Adds an active speaker observer along with a policy to calculate active speaker scores
Subscribe to audio, video, and connection events with an AudioVideoObserver.
Subscribe the given observer to content share events (sharing started and stopped).
Adds an observer to receive callbacks about device changes.
Subscribe to meeting event related data with an observer.
Subscribe to metrics events with an MetricsObserver.
Subscribes to receive message on a topic, there could be multiple observers per topic
Subscribes to real time events with an observer
Subscribes to transcript event with an observer
Subscribe to Video Tile events with an VideoTileObserver.
Binds the video rendering view to Video Tile. The view will start displaying the video frame after the completion of this API.
Selects an audio device to use.
Remove the promoted attendee from the Primary meeting. This client will stop sharing audio, video, and data messages. This will revert the end-user to precisely the state they were before a call to promoteToPrimaryMeeting
Get the active input/output audio device in the meeting, return null if there isn't any.
Get the currently active camera, if any. This will return null if using a custom source, e.g. one passed in via AudioVideoControllerFacade.startLocalVideo
Retrieve common attributes, including deviceName, osName, and more.
Retrieve meeting history.
Lists currently available audio devices.
Pauses the specified remote video tile. Ignores the tileId if it belongs to the local video tile.
Allows an attendee in a Replica meeting to immediately transition to a Primary meeting attendee without need for reconnection.
Checks if Amazon Voice Focus is enabled.
Mute the audio input.
Unmutes the audio input.
Send message via data channel. Messages are only expected to be sent after audio video has started, otherwise will be ignored. Even though one can send data messages to any valid topic, in order to receive the messages from the given topic, one need to subscribed to the topic by calling addRealtimeDataMessageObserver. LifetimeMs specifies milliseconds for the given message can be stored in server side. Up to 1024 messages may be stored for a maximum of 5 minutes.
Enable or disable Amazon Voice Focus (ML-based noise suppression) on the audio input.
Removes an active speaker observer.
Unsubscribes from audio, video, and connection events by removing specified AudioVideoObserver.
Unsubscribe the given observer from content share events.
Removes an observer to stop receiving callbacks about device changes.
Unsubscribe from meeting event by removing the specified observer.
Unsubscribes from metrics by removing specified MetricsObserver.
Unsubscribes from a message topic
Unsubscribes from real time events by removing the specified observer
Unsubscribes from transcript event by removing the specified observer
Unsubscribes from Video Tile events by removing specified VideoTileObserver.
Resumes the specified remote video tile. Ignores the tileId if it belongs to the local video tile.
Starts audio and video.
Starts audio and video with the given configuration.
Start sharing the content of a given ContentShareSource.
Start sharing the content of a given ContentShareSource with configuration.
Start local video and begin transmitting frames from an internally held DefaultCameraCaptureSource. stopLocalVideo will stop the internal capture source if being used.
Start local video with configuration and begin transmitting frames from an internally held DefaultCameraCaptureSource. stopLocalVideo will stop the internal capture source if being used.
Start local video with a provided custom VideoSource which can be used to provide custom VideoFrame objects to be transmitted to remote clients
Start local video with with configuration and a provided custom VideoSource which can be used to provide custom VideoFrame objects to be transmitted to remote clients
Start remote video.
Stop sharing the content of a ContentShareSource that previously started.
Stops sending video for local attendee. This will additionally stop the internal capture source if being used. If using a custom video source, this will call VideoSource.removeVideoSink on the previously provided source.
Stop remote video.
Switches the currently active camera. This will no-op if using a custom source, e.g. one passed in via AudioVideoControllerFacade.startLocalVideo
Unbinds the video rendering view from Video Tile. The view will stop displaying the video frame after the completion of this API.
Add, update, or remove subscriptions to remote video sources provided via remoteVideoSourcesDidBecomeAvailable