def inject_route_info(event, get_response):
    logger.structure_logs(append=True, request_path=event.path)
    return get_response(event)

def index():
    logger.info("In index() function, this will have a 'path' key.")
    return {'hello': 'world'}

def foobar():
    logger.info("In foobar() function")
    return {'foo': 'bar'}

def myfunction(event, context):
    logger.info("In myfunction().")
    tracer.put_annotation(key="Status", value="SUCCESS")
    return {}

For a more detailed walkthrough of configuring Chalice with Lambda Powertools, see Following serverless best practices with AWS Chalice and Lambda Powertools.

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