MQTT 3.1.1 client library
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iot_tests_mqtt_system.c File Reference

Full system tests for the MQTT library. More...

#include "iot_config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "iot_init.h"
#include "private/iot_mqtt_internal.h"
#include "platform/iot_clock.h"
#include "platform/iot_threads.h"
#include "unity_fixture.h"

Data Structures

struct  _operationCompleteParams_t
 Parameter 1 of _operationComplete. More...


#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_SERVER   true
 Determine which MQTT server mode to test (AWS IoT or Mosquitto).
 The maximum length of an MQTT client identifier. More...
#define GENERATE_TOPIC_WITH_SUFFIX(bufferName, suffix)
 Generates a topic by suffixing the client identifier with a suffix. More...


static IotMqttError_t _mqttConnect (const IotMqttNetworkInfo_t *pNetworkInfo, const IotMqttConnectInfo_t *pConnectInfo, uint32_t timeoutMs, IotMqttConnection_t *const pMqttConnection)
 Establish an MQTT connection. Retry if enabled.
static void _freePacket (uint8_t *pPacket)
 Packet free function override.
static IotMqttError_t _serializeConnect (const IotMqttConnectInfo_t *pConnectInfo, uint8_t **pConnectPacket, size_t *pPacketSize)
 Serializer override for CONNECT.
static IotMqttError_t _serializePublish (const IotMqttPublishInfo_t *pPublishInfo, uint8_t **pPublishPacket, size_t *pPacketSize, uint16_t *pPacketIdentifier, uint8_t **pPacketIdentifierHigh)
 Serializer override for PUBLISH.
static IotMqttError_t _serializePuback (uint16_t packetIdentifier, uint8_t **pPubackPacket, size_t *pPacketSize)
 Serializer override for PUBACK.
static IotMqttError_t _serializeSubscribe (const IotMqttSubscription_t *pSubscriptionList, size_t subscriptionCount, uint8_t **pSubscribePacket, size_t *pPacketSize, uint16_t *pPacketIdentifier)
 Serializer override for SUBSCRIBE.
static IotMqttError_t _serializeUnsubscribe (const IotMqttSubscription_t *pSubscriptionList, size_t subscriptionCount, uint8_t **pSubscribePacket, size_t *pPacketSize, uint16_t *pPacketIdentifier)
 Serializer override for UNSUBSCRIBE.
static IotMqttError_t _serializeDisconnect (uint8_t **pDisconnectPacket, size_t *pPacketSize)
 Serializer override for DISCONNECT.
static void _publishReceived (void *pArgument, IotMqttCallbackParam_t *pPublish)
 Subscription callback function. Checks for valid parameters and unblocks the main test thread.
static void _operationComplete (void *pArgument, IotMqttCallbackParam_t *pOperation)
 Operation completion callback function. Checks for valid parameters and unblocks the main test thread.
static void _subscribePublishWait (IotMqttQos_t qos)
 Run the subscribe-publish-wait tests at various QoS.
 Test group for MQTT system tests.
 Test setup for MQTT system tests.
 Test tear down for MQTT system tests.
 Test group runner for MQTT system tests.
void TEST_MQTT_System_SubscribePublishWaitQoS0_ (void)
 Subscribe-publish-wait (QoS 0).
void TEST_MQTT_System_SubscribePublishWaitQoS1_ (void)
 Subscribe-publish-wait (QoS 1).
void TEST_MQTT_System_SubscribePublishAsync_ (void)
 Subscribe-publish asynchronous (QoS 1).
void TEST_MQTT_System_LastWillAndTestament_ (void)
 Test that a LWT is published if an MQTT connection is unexpectedly closed.
void TEST_MQTT_System_RestorePreviousSession_ (void)
 Test that subscriptions from a previous session are restored.
void TEST_MQTT_System_WaitAfterDisconnect_ (void)
 Test that Wait can be safely invoked after Disconnect.


static const struct IotNetworkServerInfo _serverInfo = IOT_TEST_NETWORK_SERVER_INFO_INITIALIZER
 Network server info to share among the tests.
static IotMqttNetworkInfo_t _networkInfo = IOT_MQTT_NETWORK_INFO_INITIALIZER
 Network credential info to share among the tests. More...
static const IotMqttSerializer_t _mqttSerializer
 Function pointers to the default MQTT serializers. More...
static const IotMqttSerializer_t_pMqttSerializer = &_mqttSerializer
 The MQTT serializers to use in these tests.
static IotMqttConnection_t _mqttConnection = IOT_MQTT_CONNECTION_INITIALIZER
 An MQTT connection to share among the tests.
static const char _pSamplePayload []
 Filler text to publish. More...
static const size_t _samplePayloadLength = sizeof( _pSamplePayload ) - 1
 Length of _pSamplePayload.
static char _pClientIdentifier [CLIENT_IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH] = { 0 }
 Buffer holding the client identifier used for the tests.
static bool _freePacketOverride = false
 Tracks if _freePacket was called.
static bool _connectSerializerOverride = false
 Tracks if _connectSerializerOverride was called.
static bool _publishSerializerOverride = false
 Tracks if _publishSerializerOverride was called.
static bool _pubackSerializerOverride = false
 Tracks if _pubackSerializerOverride was called.
static bool _subscribeSerializerOverride = false
 Tracks if _subscribeSerializerOverride was called.
static bool _unsubscribeSerializerOverride = false
 Tracks if _unsubscribeSerializerOverride was called.
static bool _disconnectSerializerOverride = false
 Tracks if _disconnectSerializerOverride was called.

Detailed Description

Full system tests for the MQTT library.

Macro Definition Documentation



The maximum length of an MQTT client identifier.

When IOT_TEST_MQTT_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER is defined, this value must accommodate the length of IOT_TEST_MQTT_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER plus 4 to accommodate the Last Will and Testament test. Otherwise, this value is set to 24, which is the longest client identifier length an MQTT server is obligated to accept plus a NULL terminator.


#define GENERATE_TOPIC_WITH_SUFFIX (   bufferName,
char bufferName[ CLIENT_IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH + sizeof( suffix ) ] = { 0 }; \
( void ) snprintf( bufferName, \
CLIENT_IDENTIFIER_MAX_LENGTH + sizeof( suffix ), \
"%s%s", \
_pClientIdentifier, \
suffix );
The maximum length of an MQTT client identifier.
Definition: iot_tests_mqtt_system.c:98

Generates a topic by suffixing the client identifier with a suffix.

[in]bufferNameThe name of the buffer for the topic.
[in]suffixThe suffix to place at the end of the client identifier.

Variable Documentation

◆ _networkInfo

Network credential info to share among the tests.

An MQTT network setup parameter to share among the tests.

◆ _mqttSerializer

const IotMqttSerializer_t _mqttSerializer
Initial value:
.getPacketType = _IotMqtt_GetPacketType,
.getRemainingLength = _IotMqtt_GetRemainingLength,
.freePacket = _IotMqtt_FreePacket,
.serialize =
.publishSetDup = _IotMqtt_PublishSetDup,
.deserialize =
IotMqttError_t _IotMqtt_SerializePingreq(uint8_t **pPingreqPacket, size_t *pPacketSize)
Generate a PINGREQ packet.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:936
IotMqttError_t _IotMqtt_SerializeDisconnect(uint8_t **pDisconnectPacket, size_t *pPacketSize)
Generate a DISCONNECT packet.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:997
IotMqttError_t _IotMqtt_SerializePublish(const IotMqttPublishInfo_t *pPublishInfo, uint8_t **pPublishPacket, size_t *pPacketSize, uint16_t *pPacketIdentifier, uint8_t **pPacketIdentifierHigh)
Generate a PUBLISH packet from the given parameters.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:445
IotMqttError_t _IotMqtt_SerializeUnsubscribe(const IotMqttSubscription_t *pSubscriptionList, size_t subscriptionCount, uint8_t **pUnsubscribePacket, size_t *pPacketSize, uint16_t *pPacketIdentifier)
Generate an UNSUBSCRIBE packet from the given parameters.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:825
void _IotMqtt_FreePacket(uint8_t *pPacket)
Free a packet generated by the serializer.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:1024
IotMqttError_t _IotMqtt_DeserializeSuback(_mqttPacket_t *pSuback)
Deserialize a SUBACK packet.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:776
IotMqttError_t _IotMqtt_DeserializePublish(_mqttPacket_t *pPublish)
Deserialize a PUBLISH packet received from the server.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:538
IotMqttError_t _IotMqtt_DeserializePuback(_mqttPacket_t *pPuback)
Deserialize a PUBACK packet.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:666
void _IotMqtt_PublishSetDup(uint8_t *pPublishPacket, uint8_t *pPacketIdentifierHigh, uint16_t *pNewPacketIdentifier)
Set the DUP bit in a QoS 1 PUBLISH packet.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:503
IotMqttError_t _IotMqtt_DeserializeUnsuback(_mqttPacket_t *pUnsuback)
Deserialize a UNSUBACK packet.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:886
uint8_t _IotMqtt_GetPacketType(IotNetworkConnection_t pNetworkConnection, const IotNetworkInterface_t *pNetworkInterface)
Get the MQTT packet type from a stream of bytes off the network.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:210
IotMqttError_t _IotMqtt_SerializeSubscribe(const IotMqttSubscription_t *pSubscriptionList, size_t subscriptionCount, uint8_t **pSubscribePacket, size_t *pPacketSize, uint16_t *pPacketIdentifier)
Generate a SUBSCRIBE packet from the given parameters.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:715
IotMqttError_t _IotMqtt_DeserializePingresp(_mqttPacket_t *pPingresp)
Deserialize a PINGRESP packet.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:963
size_t _IotMqtt_GetRemainingLength(IotNetworkConnection_t pNetworkConnection, const IotNetworkInterface_t *pNetworkInterface)
Get the remaining length from a stream of bytes off the network.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:225
IotMqttError_t _IotMqtt_SerializePuback(uint16_t packetIdentifier, uint8_t **pPubackPacket, size_t *pPacketSize)
Generate a PUBACK packet for the given packet identifier.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:630
IotMqttError_t _IotMqtt_DeserializeConnack(_mqttPacket_t *pConnack)
Deserialize a CONNACK packet.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:331
IotMqttError_t _IotMqtt_SerializeConnect(const IotMqttConnectInfo_t *pConnectInfo, uint8_t **pConnectPacket, size_t *pPacketSize)
Generate a CONNECT packet from the given parameters.
Definition: iot_mqtt_serialize.c:281

Function pointers to the default MQTT serializers.

◆ _pSamplePayload

const char _pSamplePayload[]
Initial value:
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor"
" incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis "
"nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. "
"Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu"
" fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in"
" culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor"
" incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis "
"nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. "
"Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu"
" fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in"
" culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."

Filler text to publish.