amazon-chime-sdk / / SurfaceTextureCaptureSource


interface SurfaceTextureCaptureSource : VideoCaptureSource

SurfaceTextureCaptureSource provides a Surface which can be passed to system sources like the camera. Upon start call, the source will listen to the surface and emit any new images as VideoFrame objects to any downstream VideoSink interfaces. This class is mostly intended for composition within VideoSource implementations which will pass the created Surface to a system source, then call addVideoSink to receive the frames before transforming and passing downstream.



Setting this to a positive value will lead the source to resend previously captured frames as necessary to approximately maintain the set value.

abstract var minFps: Int


Surface from which any buffers submitted to will be emitted as a VideoFrame. User must call start to start listening, and stop will likewise stop listening.

abstract val surface: Surface



Deallocate any state or resources held by this object. Not possible to reuse after call. Surface will have been released.

abstract fun release(): Unit



DefaultSurfaceTextureCaptureSource will provide a Surface which it will listen to and convert to VideoFrameTextureBuffer objects

class DefaultSurfaceTextureCaptureSource : SurfaceTextureCaptureSource