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Structured types

Structured types of the BLE library. More...

Data Structures

struct  IotBleAdvertisementParams_t
 Structure containing all advertisement parameters. More...
struct  IotBleConnectionParam_t
 Connection parameters. More...
struct  IotBleConnectionInfoListElement_t
 Contains the connection info. Return when requested by IotBleGetConnectionInfoList. More...
struct  IotBleReadEventParams_t
 Parameters for read event. More...
struct  IotBleWriteEventParams_t
 Parameters for write event. More...
struct  IotBleExecWriteEventParams_t
 Parameters for write executed event. More...
struct  IotBleRespConfirmEventParams_t
 Parameters for confirmation response event. More...
struct  IotBleIndicationSentEventParams_t
 Parameters for indication sent event. More...
struct  IotBleAttributeEvent_t
 BLE Attribute event. More...
struct  IotBleAttributeData_t
 Basic info contained in an attribute. This is common to all attributes. More...
struct  IotBleEventResponse_t
 BLE Event response. More...
union  IotBleEventsCallbacks_t
 BLE events not directly triggered by a function call. Most of them are triggered by a remote device message. More...
struct  IotBleWifiProvListNetworksRequest_t
 Defines the list wifi networks request message structure sent from the provisioining app to the device. The request is used to list already provisioned networks as well as to scan nearby access points. More...
struct  IotBleWifiProvAddNetworkRequest_t
 Defines add wifi network request message structure sent from the provisioining app to the device. The request is used to provision a new access point with the credentials or to connect to an already provisioned access point. Inorder to connect to an already provisioned access point, a valid accessPointStoredIndex needs to be provided. Setting flag connectToAccessPoint to true results in the device first connecting to access point successfully before provisioning it in the flash. More...
struct  IotBleWifiProvEditNetworkRequest_t
 Defines edit wifi network request message structure sent from provisioning app to the device. The request is used to change the priority index for a provisioned access point. Priority index ranges from 0 (Max priority) to wificonfigMAX_NETWORK_PROFILES - 1 (Minimum priority). More...
struct  IotBleWifiProvDeleteNetworkRequest_t
 Defines delete access point request message structure sent from provisioning app to the device. The request is used to delete a provisioned access point at an index. Index ranges from 0 (Max priority) to wificonfigMAX_NETWORK_PROFILES - 1 (Minimum priority) More...
struct  IotBleWifiProvNetworkInfo_t
 Defines the structure used to hold a scanned or saved network information. More...
struct  IotBleWifiProvResponse_t
 Defines the structure used to hold the wifi provisioning response. More...

Detailed Description

Structured types of the BLE library.