Binds the video element to the tile if it exists for the provided tileId. This should also be called any time the layout of the video element changes, for example, when changing its dimensions.
This can be used to capture the image data for a given tile.
Returns the remote video tile
Get all video tiles.
Returns the current local video tile if it exists
Looks up a video tile from its tile id
Gets a video tile area in physical pixels
Returns the video tile associated with the given attendeeId
Returns whether the local video tile has been started.
Returns whether an attendeeId is associated with a video tile
Returns whether at least one video tile has a bound media stream.
Pauses the video tile if it exists and sends the updated video tile state to the meeting session's AudioVideoObserver’s videoTileDidUpdate callback. This API is intended to be called on the remote videos. If called on a local video tile, then the tile will no longer be updated, but the local video source will continue to be sent into the meeting.
Registers an observer that will be notified when the resolution of the video element changes, or when the video element is unbound.
Removes all the tiles.
Stops and removes a local video tile, if it exists. This calls removeVideoTile internally with the current local tileId.
Disconnects the video source from the video element bounded with the video tile, removes the tile by the tileId and the AudioVideoObserver’s videoTileWasRemoved callback is called with the removed tile id.
Removes a previously registered observer, stopping it from receiving any further notifications.
Removes any tiles that have the given attendee id and returns the tile ids of the tiles removed
Broadcasts a tile state update to the session observers.
Starts sharing the local video tile by creating a new video tile if one does not already exist. Binds the created local video tile to the local video stream and then returns its tile id.
Stops a local video tile, if it exists. The bounded video stream associated with the local video tile is released and set to null.
Unbinds the video element from the tile if it exists for the provided tileId
The video tile's bounded video element and that element's width
and height
are set to null.
Unpauses the video tile if it exists and sends the updated video tile state to the meeting session's AudioVideoObserver’s videoTileDidUpdate callback. This API is intended to be called on the remote videos and has no effect on the local video. When called on a remote video tileId, the remote video source will start getting the updates if paused earlier.
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Returns a new tile. The tile id is assigned automatically.