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BLE events not directly triggered by a function call. Most of them are triggered by a remote device message. More...
#include <iot_ble.h>
BLE events not directly triggered by a function call. Most of them are triggered by a remote device message.
IotBle_MtuChangedCallback_t IotBleEventsCallbacks_t::pMtuChangedCb |
MTU changed event
IotBle_ConnectionCallback_t IotBleEventsCallbacks_t::pConnectionCb |
Connection event.
IotBle_PairingStateChanged_t IotBleEventsCallbacks_t::pGAPPairingStateChangedCb |
Pairing state changed event.
IotBle_ConnParameterUpdateRequestCallback_t IotBleEventsCallbacks_t::pConnParameterUpdateRequestCb |
Connection parameter update event.
IotBle_NumericComparisonCallback_t IotBleEventsCallbacks_t::pNumericComparisonCb |
Pairing request.
void* IotBleEventsCallbacks_t::pvPtr |
Used for generic operations.